Hello friends, journal keepers, creatives, artists and small business owners. I am excited to share with you the replay of The ART of JOY with Dawn Herring interview hosted by Andrea Lewis, from her live Radio Show, Heal Past Wounds and Bring JOY Back, which took place on March 7. We chatted about how journaling is a power tool for personal empowerment, my artistic and journaling practices and how JOY can be simple to incorporate into day to day life.
I thoroughly enJOYed our conversation and trust that you will be inspired and get motivated to start your journaling practice or to take it to the next level, as well as have impetus to Find Your Creative Voice. EnJOY and do leave a comment below with your feedback. We'd love to hear from you!
Hello dear friends, subscribers, journal keepers, creatives, artists, small business owners! It's great to be with you again here in this New Year of 2019!! Happy New Year to you all! With this new year having begun and moving at a quick pace (always, right?), I have managed to determine a focal word, which I have done for 6 or 7 years now, most of the time it having a positive impact on my focus for the year. For this year of 2019, My Word is SPACE. I shared briefly about this word choice with my subscribers to The ART of JOY. Click the image to sign up if you're not already! (Then you'll also get The ART of Journaling Tool box, filled with 7 Power Tools for your journaling practice to help keep it relevant, revealing and renewing!) I wanted to go more in depth into what the word Space means for me and why I chose it. Space can connote making space for something--such as creative time in my studio, or time to write and sing with my tambourine, or watching a movie if I want to. Space can also suggest room for Quiet: the space where I sit in stillness, meditate and relax. To me, this is imperative. I began this practice more regularly last year in connection with my spiritual practice of prayer/meditation/singing/study and songwriting. This time is stillness has been profound, so SPACE is a huge initiator for that time of Quiet. In this fast paced world, Quiet seems so foreign, doesn't it? That's why we have to choose to make space for it. And when in meditation, that space can infiltrate into our thought process, leaving room for peace and JOY. Space can also suggest to me the area around me literally; whether in my office, my studio, or in my private space in my bedroom. It can mean honoring my preferences with what I see, hear and feel around me. Color, texture, books I love, and even my small clock that sits on my desk so I can see what time it is at a glance. When I think of my bedroom, the word Comfort comes to mind. Soft blankets, fluffy pillows, comfortable bed linens, and a place for all my essentials, such as my journal, my markers and pens, my lap desk, and my PJs. What feels good to me is important; I have found myself asking myself, what brings you comfort? And I really pay attention to that. My throw that I use in my bed looks like a leopard print and it feels as soft as a cat's fur! (I don't currently have a cat so it's a nice side effect.) So I really enJOY using it. Did you know that writing in my journal actually comforts me? Especially when I want to express angst, disappointment, or struggle that I'm dealing with currently. I feel better afterwards, because I feel heard, even though it's just me speaking in my personal journal; or it may just seem that way since, for me, it's also my sharing with my Higher Self as well, which is important to me. Perhaps you would derive more comfort through a journaling practice, if you don't already have one. Just click on the image for The ART of Journaling Tool box to help you get started or to get a boost when you need it most! Those 7 Power Tools are my go-to to keep things fresh, fabulous and fun! Choosing the word SPACE can also suggest making room for Curiosity--giving myself "permission" to follow something that interests me, whether watching a video, searching for a book title I'd like to check out, or looking at art that inspires me. There are so many ways I can honor Who I Am as an Artist, and making Space for my Curiosity is important to me. Especially when it comes to stuff others around me have no interest in. What really matters is that I have interest. I love viewing other's journal page spreads and how they create their own planners, or sketch with pen and fill with watercolor. What inspires me as an Artist, Designer and Creative is important enough to me in which to Make Space. So whether, I'm looking for Quiet, Comfort or want to follow my Curiosity, Making Space, being Mindful of my Choices with how and where I spend my time and its impact on my well being, is a way to give me clarity about Who I am and my Purpose which is a peaceful and JOYFul place to be. And when I experience the positive effects of these essences of Space, I can then share them with YOU, dear friend! Journaling Prompt: Have you chosen your word for the year? If so, why did you choose it and what do you hope this word focus will help you accomplish? Always remember that the word choice purpose is to create awareness so you can be mindful of what's important to you. Let this be a nourishing time to help get your New Year Started right. Art Journaling Prompt: Using the word, Space, or your own Word Choice, as a prompt, use colors and textures that speak to that word choice, stamping out its meaning with alpha stamps or cut out letters from magazines. You're welcome to use an image of yourself to focus on what this word means to you. Doodle Prompt: I love doodling a word or phrase at the end of my day to encapsulate its meaning for me. You can use your Word for 2019 and really give it some pizzazz with your favorite markers, pens, pencils, paints...whatever suits your fancy. Really have fun with this one. Copyright 2019 by Dawn Herring
