I have a lot of fun with Acronyms! I created one for the Month of May in an earlier post, and now I've created a new one for July. Above you will see the video I posted on IG to share my acronym, plus I've included it below in text format so you can use it as a journaling prompt or simply a reminder to initiate more JOY.
Here's my Acronym for JULY: JOY UNEARTHED LIFTS YOU See what you can do with this acronym! You can get creative in your journal, art journal, or sketchbook and/or create a doodle for it! Just have fun reminding yourself to initiate more JOY on a daily basis. How can you unearth more JOY today? This Month? All summer? May JOY Find You in the Most Unexpected Places. Copyright 2017 Dawn Herring
5/24/2017 JournalChat Live FB Video: Why it is important to have relevance in your journaling practiceRead NowHere is the video replay from my first #JournalChat Live Facebook Video in our private group. I share how my journaling practice is relevant for me in my intuitive watercolor painting practice as well as in discovering life patterns where I want to create positive change. Plus I share news about my website, my blog, and social media and the ongoing #JournalChat OPEN HOUSE which you can contribute to right now.
Here are some links in connection with what I shared in the video: JournalChat Live OPEN HOUSE Journaling Prompts 21 Day Refresh Intensive JournalChat Favorites My post on Dialogue called Making Conversation Journaling Prompt: Record any life patterns that are making you feel stuck and use dialogue to ask questions and get answers. Use alternating hands: dominant for the question and non dominant for the answer. Art Journaling/ Doodle Prompt: Use a page or spread in your art journal or create a doodle that emphasizes a life pattern you want to change and what you want it to look like in your re-alignment.
Here is the audio version of my book review for Creative Revolution by Flora Bowley.
Dawn's Great Reads: Creative Revolution by Flora Bowley
I discovered Flora Bowley through her first book, Brave Intuitive Painting, which I adored. Being an intuitive watercolor painter, I was immediately drawn to Flora's approach to painting and also to life.
So, when I heard that she had a new book out, Creative Revolution, I decided to check it out and see what else she had to share about this intuitive painting process and intuitive life in general. And I am so glad I did! Flora's zest for an authentic creative life is very inspiring to begin with. And her intuitive painting process really resonates with me as an artist. So I thought I would share my thoughts with you concerning her book, Creative Revolution, which I thoroughly enjoyed reading and digesting. Flora breaks the book down into three parts reflecting the dimensions of life concerning mind, body, and spirit and how each of those dimensions directly impacts the creative process and the creative life. She shares insightful parts of her own creative story, and she generously shows her painting process from start to finish. She has provided many insightful and eye opening exercises to help you get in a better frame of mind as you ready yourself for the creative process. She addresses the mind, the body and the spirit and shows how they complement each other and how they influence each other in a very positive way. And she also explains the importance of paying attention to each of those dimensions and addresses issues that you may find yourself facing that create challenges for your creative process. I find her unique approach to the actual painting of the canvas to be interesting, fun, and eye-opening. Her primary medium is acrylic paint which makes the layering process very spontaneous and has ease of use. It's amazing to see how complex and dynamic her paintings develop through this many layered process. I also like the fact that she turns the painting in order to provide a fresh perspective on what's already there on the canvas. It can help with the problem of painting yourself into a box! As an intuitive watercolor painter, I am more deeply experiencing a new approach with gouache, and since it has a more opaque application versus transparent watercolor, it would be interesting and fun to try this layering process with gouache and see where it might lead! I highly recommend this book due to Flora's deep insight into the creative process with mind, body and spirit. I'm sure that it will encourage you, inspire you, and give you some new ideas to run with in your creative process. Flora also includes many images from her live workshops and from her personal painting practice, which is beautifully done. Journaling prompt: What brave step are you eager to take in your creative practice to enhance your every day life? What does that look like for you? Detail this in a journal entry and determine what small step you can take that will open up new pathways for you. Art journaling/Doodle prompt: Using images that inspire your creative mind and heart or/and using brave as a word prompt, create an journal spread or doodle that showcases your dreams in your creative life. Copyright 2017 Dawn Herring Copyright 2017 Book review Header by Dawn Herring
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My Acronym for May!I originally posted this on Instagram but decided to share it with you here at Refresh Daily so you wouldn't miss this great JOY tip!
