The purpose of this video, Creative Curiosity, is to encourage the pursuit of curiosity paths to enhance your creative practice. I include journaling and art journaling prompts. I'm coming from my Dawn Herring Collection Art Studio where I sit to paint with watercolor to share with you my thoughts on curiosity and where it can lead to help us build a Creative Practice worth keeping.
A Total Eclipse. A Recent event with the blood moon, starting late in the evening. When my husband, Bill, mentioned its occurrence, we decided to check it out. We tried the back yard, but with too many trees, we had no visibility. So I suggested we try the front yard. Much to our pleasure, we had a good view standing in just the right spot between our live oaks. The eclipse was well under way but we saw just a sliver of the moon still visible so we were just in time. That was a memorable moment as we saw a rare event in progress, just the two of us relishing our time together. Although blood moons are rare, and so are total ecliipses, this one happening together was a true anomaly. But what about life eclipses...eclipses of the Heart? When we feel overwhelmed or are in a dark or uneasy or unsure place. When we're off our center and need to get back. When we face life challenges, especially those kind that persist, bringing chronic trouble to our weary souls. These are emotional eclipses. And what do they accomplish? They leave us feeling joyless, disheartened, and maybe, sometimes, resentful or bitter. Yuk. Doesn't sound like much fun, does it? No, I didn't think so either. So how do we prevent or reduce eclipses of our hearts? In other words, how do we manage challenging situations without losing our joy and enjoyment of life on a daily basis? Well, that's where daily refreshment comes in...and a refreshed mindset. How we view our challenge can make a difference in how we respond to it. If we see the situation as out of our control, it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. So we need to get a fresh view and transform those dark spaces into areas of clarity, truth and light. Sometimes this takes time in our journals, expressing just exactly what is bothering us so we can figure out our eclipsing triggers and their source. Getting it down on paper can make all the difference in gaining clarity and figuring out our most effective and authentic action steps toward healing and well being. When we can get to a place where we have a clearer view and a greater understanding of how we can respond, taking care of ourselves and still being responsible, caring individuals, we can experience, once again, inner joy, gratitude and that sense of being Aligned with Who We Are, back to center. This is where we feel relief, release, and rest for our souls and healing to our minds and hearts. And when we take the time to engage in those refreshing activities that speak to our hearts, we can create a place of comfort, of relishment, of honoring Who We Are, which can really enhance our daily experience and, perhaps, even minimize the effects of those eclipses, so they don't have a chance to completely extinguish our joy, but simply initiate more time to care for ourselves more deeply. Perhaps that can be the silver lining, like the silver of the moon, which shines once the eclipse is over. In all of its beautiful glory. Shine on, dear one, and feel that fulness of joy deep in your soul. Journaling Prompt:
Have you experienced a Total Eclipse of your heart with a disheartening or challenging situation? Detail your eclipsing triggers with the intent of getting to the heart of the matter. **Describe your emotions and record any resonating situations that you may recall in connection with your current situation. Then detail how you can take action to transform this dark spot into a place of clarity and light. Art Journaling Prompt: Find images of an eclipse to Honor your Challenge, validating your emotions but also with the visual purpose of gaining clarity, with whatever colors, textures and text that resonates most powerfully for you. Let this be a healing process that brings you to where you feel you can shine once again. **Please note: If you find this activity too overwhelming, you may want to speak to a trusted friend or therapist if necessary. Copyright 2015 by Dawn Herring Copyright 2015 Graphic Header by Dawn Herring ![]() I love going for walks in my neighborhood. With sidewalks on both sides of the street, and lots of great trees, it has always made for a pleasant stroll. I often see birds, butterflies and sometimes squirrels and even a rabbit once in a while. I love taking snapshots of these mini adventures and reveling in the moment of my minutes outdoors. Recently I noticed a big change in the FACE of my neighborhood: many of the trees have been recently "pruned" with larger limbs removed; this I was not expecting. I guess I just thought my tree-lined sidewalk would always look the same. It reminded me of a rain forest, with lots of greenery all around me. But with those pruned changes, that same walk has truly opened up. It almost feels bare in a sense. Quite frankly, I was disappointed by this change, yet, also realized that that's the way life works. Change is inevitable...especially for growing things! But noticing the changes in my neighborhood trees, and working to be flexible with these visual differences even if I wasn't happy with the change, had me thinking about the changing "Faces" of Life in general. We all experience them at one time or another whether we think about them much or not. Of course, there's the obvious change of aging in our visage we all experience. But what about the Faces of our cities, our local landscape, our highways as they expand to accommodate our growing