Hello friends, journal keepers, creatives, artists and small business owners. I am excited to share with you the replay of The ART of JOY with Dawn Herring interview hosted by Andrea Lewis, from her live Radio Show, Heal Past Wounds and Bring JOY Back, which took place on March 7. We chatted about how journaling is a power tool for personal empowerment, my artistic and journaling practices and how JOY can be simple to incorporate into day to day life.
I thoroughly enJOYed our conversation and trust that you will be inspired and get motivated to start your journaling practice or to take it to the next level, as well as have impetus to Find Your Creative Voice. EnJOY and do leave a comment below with your feedback. We'd love to hear from you!
Hello friends, journal keepers, creatives, artists, and small business owners! I'm excited to share with you some important developments I've discovered and uncovered for myself, both in my journaling practice and as an Artist and Creative. The month of January in this New Year of 2019 has been very introspective for me. I realize it can be that way for a lot of people as we determine what we want to accomplish with the setting of goals often being the focal point. But for me, I think it's been more of a comprehensive looking inward as I focus on Who I Am as a Creative, Journal Keeper, Artist and family member, and friend to You, dear reader! So, I've been taking a lot of time, going deep into the recesses of my journal and my thoughts, putting them on the page. And it's been quite a revealing time for me. (One of the elements of The ART of Journaling ToolBox is for your journaling to be Revealing; see below to subscribe and get the PDF resource for your practice and take it to the next level!) Before I share more deeply what I discovered, I also wanted to share with you about two card decks that I use for such times like this. The first one is my Spiritual Deck. The idea for this one came from Julia Cameron, author of The Vein of Gold, a tome not mentioned often with her as author, but it's my favorite, and I've read most of her published works, including The Artists's Way of which she is most known for. In her book, The Vein of Gold, she offers an activity to build for yourself a Spiritual Deck. It contains your favorite things and people, plus much more. When I use this card deck, after shuffling three times, I pull three cards off the top, one for the past, one for the present and one for the future. This current card "reading" I did for myself opened up the energy for me to look back to the beginnings of myself as an Artist, which takes me all the way back to when I was 8. Yes. Remembering that far back is a bit of a challenge! So as I prayerfully discerned this possibility, I decided that after I recorded the details of this reading, which I always do in my personal journal as a record of what I've discovered, I determined that I would write a letter to my 8 year old self. Yes. After a full page, I was amazed what came out. And it shifted my energy in such a way that it was surprising. It was truly a way to honor myself at that age and give me a fresh voice to be heard. And I'm glad I listened! Deep journaling, when you give it space and connect it with what is truly relevant to you, can make all the difference in helping to see yourself in a whole new light (sort of like an Inner Seeing), with fresh appreciation of where you've come from and where you want to go. ![]() I'm so excited to offer you The ART of Journaling Tool Box filled with 7 Power Tools for your journaling practice to keep it Relevant, Revealing and Renewing! Whether you're just getting started or could use a jumpstart after being away for a while, or you just want to try something new, The ART of Journaling Toolbox is what you've been looking for! Just click on the image to subscribe! The second card deck is what I refer to as my JOY Deck, which I've used during Live Facebook Events. I decided to pull it out and do a reading from that as well using the same approach. And it showed me again, the importance of that inner child and who I was as that young artist and what I can learn from her now moving forward. It revealed more of what I already knew and clarified my direction and my focus concerning where I want to expend my energy when I create. (Currently I am illustrating dresses and working on my first Lyric Lines Design Series which I talk about in my post, My Visual View. ) As I have gone deeper into my journaling practice, writing up to 2 or 3 times per day instead of just one evening entry, it has given me SPACE to listen, to dream, to love, to understand myself on a deeper level. And it has given me a fresh appreciation for Who I Am as an Artist and Creative as well as going deeper in Connection with Spirit. That's really where it all begins, and journaling is my Power Tool to peel away the layers to get to my Deeper Truths that I aim to live by every day. If you want to go deeper in your journaling practice, or you simply are looking for inspiration, do click on The ART of Journaling Tool Box image above and subscribe today! Then enJOY some inspiration for tapping into Your Creative Voice and Honor Who You Are as Artist of Your Life. Journaling Prompt:
What does Going Deeper mean to you? What immediately comes to mind? What one activity in your life would initiate going deeper most naturally? Record this in detail in your journal, then determine how you can make this happen right now. Art Journaling Prompt: Choose an image that means Deep to you, then choose your favorite way to create text (hand letter, stamp, cut out letters, stickers) and describe what going deep means to you. Doodle Prompt: Draw the word DEEP as if it were deep! Or draw an image of something that feels deep to you. How does that make you feel? You can answer this question in your journal. Copyright 2019 Dawn Herring Copyright 2019 Images by Dawn Herring Hello folks! I was thinking about sharing some things that you, my dear readers, creatives, journal keepers and friends, may not already know about me that might surprise you.