I have created an acronym for the month of May: Mindfully Ask Yourself Ask yourself what? What brings you joy!? ☀️☺️👏 And you can begin asking yourself that question by starting with your personal preferences. This can be applied anytime you choose what you will eat, wear, read, watch, listen to, etc. 👍☺️☀️ And as you choose joy each time you engage in something in your day, you're training yourself to choose joy and to attract more joy into your every day life! ☀️❤️☺️ This will help you build more confidence in your decision making skills when it comes to things that have more gravity to them, such as relationships, your work, and other areas of your life where you have to make choices that will impact other people too. ❤️👍☺️ So, don't forget to ask yourself what brings you joy! Copyright 2017 Dawn Herring I am introducing a new element of audio here at Refresh Daily! I have recorded the blog post below so you have to option of listening in addition to or instead of reading. You are welcome to leave a comment below if you listen and share your feedback. Dawn's Ten Life DirectivesI ran into an interesting series of videos on YouTube called The Ten Rules for Success hosted by Evan Carmichael. He takes clips of folks being interviewed and creates a list of rules for success based on what the person shares. I found this to be insightful and thought provoking, and so much so, out of creative curiosity, I decided to come up with a list of my own. I wrote them down late 2016 and I've decided to share them with you here, so you can see what Directives I follow for a more Creative, Joy-Filled Aligned path in this present life. You are welcome to consider these directives for your personal application and maybe even come up with a few of your own (which you're welcome to share in the comments below, if you'd like). It's important to know how we live and why we live the way we do and to be very deliberate about our decisions, choices and actions since we know they will not only impact ourselves as individuals but also those around us, be it family, friends, neighbors, communities and the world wide, especially if we share it in this digital world of the Internet. Hope my list of Directives will give you food for thought and some creative inspiration. 1. Stay Aligned with Who You Are
2. Appreciate Yourself for Who You Are 3. Validate Your Emotions and Feelings 4. Nurture Your Soul 5. Stay Connected To Spirit 6. Express Yourself Creatively Every Day 7. Follow Your Curiosity 8. Honor Your Preferences, Your Personality and Your Purpose 9. Give Yourself Permission to do something daily that lifts your spirit and leaves you feeling fabulous. 10. Say No to anything that does not honor your Well Being. And here's a bonus Directive: 11. Find Your Truth that keeps you centered and grounded so you will recognize illusion when you see it. And there you have it. These directives came immediately to mind as I wrote them. They are part of the basic tenants I share here at Refresh with Dawn Herring, and here on this blog, Refresh Daily. Journaling Prompt: Make a list of your life principles or directives that you already follow or that you would like to implement in your own life. You may want to detail what each one means to you and why you want to initiate this positive change in your life. Art Journaling/Doodle Prompt: Using a 2 page spread in your art journal, create a visual honoring of the principals you live by. Use pens and markers to doodle the lettering or use alpha stamps. Use the colors that inspire positive change you want to make, perhaps a color that is new to you that you're really drawn to right now. EnJOY your life today, and may JOY find you in the most unexpected places. Copyright 2017 Dawn Herring Header Copyright 2017 Dawn Herring Hello dear Refresh Daily friends! This is my first post of 2017 after the relaunch of my new website. Today I did my first Facebook Live video (after working with Periscope late 2015 and early 2016.) What is Creatively Inspiring You and Me? was our topic and we had a wonderful time sharing on both sides! I talk several times about our new Private Facebook Group, Your Path to Joy, plus other specific things that I've been excited about in my creative life. The original video in it's entirety can be viewed on my Facebook profile as well. I hope you get inspired to initiate more JOY in your life as a result of tuning in. Journaling Prompt:
What is creatively inspiring you right now? Has this been repeated or is it something new? Write an entry to whatever it is, telling it what you love about it and why you want to do it again. Art Journaling/Doodling prompt: Use Creative Inspiration as your word prompt for an art journal spread or doodle the name of what is creatively inspiring you right now using the colors that bring you the most joy! May JOY Find You in the Most Unexpected Places! Copyright 2017 Dawn Herring One of the things I often note with the issue of keeping a consistent journaling practice is the lack of relevance with what we write. Many folks start up keeping a journal but never find their particular groove of what really matters to them. They often find it depressing to write down how they're feeling or it just gets down right boring since they don't see their life as very interesting, maybe even not worth recording.