Copyright 2019 Images by Dawn Herring As an artist and creative, I’m always looking to stretch myself and try new things, sort of change things up to keep me on my creative toes but not so much that I feel strained or burdened. JOY is what drives me to pursue different paths. My curiosity gets initiated and then I eventually just MUST make space to try out what’s been in my heart and desire to do. One of the issues I face as a artist is putting myself in a creative box, one I invent for myself, sometimes, without even realizing it. Then I begin to feel the confinement of that box, like something doesn’t feel quite right. Like my creative freedom is being minimized somehow. We all put ourselves in boxes of one sort or another, don’t we? And often, we have no idea that we have done so. We just start to feel restless, like something has to change, or we might just get a little annoyed! As a painter, for the past several years, I’m delved into intuitive transparent watercolor, both on canvas and on watercolor paper. I built myself a portfolio, both for public viewing as well as some personal paintings I have tucked away. But, alas, I have still felt other artistic urgings begging for attention, and I think they were starting to feel forlorn that I hadn’t done something about it already! Well, it was just a matter of time before I broke out of my transparent watercolor box and decided to try some mixed media, often a combination of transparent watercolor and gouache paint (which is more opaque in nature), as well as adding pen work with india ink. Plus the subject matter that has been pining after me has been fashion focused whether garments, jewelry, or handbags and shoes, etc. In the past year, I did do several pen renderings of my own jewelry and then I added a bit of watercolor marker for a colorful flair. But recently, I decided to make space for a fashion rendering of a colorful fur jacket that I’ve had pinned to my inspiration wall for some time now. Out came my gouache paints and my sketchbook, and I finally went to town with a paintbrush. I didn’t do any sketching ahead of time for structure or for figure work. I just started applying paint and ran with it. After the initial gouache groundwork, the next day I used my Winsor Newton watercolor markers and Faber Castell Artist Pitt Pens for added depth and texture. So this is basically my first attempt at rendering a fashion piece with paint and pen after many years of sketching/drawing fashions with pencil in my youth. I was quite delighted with the result. No, it isn’t perfect and I see my flaws. But it was a complicated piece and I’m satisfied with how it came together.
I’m sharing this with you, dear reader and friend, to show you the importance of making space for what is calling to you. Whatever it may be. I know we all have busy lives. And we all fall into our ruts of sorts that we just naturally follow, until we feel that pining inside and finally decide to do something about it. I’m glad I did. Yes, it took me a while from the time I pinned that image. But timing is everything. And I did this rendering on the heels of another painting I just completed, that is a combination of transparent watercolor, gouache, and collage with card stock, which is another creative goal I have met. Yes, in a sense, I feel like I'm on a roll with breaking out of the boxes I was in for a long time and really making space for the new. It doesn’t mean I’m going to donate all of my time to those new ventures. I like dabbling. And I still have my go-to stippled watercolor painting I so love to do and have from the beginning of my watercolor journey that started almost 7 years ago. My aim is to follow my intuitive heart wherever it may lead and indulge in what brings me the most creative JOY for my path. What will your Creative Path pine for next? Journaling Prompt: Make a list of 10 ideas you want to follow. Which one is pining most for your attention right now? Start making plans to open up space for one or two ideas that you feel the most drawn to. Remember to keep it simple so it’s do-able and brings the most JOY. Art Journaling Prompt: Break out of your art journaling “box” and try a new approach to a spread that you’ve been wanting to try but simply haven’t made time for. See what this new approach opens up for you! Doodle Prompt: Draw a box and items in the box that that have been your go-tos, things you’ve been doing for a long time or using that you want to put aside for now. Draw another box with the items that you are pining for or that are pining for your attention! Subscribe to The JOY Finder here! Get Creative with Dawn's Directives and Life Affirmations Coloring Pages with Prompts here! Copyright 2017 Art Rendering by Dawn Herring Copyright 2017 Blog Text by Dawn Herring Note: The image to the left is from Elle magazine and is copyright to them. Thanks for the inspiration, Elle! In this video I host what I am now calling my JOYFest on Facebook Live, where we can share our JOY together in community and creative conversation. I share some news here at Refresh with Dawn Herring as well as what is currently giving me JOY. I share samples of my new Dawn's Life Directives and Affirmations Coloring Pages with Prompts, as well as a peek into a new painting I'm working on with watercolor, gouache and collage. Plus more.