Are you ready? Okay, here goes. 1. I was an early reader at the age of 4. Mom used to tell me that I was reading out of encyclopedias at that age even though I don't remember that part. I am an avid reader to this day. 2. When they did a scoliosis screening at my school when I was 12, they discovered that I had "uneven" shoulders. Later, when I went to a chiropractor for an exam at 16, Dr. Cantor (now deceased, but so kind and generous when he was present in this world) determined I had double curved scoliosis with an upper curve between my shoulder blades and a curve in my lower back which causes my hips area to be uneven. I am highly functional but I'm not one to go hiking or for long walks. And, of course, it would go without saying that I'm not athletic either (my sister fills that role as previous cheerleader in high school) although I have enjoyed games of badminton, ping pong and miniature hockey in game rooms! 3. I had the dream from the time I was 12 years old to be a recording artist, song writer and guitar player. I wanted to be in a live band as lead singer. I did go on to sing in two different worship teams and even played tambourine in one of them. And I also wrote enough songs for an album. And now I'm back to my music roots once again, singing and enjoying myself. I don't think I have a big voice by any stretch, but it does bring me JOY. (And I'm still waiting for a guitar player to offer to play my songs for me since I never did master the guitar myself. *wink*) 4. I used to copy my sister's homework when I was in elementary school and wanted "homework" like she had. I guess you could say I started "writing" at a young age. And of course, I still take notes on books I read and write reviews on ones that really hit the spot for me. And yes, I am one of those writers who has a novel written but not revised tucked away in a magazine box. 5. When I was in high school and early twenties, I sang solos and duets with my sister and another friend in a church setting (before my worship team experience). Whenever I would finish my one song, I was always raring to go to do a full concert of all my favorite songs. 6. My favorite color is orange red. I also love turquoise, lime green and mustard (or what I refer to as gold). I think my first favorite color was purple, then on to gray, and then khaki green. Now I love vibrant colors (as you may notice in my wardrobe pieces on Instagram!) 7. I absolutely LOVE Miniature Schnauzer dogs. Every time I see one, I get animated and point it out if I'm with others. I think they are so adorable with their cute furry faces! No, I would never want one of my own. I just admire them from afar. 8. I remember meeting an artist one day when I was a youth as I was taking a walk around the block where I grew up. She was drawing a female on sketch paper and the detail was intense and I loved it. I watched her draw a little bit of it as we both sat on a sidewalk bench. She saw how much I adored it and she gave it to me! I was so excited. I took it home and copied it as best as I could. I still have that treasure in my artist portfolio. 9. I was a member at Terrace Lake, a place I grew up at during the summers. They had three different slides, one in the kiddie area, one in the deeper section and one next to the diving boards where it was very deep. The highest slide was 25 feet. After being too frightened to go down that slide at 15 and 16, with the help of two friends (who I still care about deeply), I went down that slide when I was 17! I was elated! (and I enjoyed it on repeat all that summer.) 10. I do NOT like roller coasters, haunted houses or horror movies. And here's an extra one that applies to my eating habits and my physical well being: 11. I went Gluten Free about 10 years ago due to an issue with iron absorption. I'm always pleased with new gluten free products when they become available for me to try, like mac and cheese, spaghetti, crackers, chips, and cereal. Most of them are either rice based or corn based with either flour or sprouted grain options. I have found the gluten free foods to be easier to digest and I love the taste of the corn and brown rice products. So, there you go! Now you know a bit more about me! You're welcome to leave a comment below about things I may not know about you! Have fun with it. And if you'd like to subscribe to get more blog posts in your email, simply sign up! And you will receive 3 Secret Keys to a More JOY-filled Life*! *you will also receive The JOY Finder and 10 Steps into JOY.