Of course, as host of #JournalChat Live for over 6 years, I beg to differ. Every life is worth recording because it's from your point of view, like no other, and your JOURNALING VOICE MATTERS. That's one of the reasons I determined to give folks a chance to share their journaling stories on their blogs and in social media statuses by offering to share their posts where #JournalChat is visible both here on my website (with reciprocating link) and here---> (Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn). Of course you are welcome to share how your journaling has had the greatest relevance to your life this year. Just follow the guidelines here. With today's post, I wanted to share with you how my journaling practice has had the greatest relevance for me in 2016... Although I keep a journal daily, with both am and pm entries, and with evening doodles to make it visually fun as well, there is one technique and purpose that has shown up in my journal pages this year that I think might be helpful to you as well. One of my favorite techniques is making conversation, or what most call Dialogue. With who?, you may ask. Well, with just about anything or yourself (all parts of you). My aim with dialogue is focused on my personal well being on all levels. So when something isn't right on any of those personal levels, I will head to my journal to figure out what went wrong and what I can do to get re-aligned. And you know what? I always get an answer to my dilemma. It amazes me what I learn just from asking the questions I want answers to. Of course, it's imperative that I actually do what I'm directed to with the answers I receive (within reason, of course). That's one of the reasons why I know keeping a journal can be a powerful tool to promote and initiate positive change that leads to personal empowerment. You might think it odd to ask a question of yourself and actually get an answer. And maybe at first it feels a bit strange. But if you're serious about getting what you need, that's often a good prerequisite toward success. You may need to do it more than once if you haven't done it before. But, don't be shy. After all, it's your journal. And it's there for you to help you figure stuff out. And dialogue can be the perfect way to get you there. When you actually do dialigue in your journal, just use the names to suit your situation, whether it's an emotion, a body part, a situation, a relationship or anything else you need clarity on. Here's some dialogue to make you smile: Me: Do you understand the value of talking to yourself (Your Higher Self) in your journal? You: I'm not sure. I guess it's worth a try. You betcha! (Enjoy the conversation and create positive change in your life!) Journaling Prompt: Is there a particular situation or pain you are experiencing that you need answers to? Record this situation in detail in your journal. Now begin a dialogue with the part of it that frustrates you or pains you the most and start asking questions. Pause for the answers, listening intuitively for what you need. Art Journal Prompt: Using the word Dialogue as your prompt, doodle conversation that has great meaning for you. Use images that validate how you feel about this conversation and what result you would like to see from the situation this conversation stems from to help you gain clarity.
I always love it when I find a resource that just hits the spot for me as an artist and creative. And Danny Gregory's book, The Creative License, is just such an example. I discovered Danny Gregory through a Creative Living with Jamie Podcast on Jamie Ridler's website. I was so inspired and impressed with the interview, I decided to check out Danny's website and books.
I saw that he had several, one of which I wanted to read right away, a memoir called, Every Day Matters, but I decided to check out his book, The Creative License too. I'm so glad I did.
There are several reasons why I enjoyed and found myself inspired by this book. Danny has a way of presenting the act of drawing from a totally refreshed and relaxed approach, a way of observing your life and the many things and people around you, but in an almost Zen-like quality, totally focused, totally in the flow.
This approach really opened me up to the possibilities of where I could go with my Creative Practice, adding to it in a way I hadn't done before. I did contour and detail drawing in my youth, and did faces for a long time, but all basically from images. Danny's approach to drawing what you see from objects right in front of you intrigued me. I love his step by step narrative for those who have never drawn before or think they can't.
Another thing I loved about this book was Danny's voice: his attitude, his personality, his authenticity and his laugh-out-loud sense of humor. Even if you have never drawn anything before, just the read is worth it because Danny makes the whole explanation of why drawing can benefit you so much fun, entertaining and insightful.
This book is full of full color and black and white illustrations and Danny's no-nonsense attitude about getting a daily sketchbook practice going, with no concern for what it looks like, if it's any "good" artistically speaking, and seeing the whole experience as learning more about yourself and your world.
Danny inspired me so much through The Creative License, I decided to start a drawing practice in addition to my daily journaling, watercolor painting and doodling. I've presented several of these drawings just to give you an idea of how I've approached it, with no concern for how "artistic" it looks. He does recommend starting with just black pen (no pencil, no erasing or correcting--just draw and don't worry about it!) so these drawings are just that. As an artist, I've always had admiration for folks who keep a sketchbook full of pen and watercolor drawings, and Danny is one of those people. Thanks, Danny, for being a source of inspiration for me as an artist and observer of life. Journaling Prompt: Write down a way that you are an observer of your own life. Also, write down a way you would like to be an observer that you haven't tried before and what you can do to get started. Art Journaling: Using the word, Observe, create a spread that pays homage to how you view your world. How does your point of view enhance to the way you see life?
