As many of you know, I launched my new website here at Refresh with Dawn Herring on 4/16 (hope you're loving it!) along with some new services and products I've put my heart and soul into!
One of those services is The JOY Appointment: The One Appointment You'll Want to Keep! Yes!! I'm so excited about this new service and it has been so much fun and has given ME so much JOY to connect with you! To honor this new time at Refresh with Dawn Herring, I've decided to host a Party of Sorts to Celebrate all this new stuff! So, I plan to Go LIVE on Instagram and I'll be hosting a very special Celebratory Contest that includes a Complimentary JOY Card Reading Giveaway from my new JOY Finder Game Card Deck! Yes! Join me on Wednesday, May 2nd, 1 CST/2 EST, as I go LIVE to Celebrate my new website launch and my new service, The JOY Appointment, which is now available for purchase and for scheduling with me for a private JOY session. I will be sharing my Life Message Podcast Jingle plus a portion of a new song I've written called, Feel More JOY, which you can watch in full in My Path to JOY video series that is available for subscribers only! I'll also be talking a bit about the Fun of Contests and what it's like to Win one from my artistic past and you're welcome to join me live and share contests you have entered and won! It's time to Celebrate Our Wins together! (Celebrate Your Wins is an important element to The JOY Appointment!) If you check out The JOY Appointment Page on my website, you will note that one of the elements of The JOY Appointment is to receive a full 3 JOY Card Spread. For this Contest, I will be offering a one Card JOY Reading in a private one-to-one session with me. If you would like to enter the Celebratory Contest on Instagram, here are the Fun Steps to take: 1. Go to my Instagram account, @RefreshwithDawnHerring, (if you follow me, all the better! *wink*) and leave a comment under my Contest Post with your first and last name and "I want in!" 2. Next, Subscribe here to be officially entered to win a one card JOY Reading from The JOY Finder Game Card Deck. (Be sure to include your first and last name when you subscribe! Thank you!) 3. Once you are subscribed, you will automatically receive entry into the contest plus you will also receive my new 3 Secret Keys to a More JOY-Filled Life mini course, 10 Steps into JOY Visual, and The JOY Finder. 4. The Deadline for this One Card JOY Reading Giveaway is Friday, May 11 at midnight! I'd love to have you join me as I go LIVE on Instagram on Wednesday, 5/2, 1 CST/2 EST, as I Celebrate my new Website and my new service, The JOY Appointment! If you would like to schedule The JOY Appointment with me, just click here to purchase. If you would like to have a connection call with me first, click here. The winner of this Celebratory Contest will be notified with a private Congratulatory email with further follow up details. If you are a previous contest winner, you are not eligible to enter this contest. Thanks so much for entering and and for joining me to help Celebrate! I look forward to seeing you there.
Here is my JOYFest: Lets Play Musical Chairs Edition. :) This is the first of three videos I recorded when I went LIVE on March 7th, starting on my Personal Facebook, then to Your Path to JOY Group and then to Instagram. I share my Musical Surprise and talk about how Music can be an instant source of JOY.
Here are links to my offerings mentioned: 7 Steps to Creative Clarity Dawn's Life Directives and Affirmations Coloring Pages with Prompts 21 Day Refresh Intensive For more videos, early access and exclusive content for subscribers only, subscribe today! |
![]() Dawn HerringDawn engages in many roles: As Writer/Blogger and Artist/Creative and Founder of Refresh with Dawn Herring: Where Art and JOY Align, She enjoys sharing from her vast experience as award-winning, life-long artist and leader in the field of written journaling, offering encouragement and proven tips to other journal keepers. Dawn's focus is on written journal keeping, artistic expression and finding your Creative Voice, and positive change that leads personal empowerment, encouraging you to leave your authentic and positive mark in the world. Dawn is a Commercial artist, hand letterer/illustrator and writer/blogger and enjoys sharing insights, humor, and encouragement as she shares from her life experiences as a woman, wife, mother of two grown daughters and as a Grandparent to a special needs grandson. She enjoys keeping a journal and reading spiritual texts to help keep the light on. May JOY Align with Your Creative Heart. Archives
August 2019