Here is the audio version of my book review for Creative Revolution by Flora Bowley.
Dawn's Great Reads: Creative Revolution by Flora Bowley
I discovered Flora Bowley through her first book, Brave Intuitive Painting, which I adored. Being an intuitive watercolor painter, I was immediately drawn to Flora's approach to painting and also to life.
So, when I heard that she had a new book out, Creative Revolution, I decided to check it out and see what else she had to share about this intuitive painting process and intuitive life in general. And I am so glad I did! Flora's zest for an authentic creative life is very inspiring to begin with. And her intuitive painting process really resonates with me as an artist. So I thought I would share my thoughts with you concerning her book, Creative Revolution, which I thoroughly enjoyed reading and digesting. Flora breaks the book down into three parts reflecting the dimensions of life concerning mind, body, and spirit and how each of those dimensions directly impacts the creative process and the creative life. She shares insightful parts of her own creative story, and she generously shows her painting process from start to finish. She has provided many insightful and eye opening exercises to help you get in a better frame of mind as you ready yourself for the creative process. She addresses the mind, the body and the spirit and shows how they complement each other and how they influence each other in a very positive way. And she also explains the importance of paying attention to each of those dimensions and addresses issues that you may find yourself facing that create challenges for your creative process. I find her unique approach to the actual painting of the canvas to be interesting, fun, and eye-opening. Her primary medium is acrylic paint which makes the layering process very spontaneous and has ease of use. It's amazing to see how complex and dynamic her paintings develop through this many layered process. I also like the fact that she turns the painting in order to provide a fresh perspective on what's already there on the canvas. It can help with the problem of painting yourself into a box! As an intuitive watercolor painter, I am more deeply experiencing a new approach with gouache, and since it has a more opaque application versus transparent watercolor, it would be interesting and fun to try this layering process with gouache and see where it might lead! I highly recommend this book due to Flora's deep insight into the creative process with mind, body and spirit. I'm sure that it will encourage you, inspire you, and give you some new ideas to run with in your creative process. Flora also includes many images from her live workshops and from her personal painting practice, which is beautifully done. Journaling prompt: What brave step are you eager to take in your creative practice to enhance your every day life? What does that look like for you? Detail this in a journal entry and determine what small step you can take that will open up new pathways for you. Art journaling/Doodle prompt: Using images that inspire your creative mind and heart or/and using brave as a word prompt, create an journal spread or doodle that showcases your dreams in your creative life. Copyright 2017 Dawn Herring Copyright 2017 Book review Header by Dawn Herring
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One of the things I often note with the issue of keeping a consistent journaling practice is the lack of relevance with what we write. Many folks start up keeping a journal but never find their particular groove of what really matters to them. They often find it depressing to write down how they're feeling or it just gets down right boring since they don't see their life as very interesting, maybe even not worth recording.
