Hello friends, creatives, journal keepers, JOY Finders, and small business owners! Here is Episode 10 of Refresh Daily Podcast titled, 3 Gs of the Soul. In this episode I share three key elements to enhance your daily experience and how we can incorporate them into how we think, speak, act, and live. I also want to wish my American Friends a Happy Thanksgiving 2018! ENJOY. If you would like to read Refresh Daily: 3 Gs for Your Soul, just click here. Remember, you can get Refresh Daily Podcast Episodes right in your inbox just by subscribing! Plus you get 3 Secret Keys to a More JOY Filled Life, my mini e-course that makes JOY Visible, Doable, and Powerful. Just click on either image to subscribe. I look forward to connecting with you in your inbox!
Hello dear readers, creatives, journal keepers, JOY Finders, small business owners and friends! I'm excited to share with you a memorable message to take with you into the holiday season of 2018 and beyond, with great anticipation of good things to come both now and into 2019 (yes, it's right around the proverbial corner, isn't it??) With no further ado, I'd like to introduce you to the 3 Gs of Your Soul. Are you ready? Good. Here we go! The first G of the 3 Gs is Goodness. When you think of goodness, what comes to mind? Perhaps a caring parent looking with love upon you, both in childhood and as an adult. Or the loving exchange between two siblings. Or between you and your significant other. How about the inspiring goodness of nature, its beauty and instinctual dance that never fades. What goodness do you see around you? What goodness do you feel inside you? Consider what that goodness does for your soul. Does it make you want to sing, do a happy dance, or laugh heartily? That's a great start with our 3 Gs, isn't it? Okay. The next G is Gladness. This is where the experience of JOY comes in. When we see the goodness of what's around us, relationally, personally, and even professionally, we feel Glad, don't we? We find ourselves saying, "I'm so glad we got together; I really enJOYed myself! Or, "I'm glad I heard our song today; it just helped remind me of why I love you so much!" Or, "Aren't you glad things worked out so well?" Gladness is that source of energy we tap into when we see clearly the goodness around us and we feel really, well, glad about it! I'm glad you are reading this post and trust you are being inspired! Now for the last G in the 3 Gs for Your Soul. Ready? Gratitude. Yes! When we see the goodness and feel the gladness, we've got something to show our gratitude for, don't we? We want to share it with others. I am so grateful to have so many blessings in my life. When we become more mindful of what we are experiencing that is working to our benefit, we can lift our voice or get our writing implement and say or record what our hearts are singing about! Remember, when you subscribe to The JOY Finder, you automatically receive 3 Secret Keys to a More JOY Filled Life! Subscribe today. Just click on either image above. And it feels so good to record our gratitude, whether we're sharing it with someone we love or detailing it in our journals (great idea!), it can make all the difference--in our perspective, our attitude and our future blessings to come!
Our souls crave goodness, gladness and gratitude. It opens our hearts to wonderful, inspiring, uplifting energy that helps us transcend above the more challenging side of life. The 3 Gs can enable us to set a standard of the kind of days we want to experience, ones full of Intentional JOY, because what we find, we can share, thus making the world a better, happier place. Journaling Prompt: Write a list of 12 things that are good in your life right now. Write a list of 12 things you are glad about right now. Write a list of 12 things you are grateful for right now. Are they similar? Do they overlap? What's different about these lists from one another? Is there a distinctness or do they simply harmonize? How does your energy feel after writing these lists? Lighter, buoyant? Surprised? Art Journaling Prompt: Cut out pictures from magazines that represent gladness, goodness or gratitude to you (or all three). Put a photo of yourself in the center and put the images around you showing what surrounds you right now that makes you happy. Doodle Prompt: Either choose one of the 3 Gs or all three, creating a visual with your favorite writing implements that shows the energy behind the word. What does that look like to you? You can also draw images that come to mind to illustrate the word. So there, you have it; 3 Gs for your soul. Here's to goodness to spread around, gladness to express from our hearts and gratitude to lift our soul and leave us feeling fabulous! EnJOY> If you would like to hear the Refresh Daily Podcast Episode 10: 3 Gs of the Soul, just click here. If you would like to hear the Refresh Daily Podcast Episode 9: An Empowered Voice with Laura Volpintesta, click here. Copyright 2018 Dawn Herring |
Dawn HerringDawn engages in many roles: As Writer/Blogger and Artist/Creative and Founder of Refresh with Dawn Herring: Where Art and JOY Align, She enjoys sharing from her vast experience as award-winning, life-long artist and leader in the field of written journaling, offering encouragement and proven tips to other journal keepers. Dawn's focus is on written journal keeping, artistic expression and finding your Creative Voice, and positive change that leads personal empowerment, encouraging you to leave your authentic and positive mark in the world. Dawn is a Commercial artist, hand letterer/illustrator and writer/blogger and enjoys sharing insights, humor, and encouragement as she shares from her life experiences as a woman, wife, mother of two grown daughters and as a Grandparent to a special needs grandson. She enjoys keeping a journal and reading spiritual texts to help keep the light on. May JOY Align with Your Creative Heart. Archives
August 2019