Refreshment is a key component to my daily life. I know the deepest benefits and that's why I always remind folks to refresh themselves daily.
However, it's easy to let a day or two or many more slip by without re-invigorating ourselves in some way; but unfortunately we may experience the "side effects" of not doing so and, maybe, not even realize it. Such was the case for me recently... I was having a challenging morning, feeling a bit discouraged, a bit out of alignment and un-grounded. You know how I could tell? I was feeling doubtful about some things. I was impatient, lacking faith in areas of great importance to me. (Yes, this is an honest confession.) I was really wondering what was going on with me; I don't like feeling or acting this way. It's very disconcerting, perplexing and distressing. So I certainly did NOT want to stay there. NO. So I got my journal out and wrote my a.m. entry. After detailing my distress of those minutes I just described, I then switched to my non dominant hand and began to ask what went wrong. What I wrote came as a complete but revelatory surprise to me. I had not painted in about three days. That was it. You wouldn't think that putting pigment on a paint brush and applying it to watercolor paper or canvas would make that much of a difference, right? But, here's the truth in a nutshell: I am an artist. It's a huge part of the core of my being. (I continued to journal just this truth when what was next came out in all of its profoundness...) When I go one day without creating in some way, especially painting, which helps meactivate my creative center and stay aligned with Who I Am, I am essentially Rejecting that Core Part of Myself. Self Rejection! This really woke me up. It's easy to point a finger at another and say, this person has rejected me, and put the blame elsewhere. But in reality, rejection from another is often a reflection of how we are rejecting ourselves and not even know it! I realized with this revelation of self rejection when not taking the time DAILY to honor Who I Am as an artist, I also came to the conclusion that Daily Authentic Refreshment is even more Vitally Important than I initially realized, for as much as I remind folks to refresh daily. I understood on an even deeper level what it looks like and feels like to not refresh yourself to nourish the core of your being. Instead of simply saying to get your guilt free refreshment daily, now I'm saying, Don't reject that Core of Who You Are by letting a day go by without that essential nourishment that is so vitally important to your well being. That cannot be overstated. I realize that now more than ever before. So, guess what? I have painted daily since then, whether in my art journal or on canvas/paper. I finished one painting and started another. Yes, when I paint daily, not only do I nourish myself, I also get more artistic work accomplished, and have a splendid time doing it. And it does make a major difference in how I feel: more aligned with Who I Am. I can hear that Intuitive Voice speaking ever so clearly: Go Paint. And I say, Okay, I will! My painting gives me space to express what's in my heart; it gives me deeper understanding of what I'm feeling, thinking, saying and doing. And you know what else I realized? My journaling practice is a super powerful tool that gives me space to express how I feel and listen to my Intuitive Heart; but it's NOT ENOUGH to keep me nourished in the Core of my being. Once you find what nourishes the Core of your being, do it daily. Whatever it takes. Even if it's just 5 minutes! And if you don't know what that nourishing activity is just yet, you're welcome to check out my Your Life Refreshed! Creative Strategy Sessions so we can get on board with helping you find out just what that is! No Rejection. Just Love, Care and Nourishment...ultimately so you can make a positive mark in your world. © 2014 by Dawn Herring
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![]() Dawn HerringDawn engages in many roles: As Writer/Blogger and Artist/Creative and Founder of Refresh with Dawn Herring: Where Art and JOY Align, She enjoys sharing from her vast experience as award-winning, life-long artist and leader in the field of written journaling, offering encouragement and proven tips to other journal keepers. Dawn's focus is on written journal keeping, artistic expression and finding your Creative Voice, and positive change that leads personal empowerment, encouraging you to leave your authentic and positive mark in the world. Dawn is a Commercial artist, hand letterer/illustrator and writer/blogger and enjoys sharing insights, humor, and encouragement as she shares from her life experiences as a woman, wife, mother of two grown daughters and as a Grandparent to a special needs grandson. She enjoys keeping a journal and reading spiritual texts to help keep the light on. May JOY Align with Your Creative Heart. Archives
August 2019