Of course, as host of #JournalChat Live for over 6 years, I beg to differ. Every life is worth recording because it's from your point of view, like no other, and your JOURNALING VOICE MATTERS. That's one of the reasons I determined to give folks a chance to share their journaling stories on their blogs and in social media statuses by offering to share their posts where #JournalChat is visible both here on my website (with reciprocating link) and here---> (Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn). Of course you are welcome to share how your journaling has had the greatest relevance to your life this year. Just follow the guidelines here. With today's post, I wanted to share with you how my journaling practice has had the greatest relevance for me in 2016... Although I keep a journal daily, with both am and pm entries, and with evening doodles to make it visually fun as well, there is one technique and purpose that has shown up in my journal pages this year that I think might be helpful to you as well. One of my favorite techniques is making conversation, or what most call Dialogue. With who?, you may ask. Well, with just about anything or yourself (all parts of you). My aim with dialogue is focused on my personal well being on all levels. So when something isn't right on any of those personal levels, I will head to my journal to figure out what went wrong and what I can do to get re-aligned. And you know what? I always get an answer to my dilemma. It amazes me what I learn just from asking the questions I want answers to. Of course, it's imperative that I actually do what I'm directed to with the answers I receive (within reason, of course). That's one of the reasons why I know keeping a journal can be a powerful tool to promote and initiate positive change that leads to personal empowerment. You might think it odd to ask a question of yourself and actually get an answer. And maybe at first it feels a bit strange. But if you're serious about getting what you need, that's often a good prerequisite toward success. You may need to do it more than once if you haven't done it before. But, don't be shy. After all, it's your journal. And it's there for you to help you figure stuff out. And dialogue can be the perfect way to get you there. When you actually do dialigue in your journal, just use the names to suit your situation, whether it's an emotion, a body part, a situation, a relationship or anything else you need clarity on. Here's some dialogue to make you smile: Me: Do you understand the value of talking to yourself (Your Higher Self) in your journal? You: I'm not sure. I guess it's worth a try. You betcha! (Enjoy the conversation and create positive change in your life!) Journaling Prompt: Is there a particular situation or pain you are experiencing that you need answers to? Record this situation in detail in your journal. Now begin a dialogue with the part of it that frustrates you or pains you the most and start asking questions. Pause for the answers, listening intuitively for what you need. Art Journal Prompt: Using the word Dialogue as your prompt, doodle conversation that has great meaning for you. Use images that validate how you feel about this conversation and what result you would like to see from the situation this conversation stems from to help you gain clarity.
I always love it when I find a resource that just hits the spot for me as an artist and creative. And Danny Gregory's book, The Creative License, is just such an example. I discovered Danny Gregory through a Creative Living with Jamie Podcast on Jamie Ridler's website. I was so inspired and impressed with the interview, I decided to check out Danny's website and books.
I saw that he had several, one of which I wanted to read right away, a memoir called, Every Day Matters, but I decided to check out his book, The Creative License too. I'm so glad I did.
There are several reasons why I enjoyed and found myself inspired by this book. Danny has a way of presenting the act of drawing from a totally refreshed and relaxed approach, a way of observing your life and the many things and people around you, but in an almost Zen-like quality, totally focused, totally in the flow.
This approach really opened me up to the possibilities of where I could go with my Creative Practice, adding to it in a way I hadn't done before. I did contour and detail drawing in my youth, and did faces for a long time, but all basically from images. Danny's approach to drawing what you see from objects right in front of you intrigued me. I love his step by step narrative for those who have never drawn before or think they can't.
Another thing I loved about this book was Danny's voice: his attitude, his personality, his authenticity and his laugh-out-loud sense of humor. Even if you have never drawn anything before, just the read is worth it because Danny makes the whole explanation of why drawing can benefit you so much fun, entertaining and insightful.
This book is full of full color and black and white illustrations and Danny's no-nonsense attitude about getting a daily sketchbook practice going, with no concern for what it looks like, if it's any "good" artistically speaking, and seeing the whole experience as learning more about yourself and your world.