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When you look at something in your immediate surroundings that you put there, what comes to mind? Does it just become a back ground visual or does it stir you in some way? Is there a reason why it's there? It can be anything. From a piece of clothing to your laptop or the car in your driveway. It could be paint supplies, a toolbox or a memento from a loved one. It really doesn't matter what it is. It's a matter of what it means to you. How does it benefit you? I think when we take a closer look at what we have chosen to have around us, it can teach us something about ourselves. And perhaps having a new appreciation for what it is, what it does and why we chose it can activate a higher awareness of what matters to us. And, in essence, it can invoke gratitude. But what is the essence of gratitude? Is it just an attitude? An idea? Or just an expected reference to the Thanksgiving Holiday? When we see something anew and ask ourselves, why do I have this? What does it do for me? And we answer those questions, we can discover a fresh vision of Who We Are right now. Especially since what we say today may not have been true a year ago or even a month ago. How we perceive what we own or what we choose for ourselves can speak volumes about what is inside our hearts. And when we get that fresh perspective on what we may not think about very often, we can find ourselves smiling and saying, Wow. I think I should consider how benefited I am more often. We can lose sight of the 'why' of what we possess, which can sometimes cover the essence of what we value. It can be as simple as appreciating the towel we dry our hands off with or the necklace we wear that was a gift from a loved one. Or even the calculator we use in the office. Seeing anew what we value and saying, I am glad I have this, it makes life easier and more pleasurable, can instigate the essence of appreciation and gratitude that can especially carry us when we feel heavy with burden. Carry that essence of what you appreciate with you every day. You may find yourself smiling when you least expect to. Journaling Prompt: Write a list of three things in your immediate environment. Detail where they came from, who gave them to you if applicable or why you purchased it. How does it benefit you most? Would you buy it again if given the chance? Capture the essence of your appreciation for these things. Art Journaling Prompt: Use images of some of your favorite things and doodle your appreciation for their value in your life, what they remind you of, and what meaning they have for you. Isn't it fun to dress up in a costume and take on a persona for a day or evening? With Halloween coming up, I was thinking about folks who dress up in costume for either a party gathering or dressing up with the kids as we take them out into the neighborhood for some Trick or Treat activity.
I have many memories of my costumes over the years from my childhood and adolescence. From a China Girl to a monster to a rock star with microphone in hand. Fun times! Pretending to be something other than what we are on this dress-up day can be interesting and lively. But when we take that pretense into our everyday, that takes on more of a Trick vibe than a Treat. We may have dreams and goals we aspire to fulfill, yet we find ourselves falling short simply because what we have in our imagination doesn't really align with what's in our heart. We may get side tracked or distracted by what others are doing and want to align with their direction even when it doesn't quite feel right inside. That's when we need to really get honest with ourselves and take a closer look at what we perceive is "missing" in our personality and in the roles we play in life and see what we are already doing that we may not be giving ourselves credit for. We don't need to pretend to be something or someone we aren't in order to "fit in" or to make ourselves feel better about how we think we don't measure up. This is just a mean ole trick we play on ourselves that throws us out of our center and leaves us feeling less than. No. Instead we need to FULLY EMBRACE EXACTLY WHO WE ARE. Relish the specifics of our personality, our preferences and our purpose in life. This is the greatest TREAT we can give ourselves, loving ourselves from the inside out, seeing ourselves honestly and with gratitude for what we have to offer the world. It's okay to pretend once in a while...use your imagination and have some fun. But don't allow that to create discontentment with who you are and where you are right now. Now, this doesn't mean you can't create positive change. It simply means you start from that honest, raw place of truth to get you started and then take one small step at a time toward what you know is right for you. No tricks. Just joyful, deliciousness to treat yourself with that fills your heart to the full. Journaling Prompt: Write a letter to the self you may sometimes pretend to be and tell that persona why you are attracted to it. Then share why you love yourself just as you are. Then determine what one small step you can take toward loving yourself more and bring about essential positive change that you want to make in your heart of hearts. Art Journaling Prompt: Using images of people in costume, create a spread honoring that persona you think is the most fun and doodle words around the spread sharing why you like it so much. Then Honor Who You Are right now in color, image or doodle. Copyright 2016 Dawn Herring Copryight 2016 Header Image by Dawn Herring |
![]() Dawn HerringDawn engages in many roles: As Writer/Blogger and Artist/Creative and Founder of Refresh with Dawn Herring: Where Art and JOY Align, She enjoys sharing from her vast experience as award-winning, life-long artist and leader in the field of written journaling, offering encouragement and proven tips to other journal keepers. Dawn's focus is on written journal keeping, artistic expression and finding your Creative Voice, and positive change that leads personal empowerment, encouraging you to leave your authentic and positive mark in the world. Dawn is a Commercial artist, hand letterer/illustrator and writer/blogger and enjoys sharing insights, humor, and encouragement as she shares from her life experiences as a woman, wife, mother of two grown daughters and as a Grandparent to a special needs grandson. She enjoys keeping a journal and reading spiritual texts to help keep the light on. May JOY Align with Your Creative Heart. Archives
August 2019