You are welcome to leave a comment below about what is bringing YOU JOY. I'd love to hear from you, dear creative person. Subscribe to the JOY Finder here. Listen to my Podcast, Refresh Daily, on SoundCloud here. Purchase Dawn's Life Directives and Affirmations Coloring Pages with Prompts here. I've been having some fun coming up with acronyms for the months of the year. I find them to be insightful into what really matters to me. Today I'm excited to share with you my new Acronym for September here at Refresh Daily.
Staying Ever Present To Every Moment Brings Each Rest The more often we take moments to be really Present, the more rest we will create for ourselves (instead of worry and fear playing games with our thoughts!), and perhaps, activate more daily JOY in our lives. Journaling Prompt: What does the word Rest mean to you right now? What does it look like? What are three things you can do to implement being more present and restful in your days. Art Journaling Prompt: Create a spread that really shows REST both with color, image, text or whatever feels the most restful to you. Be very aware of the moments as you create this spread, honoring where you need rest in your body, mind, heart, soul. Doodle Prompt: Create a doodle with the word Rest or Present and incorporate what they mean to you in the way you draw your letters. Copyright 2017 Dawn Herring In the throws of Hurricane Harvey, with catastrophic flooding causing many to lose their homes and their belongings, I observed the difficulties and challenges laid before so many. Without their own space, running water, and just having what they brought with them, if anything, in the face of such a daunting storm, my heart broke for these folks. So what does JOY have to do with such heart ache and loss? Is that even possible? As I considered their circumstances and prayed for their recovery, I realize a-new the importance of seeing what I have Right in Front of Me with renewed gratitude and appreciation. Like water in my kitchen sink. My own restroom. A comfortable bed. All of my clothes dry and ready to wear. Electricity where needed. I began to see these Basic Necessities as Gifts. Because, in essence, that's what they are. And as I looked at these basics and experienced this deep gratitude for what I have, JOY made its presence known. When we see what we enJOY daily a-new, it can change how we see and experience life completely. Just paying attention to that running water in whatever capacity we are using it for. Or those lights that illumine our space. The comforts of home can bring us New JOY as we take a moment to appreciate what we have. It's really about being mindful. That word Mindful has become so popular, as I read recent headlines on magazine covers. But mindfulness can be a true source of JOY. Just taking that moment to say Thank YOU to the Universe for giving what is needed. Here at Refresh with Dawn Herring, Finding JOY Takes Center Stage. And as the evacuees exited the Houston area as well as Floridians leaving in the face of Hurricane Irma, the Basics have taken center stage. May we never see them in quite the same way again. Journaling Prompt:
Take a moment in your journal to really pay attention to one thing you have that makes you really happy, realizing gratitude a-new. What would it be like if you lost that one thing? If it was no longer available to you? Detail how you feel in your journal. Art Journal Prompt: Create a spread that invokes gratitude for the simple things you use every day. You can use images of these simple things collage style to be focal points of appreciation. Doodle Prompt: Using a writing implement you truly value for its performance, color or comfort in your hand, create a doodle that initiates an attitude of Joy and Gratitude, keeping the design as simple as possible showing that just basic design can also be meaningful. To get more JOY in your inbox, subscribe to The JOY Finder to stay abreast of happenings here at Refresh with Dawn Herring plus get quality content to help initiate more JOY in your daily experience. Follow this link to listen to my first Refresh Daily podcast episode titled, Observation is a Key to JOY. Copyright 2017 Dawn Herring Copyright 2017 Header Art by Dawn Herring Here at Refresh with Dawn Herring my goal is to give you as many ideas to initiate more JOY in your daily life, whether it's your personal or professional journey. In this video I share an encouraging word about Celebrating Your Wins in your personal or work life.