Danny inspired me so much through The Creative License, I decided to start a drawing practice in addition to my daily journaling, watercolor painting and doodling. I've presented several of these drawings just to give you an idea of how I've approached it, with no concern for how "artistic" it looks. He does recommend starting with just black pen (no pencil, no erasing or correcting--just draw and don't worry about it!) so these drawings are just that. As an artist, I've always had admiration for folks who keep a sketchbook full of pen and watercolor drawings, and Danny is one of those people. Thanks, Danny, for being a source of inspiration for me as an artist and observer of life. Journaling Prompt: Write down a way that you are an observer of your own life. Also, write down a way you would like to be an observer that you haven't tried before and what you can do to get started. Art Journaling: Using the word, Observe, create a spread that pays homage to how you view your world. How does your point of view enhance to the way you see life?
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Isn't it fun to dress up in a costume and take on a persona for a day or evening? With Halloween coming up, I was thinking about folks who dress up in costume for either a party gathering or dressing up with the kids as we take them out into the neighborhood for some Trick or Treat activity.
I have many memories of my costumes over the years from my childhood and adolescence. From a China Girl to a monster to a rock star with microphone in hand. Fun times! Pretending to be something other than what we are on this dress-up day can be interesting and lively. But when we take that pretense into our everyday, that takes on more of a Trick vibe than a Treat. We may have dreams and goals we aspire to fulfill, yet we find ourselves falling short simply because what we have in our imagination doesn't really align with what's in our heart. We may get side tracked or distracted by what others are doing and want to align with their direction even when it doesn't quite feel right inside. That's when we need to really get honest with ourselves and take a closer look at what we perceive is "missing" in our personality and in the roles we play in life and see what we are already doing that we may not be giving ourselves credit for. We don't need to pretend to be something or someone we aren't in order to "fit in" or to make ourselves feel better about how we think we don't measure up. This is just a mean ole trick we play on ourselves that throws us out of our center and leaves us feeling less than. No. Instead we need to FULLY EMBRACE EXACTLY WHO WE ARE. Relish the specifics of our personality, our preferences and our purpose in life. This is the greatest TREAT we can give ourselves, loving ourselves from the inside out, seeing ourselves honestly and with gratitude for what we have to offer the world. It's okay to pretend once in a while...use your imagination and have some fun. But don't allow that to create discontentment with who you are and where you are right now. Now, this doesn't mean you can't create positive change. It simply means you start from that honest, raw place of truth to get you started and then take one small step at a time toward what you know is right for you. No tricks. Just joyful, deliciousness to treat yourself with that fills your heart to the full. Journaling Prompt: Write a letter to the self you may sometimes pretend to be and tell that persona why you are attracted to it. Then share why you love yourself just as you are. Then determine what one small step you can take toward loving yourself more and bring about essential positive change that you want to make in your heart of hearts. Art Journaling Prompt: Using images of people in costume, create a spread honoring that persona you think is the most fun and doodle words around the spread sharing why you like it so much. Then Honor Who You Are right now in color, image or doodle. Copyright 2016 Dawn Herring Copryight 2016 Header Image by Dawn Herring A Golden Buzzer Moment. A Moment in Time when all seems to stand still as golden confetti cascades down over you after one of the judges on American's Got Talent determines that after your fabulous performance, you're ready to go to the live shows. Now. That's pretty amazing...especially when you have no idea of how good you really are. I've had the wonderful opportunity to be the hearing recipient of a very talented young girl's performance on AGT; her name is Grace VanderWaal. The thing that really struck me about Grace is her authenticity. She offered a self-penned song that has gotten a replay in my head on repeat for several days. Quite catchy and I must say, quite empowering. She's got my attention! See her performance below. (I've seen her follow up performances which are just as delightful and heart warming.) After thinking about Grace's Golden Buzzer Moment, I realized what this can mean for us on a daily basis.
