Hello friends, journal keepers, creatives, and live event engagers! I am excited to announce my next JOYFest Live Event with a Super Fun Twist that I am calling, Musical Chairs, since our Fun Joy-Filled Focus is Music and how it helps us initiate more JOY every day! Here's the FUN approach I'll be taking on Wednesday, 3/28/18, starting at 1 CST/2 EST on social media. I will be going LIVE in three separate locations, the first two on Facebook and the final one on Instagram. If you want to join me for these fun segments, follow this link to the full invite. And if you want to get these invites in your inbox, just sign up to subscribe.** I love showing you surprises and giving examples of how to initiate more JOY in your life to create positive change that leads to personal empowerment! Check out this JOYFest Live Event Invite here and do join me! And remember, my course, 21 Day Refresh Intensive contains three separate days with a focus on Music that can really open up your JOY and give you some deeper insight into the music that matters to you. **When you subscribe, you will automatically receive The JOY Finder and 10 Steps into JOY, my gift to you!
Hello friends, journal keepers, creatives and JOY Finders!! I'm excited to share with you another edition of My Path to JOY video recorded here at Refresh with Dawn Herring from my studio, where I share what I'm thinking about, reading, painting and anything NEW that's going on. These videos are exclusive content to subscribers only, not to be seen anywhere else.
Here's a list of what is featured is this My Path to JOY for 3/20/18: *music fun with journaling prompt *book recommendation *7 Steps to Creative Clarity *Details about something NEW at Refresh with Dawn Herring with a CONTEST. *plus some art viewing and sharing not seen anywhere else! So if you want exclusive access to all this creative, fun, inspiring content, just subscribe, and you'll get it automatically along with future videos, whether exclusive or early access.**
**When you subscribe, you will automatically receive The JOY Finder newsletter and 10 Steps Into JOY.
I am so excited to share with you my new Episode 3 of Refresh Daily Podcast: Narrowing the Field, where I share tips on how I decide what to keep in my daily tasks. As I mentioned in my 2017 Review, I had planned to create more episodes of my podcast, so here you have another one! See link below for what is mentioned in the audio. EnJOY!
7 Steps to Creative Clarity-your link to some Fun and Insight! Dawn's Life Directives and Affirmations Coloring Pages with Prompts-your link to relaxation and fun! And if you'd like to receive more great creative-inducing content, including exclusive content I don't share anywhere else, just subscribe below and you won't miss a thing!**
**When you subscribe, you will automatically receive The JOY Finder and 10 Steps into JOY.
Hello friends, subscribers, creatives, journal keepers and JOY Finders! I'm back again with a new Acronym since I love creating new ways to get that JOY inspiration and learn something new about myself in the process. So I thought I'd share it with you.
Spring is on the horizon and I am eager to see all that new growth, trees budding, birds singing, etc, aren't you? **This video was shared behind the scenes for subscribers first. If you want to continue to get Early Access to content I create from my studio, do subscribe today! And some of what I share with subscribers is exclusive, not being shared anywhere else!
**When you subscribe, you will automatically receive The JOY Finder and 10 Steps into JOY, my gift to you.
Hello there, friends, creatives, journal keepers and JOY Finders! I'm excited to share with you something new I'm doing here at Refresh with Dawn Herring. I've decided to create a pre-recorded video series called, My Path to JOY, where I share what I'm thinking about, what I'm reading and other things that I won't be sharing in the public space on live video. I've created a list below of what is included in my first My Path to JOY video where I come to you from my studio and share what I'm diving into, what I'm dabbling in, and of course my art and some prompts for you to run with in your journaling practice. For My Path to JOY March 6, 2018 video, this is what I share: *recent creative reads *new artist supplies *deep journaling with my monthly themes (with a word about my course, 7 Steps to Creative Clarity) *artist plans in my studio *a fun music based game we can play together including PROMPTS for your journaling practice *plus a look at my most recent completed intuitive watercolor painting titled, "Migration" and *information about a new service I'm working on at Refresh with Dawn Herring and how YOU can get in on it... I'm only making this pre-recorded video, My Path to JOY (3/6/18), available to subscribers...so you're welcome to sign up, and then you will receive it automatically!** Thanks so much for your interest in what's happening with me and here at Refresh with Dawn Herring. I look forward to connecting with you! Happy watching! (And you're welcome to leave a comment here or by email to let me know how you enjoyed My Path to JOY.) **When you subscribe to receive My Path to JOY, you will automatically receive The JOY Finder newsletter, and a free gift from me, 10 Steps into JOY.
Dawn HerringDawn engages in many roles: As Writer/Blogger and Artist/Creative and Founder of Refresh with Dawn Herring: Where Art and JOY Align, She enjoys sharing from her vast experience as award-winning, life-long artist and leader in the field of written journaling, offering encouragement and proven tips to other journal keepers. Dawn's focus is on written journal keeping, artistic expression and finding your Creative Voice, and positive change that leads personal empowerment, encouraging you to leave your authentic and positive mark in the world. Dawn is a Commercial artist, hand letterer/illustrator and writer/blogger and enjoys sharing insights, humor, and encouragement as she shares from her life experiences as a woman, wife, mother of two grown daughters and as a Grandparent to a special needs grandson. She enjoys keeping a journal and reading spiritual texts to help keep the light on. May JOY Align with Your Creative Heart. Archives
August 2019