These are just three of the 7 Designs from my JOY Design Series I released this year in my New ART STORE. Hello friends, creatives, artists, journal keepers, small business owners! It's amazing to me how quickly this year has flown by and I realize I'd love to share with you how full this year has been for me, the changes I've made and the experiences I've had that made this year amazing. I continue to keep a daily journal, both written and in doodle/visual form; if you've been following me for any length of time, you will know this. And if you haven't, then you'll come to know this since I love to talk about journaling so much. That is one thing that hasn't changed at all here at Refresh with Dawn Herring! You know why? Because Journaling is Such a Power Tool that I use it all the time for clarity, for purpose, for confidence and for fun! I so enJOY tapping into the essence of summarizing my days, and sharing my heart on the page. And if you don't already know, my newest offering is called, The ART of Journaling Tool Box, which you can get right here by clicking on the image below. Then you'll get it right in your inbox. It contains 7 Power Tools for your journaling practice to keep it Relevant, Revealing and Renewing! In addition to this new resource, I also made some changes to my newsletter...which was once called, The JOY Finder. Now I renamed it The ART of JOY, for the purpose of creating an even clearer focus on ART as my source of JOY and how being the Artist of your own Life can help you experience more JOY, tapping into Your Own Creative Voice. This is so very important to me, one of my core life values here at Refresh with Dawn Herring. I'm so looking forward to sharing with you all my Artistic journey and what inspires me so you can be inspired too. Just click on the image to subscribe so you don't miss a thing. Art is my big love, bringing me such JOY. And I want you to tap into your Inner Artist every day. This year, my focus has moved from what was primarily watercolor painting with paintbrush to Hand Lettering and Illustration with watercolor markers and india ink pens. I've had so much fun exploring with these Art Tools in my personal journal for the past 5 years that I decided to go bigger and create New Designs to Share with You. This year I completed my JOY Design Series with inspiring messages from my creative heart, which you can view right here in my New Art Store! Yes!! I'm so excited to now provide you with fun, dynamic design for your personal and home use! To view the designs here on my website, click here. To go to my ART STORE, click here. I would love to know which design is your favorite and why (leave a comment!), and if you could, heart the product you like the most. I appreciate your enthusiasm; so many of you have already shared, which means a lot to me. This year, I also made a few changes here on my website and in the message of Refresh with Dawn Herring. My new tag line is Where ART and JOY Align. Alignment to me means I'm exactly where I want to be, and where I should be. Every thing just feels right. And that is so important to me; another of my Core Values here at Refresh with Dawn Herring. I also changed my sign off which now says: May JOY Align with Your Creative Heart. I want you to experience that same thrill of creating that I do, so the message of that alignment for your Artist Within is Key to what I want to convey. I trust it resonates with you as deeply as it does for me. I have had so much fun this year sharing my Walk with Me times on Instagram and Facebook and YouTube. Living near a greenbelt and nature-based JOY has been thrilling for me, sharing bird flight, my egret, my favorite tree, and chatting with you as I go! Thanks to all of you who have joined me, watched the replays and have shared your own JOY with me. It wouldn't be the same without you! I also have had the JOY of sharing my new Studio space with you when I've gone live and also on my Acronym videos where I've shared some JOY filled inspiration for your mindset and journal reflection.
I've also been excited to launch a new Service called Dawn's Dynamic Designs: Hand Lettering & Illustration, which I'm offering to small business owners for their business brand and products/services so the visuals they use to market will help them stand out from their competitors in the marketplace. I so enJOY creating hand lettered and illustrated designs, that it just aligned with my goals as an Artist and Designer! I have continued with Refresh Daily Podcast this year, and have started doing interviews with other Creatives to give you inspiration and encouragement to Find Your Creative Voice. I've shared 3 Gs for the Soul (Ep 10) and my popular interview with Laura Volpintesta, a very dear friend of mine, who shares her artistic, educational and musical story with us! I have more interviews planned for 2019 so stay tuned!
I have so enJOYed connecting with you all on social media and coming together in community to share our JOYs with one another. I have so much fun creating Instagram stories to share with you, and I appreciate all the feedback and conversation I've had with many of you who view them and engage, whether it's to answer a question or share your JOYs with me. I trust we will have even more fun in 2019! (Follow me @RefreshwithDawnHerring.)
On the home front, in Connection with my Spiritual Practice, I have delved deep into creating music with my tambourine and songwriting with melody from my heart. I have enJOYed immensely sharing some of that music with you, both live and on my podcasts. I plan to continue to write songs as I'm inspired by spiritual texts that give me Light and Truth that I love to share with you in lyrics that open the heart and lift the soul!! (I have a musical project that I hope to release next year, so you can enJOY my music even more.) Thanks to those who have shared their appreciation for my music! Special Thanks to those who subscribe and follow me and share your feedback and encouragement as I share with you what inspires me, what brings me JOY and what I desire to accomplish as an Artist, Creative and Song writer. Your friendship and our JOY-filled community make my life experience even more JOYful. I hope to have an even deeper connection with you all going into 2019! (Don't forget to subscribe so we can chat by email and you can get The ART of Journaling Toolbox; even if you don't keep a journal already, it's the perfect resource to help you get started.) I wish you more JOY and Creativity in the New Year and May JOY Align with Your Creative Heart. Journaling Prompt: How have you tapped into Your Creative Voice in 2018? What new things did you discover? What are your Creative Goals and Dreams for 2019? Detail them and determine what tiny step you can take to get started right now! Art Journal Prompt: Take several images from your most treasured times in 2018 and make a collage to commemorate this time. Really feel into those JOYfilled emotions, reliving them in your heart. Doodle Prompt: Use 2018 as your starting point and draw a summarizing picture of what 2018 was like for you. Then dream with your pen about 2019 and what it may hold. Copyright 2018 Dawn Herring
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![]() Dawn HerringDawn engages in many roles: As Writer/Blogger and Artist/Creative and Founder of Refresh with Dawn Herring: Where Art and JOY Align, She enjoys sharing from her vast experience as award-winning, life-long artist and leader in the field of written journaling, offering encouragement and proven tips to other journal keepers. Dawn's focus is on written journal keeping, artistic expression and finding your Creative Voice, and positive change that leads personal empowerment, encouraging you to leave your authentic and positive mark in the world. Dawn is a Commercial artist, hand letterer/illustrator and writer/blogger and enjoys sharing insights, humor, and encouragement as she shares from her life experiences as a woman, wife, mother of two grown daughters and as a Grandparent to a special needs grandson. She enjoys keeping a journal and reading spiritual texts to help keep the light on. May JOY Align with Your Creative Heart. Archives
August 2019