A Golden Buzzer is a validating and very surprising external action on someone else's part letting you know how good you really are. Sometimes we get that kind of validation from someone who sees our potential or who appreciates us for Who We Are at the Heart of what we do every day. But we can actually create our OWN Golden Buzzer Moments on the internal side. How, you ask? By paying close attention to our own Value, to what we are contributing every day to our immediate worlds: our selves, our families, our communities and our worlds. An example of an Internal Golden Buzzer Moment: when you're writing a journal entry and you experience clarity on something that's been puzzling you. when you connect with someone on a deep level that is totally unexpected. when you validate another person because you see their potential. when you're working on a painting, drawing, collage, or sculpture and it works out exactly the way you want it to in that moment when just the right word comes to you to complete a poem you've been working on when you are aligned with Who You Are and you know you are exactly where you are supposed to be when you hit that sweet spot in your creative practice and you wouldn't change it for the world right at that moment You know your Golden Buzzer Moments when you feel them because they leave an impression. (And maybe even a life changing one.) But when you are LOOKING for them actively, you may find that they replicate, which only increases the Value of your every day experience. So, go on. Validate Yourself. See Your Own Potential. Congratulate Yourself on a Job Well Done. Enjoy that Sweet Spot with Relish and Relive it in your journal! The more you pay attention to those GB Moments, the more you will experience them. And it might just lead to some external ones too! Journaling Prompt: Record every Golden Buzzer Moment that comes to mind. Make a list. Don't be shy. What have you experienced that would qualify? Think Small too. It doesn't have to be huge. Look with expectation over the next several weeks for those moments when you simply hit your sweet spot. Art Journal Prompt: Using the words, Golden Buzzer, create an art journal spread that speaks of your potential, of a time when you hit your creative sweet spot. Relish with colors that showcase you at your heights. Really Celebrate! So, here we are at Back to School Time. Where the school supplies are in abundance (Stocked up on those trusty composition notebooks of course!) and the kids are getting ready to start classes to get them one step closer to graduation, to meeting goals, to establishing what their direction will be and to figure out their purpose.
This time of year can also be a source of inspiration toward life-long learning and activating self-discovery as we choose to go deeper into Who We Are. As we watch the kids gets their school supplies, clothes and gear gathered, we can also be inspired by what motivates us and where our curiosities are bringing us. This can enable us to learn something new about ourselves, which can lead to more self-appreciation as well as motivation to initiate positive change. As an artist, I am constantly looking for inspiration by taking photographs, looking through magazines, and watching videos, reading inspiring blog posts, articles and reading books and also listening to podcasts. And I often find it! And when I do, I get excited and motivated to look more closely at my own motivation, direction and purpose as a creator. One thing I've already learned in my life-long pursuit of educating myself about Who I Am and What My Purpose Is is to always be willing to make a change when it's needed, with no apology, no second guessing. When I see what is working, I look to expand on that. When I see what isn't working, I start journaling, connecting with Spirit and determining what my next step is. Life is constantly changing, just like our kids and grandkids do as we see their growth and feel proud of their accomplishments as they learn about Who They Are, what talents they possess, and how they can leave their meaningful mark in the world. And because of that flux of change, we need to always be looking for new opportunities to grow, to create, to discover, to go deeper. That's why I love my creative practice so much. Each activity I choose to engage in, as often as I choose to engage in it, is another way of learning about myself, giving myself space to think, dream, love, discover, follow "rabbit holes" of curiosity, and learning to be more flexible with myself with what I choose to do, what supplies I choose to work with, and with what I choose to express myself. It's easy to fall into a creative rut, doing the same thing over and over. That's when it's good to change things up, be open to new possibilities and try new things, things that excite your heart and make you want to do a happy dance. And a happy dance in just the beginning. Who knows where our creative practice can lead us, what new places we have yet to explore and what new inspiration will come across our path and