Hello friends, creatives, journal keepers, JOY Finders, small business owners, teachers, musicians, and moms! Today I am very excited to share with you a very special episode of Refresh Daily Podcast, titled, An Empowered Voice, featuring a very dear friend of mine and special guest, Laura Volpintesta. In this interview/creative conversation, Laura shares her artistic, musical and educational story and shines the light on the importance of deriving pleasure from creativity. You are sure to come away inspired and uplifted by Laura's story, finding Your Path to JOY that leads to an empowered voice. Do EnJOY! If you would like to receive future Podcast Episodes in your inbox, Subscribe today and get my 3 Secrets! Note: The video on the left is the interview recorded as video so you can watch our conversation. The video on the right is a full podcast episode in audio if you prefer to just listen. Here is Laura's Bio: Laura Volpintesta is an unschooling single mom who loves family, art and creativity. She believes Art is our Birthright and loves multicultural arts as a way to bring people together into shared experiences. She has an online school for fashion arts at FashionIllustrationTribe.com, is the author of the Language of Fashion Design, and taught Fashion Design from draping and sewing to illustration and portfolio at Parsons for 20 years.. She’s a Brazilian jazz singer who loves to dance and play percussion, as well as music and movement for littles and caregivers. Also an advocate for mothers rights in birth, education, and family choices, she is trained as a doula.
EnJOY Episode 8 of Refresh Daily Podcast, JOY in Stillness, where I share about incorporating Quiet into my day and how it will benefit you too!
Journaling Prompt: Write a list of ways you can incorporate Quiet/Stillness into your routine, even if it's just 5 minutes. Then put it on your calendar or set aside time just for you. To subscribe, click here.
If you want to subscribe and get some of this content in your inbox, then you're welcome to hit the button at the top of this page that says, Find JOY and Be Refreshed (or click here). That will take you to the sign up, plus you'll receive my 3 Secrets!
So let's walk together and enJOY what nature has to offer (lots of bird flight!) and let's share in finding JOY together--thus making the world a better place. Click here for The JOY Appointment. Click here for Coloring Page fun. Hello friends, journal keepers, creatives, JOY Finders, and small business owners! I'm am SO EXCITED to share with you Episode 7 of Refresh Daily Podcast I've titled, When You Know, which features an interview I did with Aubry Hoffman, Founder of The Queen of Intuition Podcast, as we discuss the profound and empowering impact we can experience when we listen to and follow our intuition and our intuitive knowings in helping us build an authentic creative practice and create positive change that leads to personal empowerment.
The first video is the audio version with images for your listening pleasure. The second video is the actual interview recorded on video you can watch. (Please excuse any tech glitches with the internet connection.) Aubry and I initially connected on Instagram, then she interviewed me for The Queen of Intuition Podcast which you can listen to here (just check out Ep. 16. Increase Your JOY and Intuition). And now I'm interviewing her as we tap into the wisdom of intuition and why it can play such a vital role in our well being. If you'd like to follow Aubry on Instagram @TheQueenofIntuition, click here. If you'd like to follow me on Instagram at @RefreshwithDawnHerring, click here. Do EnJOY this chat and leave a comment below with your thoughts; we'd love your feedback and anything positive you gleaned from our discussion. If you would like to get future Refresh Daily Podcast episodes in your inbox, please subscribe today! You will also receive 3 Secret Keys to a More JOY-filled Life mini course. If you would like to have a connection call with me or schedule The JOY Appointment: The One Appointment You'll Want to Keep!, please click here. Please note: Any discussion we have on this podcast episode is not meant to be used for medical advice. If you are having health issues, please see a medical professional. Refresh Daily Podcast is purposed for inspiration and creativity as well as fun and JOY. |
Dawn HerringDawn engages in many roles: As Writer/Blogger and Artist/Creative and Founder of Refresh with Dawn Herring: Where Art and JOY Align, She enjoys sharing from her vast experience as award-winning, life-long artist and leader in the field of written journaling, offering encouragement and proven tips to other journal keepers. Dawn's focus is on written journal keeping, artistic expression and finding your Creative Voice, and positive change that leads personal empowerment, encouraging you to leave your authentic and positive mark in the world. Dawn is a Commercial artist, hand letterer/illustrator and writer/blogger and enjoys sharing insights, humor, and encouragement as she shares from her life experiences as a woman, wife, mother of two grown daughters and as a Grandparent to a special needs grandson. She enjoys keeping a journal and reading spiritual texts to help keep the light on. May JOY Align with Your Creative Heart. Archives
August 2019