Journaling Prompt: Record the last time you celebrated a win, whether personally or professionally. Has it been a while? If so, celebrate your last task fulfilled, no matter how small. How did you feel when you were finished? Relieved? Satisfied? Didn't pay attention? (Next time, do so, and feel more JOY.) Art Journaling Prompt: Create a spread to celebrate your latest win. Perhaps choose one that seems insignificant or small and make a Really Big Deal out of it. Doodle Prompt: Describe your latest win using your favorite font styles in your doodle practice. Really give it glory! Don't be shy. Bold colors galore! If you'd like to also check out my new podcast, Refresh Daily, follow this link. This first episode is titled, Observation is a Key to JOY. If you'd like to sign up for The JOY Finder, my email communication, you're welcome to follow this link, where you can read my offerings and watch my welcome message! Come be a JOY Finder today! I am sitting across a restaurant table from my grandson. He is deeply in the midst of JOY with his meal which consists of white rice, chicken, and pico in a bowl. I watch him in between my own bites of JOY as he exercises coordination with his plastic black fork to grab another piece of chicken to enjoy. I notice how intent he is and how singular his focus on the meal in front of him. I almost let out a chuckle as I observe this Zen moment in a restaurant.
Isn't it lovely when you can Observe one you love and care about enjoying the simple things in life? Or how about just taking in the present moment and realize how blessed you are? Or savoring the morsels of your favorite meal, almost like a cat does when sipping real milk or salmon? We can experience more JOY when we take the moments one at a time, ones that truly resonate, satiate our palette and just make us feel good because we appreciate all there is right in front of us. Remember, these moments are just a moment...meaning they won't last forever. So capture it...in your mind, in your heart, in your soul. And EnJOY. Journaling Prompt: In detail, recall a moment in your day that you would like to savor with all of your senses, one at a time, of course. Does it take you back right to where you first relished this experience? Write a list of other moments you can detail that truly resonated with you, especially on an emotional level. Think FUN and JOY as you consider this opportunity. Art Journaling Prompt: Plan a spread that honors your favorite moment of the past week, one that made you laugh, appreciate, or just plain surprised you. You can use images or simply detail with fun fonts and embellishments using the colors that bring this memory to life! Doodle Prompt: Use your favorite writing implement and the word Observe and draw little simple pictures of subject matter that you encountered in your moments of JOY as a momento. Copyright 2017 Dawn Herring Here is the audio version of the blog post, Self Care: Optional or Essential? I'm providing audio for those who prefer to listen rather than read. If you would like to read the blog post, just follow this link. Thanks for listening and you are welcome to leave a comment about how you're making self care a priority as well as give feedback for the audio! I'd love to hear from you. :)
Note: If you are interested in listening to the audio of Self Care: Optional or Essential, please click here. Here at Refresh with Dawn Herring, Self Care is at the TOP of our Priority List every day. That means, you're engaging in something you love every day, initiating your spirit being lifted, leaving you feeling fabulous, full of energy and ready to roll with your daily life tasks because you're taken care of yourself. But the question is, are you making self-care a priority? Do you still see time for yourself doing what you love as optional rather than essential, vital, and necessary for your well being? I would like to share with you my Top Ten Reasons to Make Self-Care Daily (and without guilt!!) 1. Self Care Boosts Your Immune System. Yes! You will actually benefit from greater health on all levels as a result of making Self Care a Priority. I know that motivates me to keep it going! 