lead us into a new love? See yourself as a student of your Creativity; see what it has to teach you; listen carefully and relish each moment. No, not everything we do has to be "just so." Stay open to making mistakes (If you perceive them that way) and not being completely satisfied with the job you did. That's okay. It's all a learning process. I think one of the key issues is being True To Yourself. Honor Your Preferences. Pay Close Attention to Your Intuitive Nudges. Follow Those Curiosities. What Life Message can you glean from each creative experience, each creative act, each creative project, each creative journey? Enjoy each creative moment, whether you're going solo or sharing it with your kids or grandkids. Let Life Teach You and Relish the Learning. Journaling Prompt: What does your creative practice teach you? What have you learned about yourself, your creative work, your world? What is the most recent creative experience you've had and what did it show you about yourself? What positive change can you initiate based on what you now know? Celebrate in your journal what you've learned! Art Journal Prompt: Create a Back to Your Creative Practice spread, using images of creative projects you've completed and what they have taught you about yourself. Or dream on the page about what you want to learn and try that is new for you. And if you're wanting to go a bit deeper into Activating Your Intuition, Honoring Your Preferences and Listening to Your Life Messages, you're welcome to check out my 21 Day Refresh Intensive Course. Copyright 2016 Dawn Herring JOY. I just love that word. It's something you feel on the inside that makes you want to do a happy dance, but only if you make space for it. It's easy to allow the distractions of this life to fill up the space where joy can be felt and experienced. What kind of distractions? Well, let's see. "Obligations" that aren't really the obligations that you think they are. Conversations that are completely irrelevant to you. Getting stuck in a rut that you've created for yourself. Feeling boxed in by responsibility that you think you have to attend to at a certain time when you really don't have to. (This can feel heavy which is the opposite of JOY.) Unnecessary activity that doesn't add to you or enhance your daily life experience. So, what do you do with all this distraction? I think the first step is recognizing what is a distraction in your life and how much space it's taking up. You may be surprised with how much room you can make in your life for the JOY you really want just by eliminating what isn't necessary and just focusing on what really matters to you. You know what question I often ask myself when I want more JOY? "What do you really want to do right now?" You see, we often think we want things that we don't want when we really stop to think about it. If we're truly honest with ourselves, life can be much simpler and satisfying when we listen to our hearts. And that makes sense since it's our heart that feels the JOY when we create it or when it happens spontaneously. Keeping our "ears" open for what is distracting us and taking action to remove or greatly reduce it can help us be more open to the JOY that awaits us with greater awareness and mindfulness of how we are spending our days. I love it when I experience JOY in my heart when I choose to eliminate what is unnecessary and focus on what really matters. Then I know I'm truly aligned with Who I Am and I'm more able to leave my meaningful mark in the world. Journaling Prompt:
List any and all distractions you currently have going on in your life. Determine the first one you will look to eliminate or greatly reduce to make more space for JOY. Take note of how you feel once that distraction has been dealt with and the space it makes for you to feel more JOY. Art Journal Prompt: Use the word JOY as an art journal prompt, showing and telling what brings you JOY. You can also create a spread expressing how you feel when you reduce the distractions in your life, honoring this positive change you have chosen for yourself. |
![]() Dawn HerringDawn engages in many roles: As Writer/Blogger and Artist/Creative and Founder of Refresh with Dawn Herring: Where Art and JOY Align, She enjoys sharing from her vast experience as award-winning, life-long artist and leader in the field of written journaling, offering encouragement and proven tips to other journal keepers. Dawn's focus is on written journal keeping, artistic expression and finding your Creative Voice, and positive change that leads personal empowerment, encouraging you to leave your authentic and positive mark in the world. Dawn is a Commercial artist, hand letterer/illustrator and writer/blogger and enjoys sharing insights, humor, and encouragement as she shares from her life experiences as a woman, wife, mother of two grown daughters and as a Grandparent to a special needs grandson. She enjoys keeping a journal and reading spiritual texts to help keep the light on. May JOY Align with Your Creative Heart. Archives
August 2019