Your Creative Toolbox
for a Powerful Journaling Practice
Dawn Herring
Below you will find a list of my top 7 Journaling tools that you can reference at any time to tap into the different energies and insight you can gain by engaging in them at whatever time suits you. Make it an intuitive process and see how you’re guided toward creating a life you want from the Clarity and JOY you gain.
The purpose of this list is to enable you to keep your journaling Relevant, Revealing and Renewing.
You want journaling to be relevant so it makes a difference, otherwise, why bother, right?
You want journaling to be revealing so you learn something new, gaining clarity so you can create positive change, right?
You want journaling to be renewing, so you feel like you can make the world a better place, after getting a fresh perspective and know where you want to go!
Without further ado, here are the 7 Power Tools of Journaling:
1.Q&A—with this power tool, you are going to ask a question and then record the answer. Its essence is like tapping into your Higher Self or the Wise One within. Or see it as your Intuition showing you the way!
Power Boost: Don’t Censor!
2. List making—with this power tool, you can make a list specific to what you want clarity on, or simply record your favorite things. Some list making topics can be books you want to read, what’s making you happy right now, what’s making you angry (so you can create positive change where possible), your favorite things or the good ole to do list!
Power Boost: Either try using the same topic and see what changes from first list to the next, or choose a different topic each time to keep it fresh.
3. One word prompt—with this power tool, you can reference a word that has significant meaning for you right now or word you are drawn to when you see it.
Power Boost: Try doing a free association with that word, recording what it reminds you of or what it contrasts with.
4. Stream of consciousness—with this power tool, you will write Whatever Comes to Mind. No Censoring. Consider it a brain dump of sorts.
Power boost: Let it bring release; so don’t hesitate.
5. Non Dominant Writing—with this power tool, you will put your non dominant hand to good use by writing with it. Yes, it will be awkward at first, but once you get the hang of it, it will go more smoothly. It helps to activate the right side of the brain.
Power Boost: Do it daily for a week and see how it feels.
You may be surprised at the clarity it brings.
Also, try this with the Q&A option. Ask the question with your
dominant hand and answer with the non dominant hand.
6. Question prompt—with this power tool, you will either ask a question you want answered or reference a question someone asks you or one you see that you are drawn to.
Power Boost: Ask the question,
why does this question matter to me and
what do I need to know right now?
7. Mind Map—with this power tool, you will get VISUAL. Write a word or phrase that has meaning for you and put it in the center of the page. Then write words or phrases in association with that word around the the center word. Again, don’t censor. Write anything that comes to mind.
Power Boost: Write a list from that mind map association
that feels empowering to you and see what clarity it brings.
And here’s a bonus Power Tool:
8. Summary Word or Phrase as a doodle—with this power tool,
you will give yourself freedom to explore with drawing letters and any objects related to what the word says. Use black and white or add color to your doodle. Have Fun with this one!
Power Boost: Use your life experience to create a visual that encapsulates your days’ experience. Honor Who You Are with this one, which happens to be MY Favorite!
There you have it!
My go-to Power Tool Kit for The Art of Journaling.
Feel free to print this out as a resource
so you’ll always have it with you when you journal.
ENJOY and May JOY Align with Your Creative Heart!
[email protected]
Your Creative Toolbox
for a Powerful Journaling Practice
Dawn Herring
Below you will find a list of my top 7 Journaling tools that you can reference at any time to tap into the different energies and insight you can gain by engaging in them at whatever time suits you. Make it an intuitive process and see how you’re guided toward creating a life you want from the Clarity and JOY you gain.
The purpose of this list is to enable you to keep your journaling Relevant, Revealing and Renewing.
You want journaling to be relevant so it makes a difference, otherwise, why bother, right?
You want journaling to be revealing so you learn something new, gaining clarity so you can create positive change, right?
You want journaling to be renewing, so you feel like you can make the world a better place, after getting a fresh perspective and know where you want to go!
Without further ado, here are the 7 Power Tools of Journaling:
1.Q&A—with this power tool, you are going to ask a question and then record the answer. Its essence is like tapping into your Higher Self or the Wise One within. Or see it as your Intuition showing you the way!
Power Boost: Don’t Censor!
2. List making—with this power tool, you can make a list specific to what you want clarity on, or simply record your favorite things. Some list making topics can be books you want to read, what’s making you happy right now, what’s making you angry (so you can create positive change where possible), your favorite things or the good ole to do list!
Power Boost: Either try using the same topic and see what changes from first list to the next, or choose a different topic each time to keep it fresh.
3. One word prompt—with this power tool, you can reference a word that has significant meaning for you right now or word you are drawn to when you see it.
Power Boost: Try doing a free association with that word, recording what it reminds you of or what it contrasts with.
4. Stream of consciousness—with this power tool, you will write Whatever Comes to Mind. No Censoring. Consider it a brain dump of sorts.
Power boost: Let it bring release; so don’t hesitate.
5. Non Dominant Writing—with this power tool, you will put your non dominant hand to good use by writing with it. Yes, it will be awkward at first, but once you get the hang of it, it will go more smoothly. It helps to activate the right side of the brain.
Power Boost: Do it daily for a week and see how it feels.
You may be surprised at the clarity it brings.
Also, try this with the Q&A option. Ask the question with your
dominant hand and answer with the non dominant hand.
6. Question prompt—with this power tool, you will either ask a question you want answered or reference a question someone asks you or one you see that you are drawn to.
Power Boost: Ask the question,
why does this question matter to me and
what do I need to know right now?
7. Mind Map—with this power tool, you will get VISUAL. Write a word or phrase that has meaning for you and put it in the center of the page. Then write words or phrases in association with that word around the the center word. Again, don’t censor. Write anything that comes to mind.
Power Boost: Write a list from that mind map association
that feels empowering to you and see what clarity it brings.
And here’s a bonus Power Tool:
8. Summary Word or Phrase as a doodle—with this power tool,
you will give yourself freedom to explore with drawing letters and any objects related to what the word says. Use black and white or add color to your doodle. Have Fun with this one!
Power Boost: Use your life experience to create a visual that encapsulates your days’ experience. Honor Who You Are with this one, which happens to be MY Favorite!
There you have it!
My go-to Power Tool Kit for The Art of Journaling.
Feel free to print this out as a resource
so you’ll always have it with you when you journal.
ENJOY and May JOY Align with Your Creative Heart!
[email protected]
The Art of Journaling Toolbox is for your Enjoyment and pleasure.
It is not intended as advice or instruction in any way. (It is simply direction so you know how to use it)
Do NOT USE THIS RESOURCE if it may create stress for you.
Please seek out a therapist or counselor if you are in emotional distress.
Or call 911.
If you desire further assistance with your journaling practice, please seek out a journaling therapist or workshop facilitator.
The Art of Journaling Toolbox is for your Enjoyment and pleasure.
It is not intended as advice or instruction in any way. (It is simply direction so you know how to use it)
Do NOT USE THIS RESOURCE if it may create stress for you.
Please seek out a therapist or counselor if you are in emotional distress.
Or call 911.
If you desire further assistance with your journaling practice, please seek out a journaling therapist or workshop facilitator.