2. Self Care Gives Energy. Obviously a healthier immune system will initiate more energy in your body. And the more energy you have, the better you enjoy life. 3. Self Care Aids in Appreciation of Self. Do you appreciate yourself for Who You Are? When you engage in any kind of self care, it gives you the impetus toward really seeing yourself and appreciating what you see (perhaps instead of beating yourself up, comparing yourself to others, etc.) 4. Self Care Helps you see your Value. This goes hand in hand with self-appreciation. It can be easy to overlook what you contribute to your immediate environment of family, friends and outwardly to your community. Taking this step can initiate prevention of undervaluing yourself and what you do every day. 5. Self Care Enhances your Physical Well Being. With your immune system boosted, and your energy lifted, you're enabled to boost your physical activity, doing what you enjoy to get your blood moving and those endorphins activated to make you feel fabulous! Not to mention the health benefits of being active! 6. Self Care Initiates Stress Relief. When you engage in what you love, often what is currently on your stress radar fades into the distance as you enter the "Zone." And the more often you engage in self care, the less stress you have. Motivating, isn't it? 7. Self Care Enables Self Expression. Being able to express yourself and use your "creative voice" in whatever way lifts your spirit can really give you new ways of enjoying how you see life and how you like to share that view. And your unique "take" is different from anyone else's. And that's what the world needs! 8. Self Care Opens your Creative Flow. As you make self care a daily priority, you will see an increase in your creative ideas which can really activate some fun, inspiring action! Who wouldn't want to tap into all of that? I know I do! 9. Self Care Makes a Way to Give to Yourself. When you care for yourself regularly, you are essentially giving to yourself what you deserve: Time, creative impetus, greater value of what you contribute. You really begin to see what you've been missing and can feel like you've hit the jackpot! And when you give to yourself, then you have more to give to others. See self care as oxygen to your life dimensions. You will see growth, positive change and all kinds of good things! 10. Self Care Helps you Learn to Love Yourself. You begin to see all the ways you benefit from putting yourself first as you're feeling good, you're looking good, you're experiencing more JOY, more Happiness, a greater sense of well being and value, and your soul feels nurtured and alive. And here's a bonus one for ya! 11. Self Care Reduces Depletion. Instead of ending up exhausted, irritable, and even resentful and angry that you have nothing left to give since you haven't given to yourself, you make way for rejuvenation, which re-energizes you. Don't wait till your depleted. Make it a daily priority so you can experience all the goodness Self Care brings to your life table. Journaling Prompt: What does Self Care mean to you? What is the first thing that comes to mind that really showcases self care from your point of view? Let your Intuition guide you as you make a list of at least 10 ways you can initiate self care in your every day life. Start today with your favorite one! Art Journaling Prompt: Create a Spread using Self Care as your prompt and use the colors that inspire you toward loving and caring for yourself. You can use images as collage pieces that show specific self care actions to inspire you. Doodle Prompt: Create a fun visual using Self Care as your starting point, making fun and spontaneous marks on the page and see where it takes you. I want to leave you with this song, The Greatest Love Of All by Whitney Houston, that is kind of an anthem here at Refresh with Dawn Herring since it truly shows the value of Loving Yourself and why it's so important to take care of yourself. Truly, when you do, it leads to positive change and opens up your Personal Empowerment like never before. (See? Two more reasons right there!) Listen and Enjoy. And then go do something right now that makes you feel fabulous! Copyright Text 2017 Dawn Herring |
Dawn HerringDawn engages in many roles: As Writer/Blogger and Artist/Creative and Founder of Refresh with Dawn Herring: Where Art and JOY Align, She enjoys sharing from her vast experience as award-winning, life-long artist and leader in the field of written journaling, offering encouragement and proven tips to other journal keepers. Dawn's focus is on written journal keeping, artistic expression and finding your Creative Voice, and positive change that leads personal empowerment, encouraging you to leave your authentic and positive mark in the world. Dawn is a Commercial artist, hand letterer/illustrator and writer/blogger and enjoys sharing insights, humor, and encouragement as she shares from her life experiences as a woman, wife, mother of two grown daughters and as a Grandparent to a special needs grandson. She enjoys keeping a journal and reading spiritual texts to help keep the light on. May JOY Align with Your Creative Heart. Archives
August 2019