population (Here is McKinney, Texas, the best city in the U.S. to live, we have been experiences major highway construction for several years, but we can see how much better and wider it will all be when it's finished!) Then there's the face of our families, as new ones are born and older generations pass from this life into the next, leaving memories and photos to treasure. How about our friendships, some with long-years staying power, and others just for a time. ![]() There's also the changing FACE of our employment, sometimes causing us to actually change where we live, being transplanted for a whole new life. These Faces of Change can often be difficult to adjust to, especially if it means loss to us. We have to be gentle with ourselves as we work to understand the changes we are experiencing without being overly critical with ourselves, and yet, also creating a balance of our view so we can still be at peace with what is. There is always something to learn from the changes in life--especially when they are least expected. So how do we stay flexible when changes come, especially when these changes are out of our control and must simply be accepted as they are? I think validating how we feel about these changes, recognizing what we will miss, and perhaps honoring those changes creatively so we have something to remember them by, can help us assimilate what we are experiencing without being too hard on ourselves. Change will come. We will change with those changes. Honoring Who We Are and Who We Are Becoming through those changes will help us understand ourselves better; and perhaps, as a result of loving ourselves through those changes, we can leave a meaningful mark in our changing world. The above images of the tree limbs give me hope since they are what's left of the branches on my neighborhood walk that haven't been pruned, thus I really appreciate their beauty!
Journaling Prompt: Is there a specific "FACE" of life in which you have experienced change, whether small and more surface, like the trees I've given as examples, or something life changing with loss of some kind? Honor that change by detailing how it has affected you and changed you. See if you can recognize and visualize a positive aspect to this loss as you detail this change. Art Journal Prompt: Honor any visual FACES of change you have experienced by creating a spread with images of this change and what it means to you, both at face value as well as within. Use the colors that speak meaningfully to you and consider what those colors are saying about the change you experienced. Copyright 2015 by Dawn Herring Copyrigt 2015 Images by Dawn Herring Intuition is a powerful tool that I believe in underused and neglected. I didn't realize its power fully until later in life. But I'm so glad I understand its importance and how I can activate it and pay closer attention to it so I can benefit from it! Enter My Personal Journal. Taking my catylistic tool of journal writing and using the pages to record what my intuition is telling me is something I have found has changed my life for the better. As a matter of fact, I could not overstate the importance of these two powerful tools in my life. The thing is, we all have Intuition. But do we listen to it? It can sometimes be a challenge to know what voice we are hearing since we hear more than one; this can be disconcerting. But I have found that when I persist in knowing the truth about that Intuitive Voice, I have been able to recognize it more distinctly than ever before. How? Because I've been able to TRUST IT. Each time I pay close attention to the message coming from my heart, I get to know it all the better. And the more I know it, the more I KNOW.
Knowing is HUGE when it comes to every day decision making, direction for the future, even when to do something on which day for the best energy applied. My journal is the perfect place to Keep Track of those daily intuitive hits that give me clear guidance and sometimes insight that I would not otherwise have. My journal and my intuition are both Gifts; and for me, they are to be used for my benefit. Why? Because as I see the track record of the positive changes I have made as a result of listening by journaling, it helps to heighten my confidence and it gives me opportunities that I wouldn't otherwise have. Listening to my intuition and recording those insights and plans to make change has enabled me to do what I never thought possible. And it's so exciting when I see and experience those positive changes where the rubber meets the road. Especially when the benefits are unexpected. Journal keeping is a way to record what is inside my heart, what I dream of, and what really matters to me. Intuition is the power source (that we all have inside of us from the Creator) that keeps my pen moving across the page in celebration of all I have come to understand and experience, knowing I can TRUST the guidance I receive and can have full confidence for the follow through. Journal Keeping and Intuition: So happy together. A Lesson Worth Learning. Journaling Prompt: What was the last intuitive hit you received? Did you listen to it? If you did, how did you benefit? If you didn't, did you see what could have been possible had you listened? (Remember to be gentle with yourself if you didn't. We don't always know for sure if it is our intuition we are hearing; it takes practice!) Art Journaling Prompt: Ask your Intuitive Voice about an issue you need to resolve; then create a spread or page showing the answer in color, text, image or whatever suits your creative expression. You can create a follow up spread to show the results of following your intuition and celebrate what good came of it. Note: I wrote this post as my contribution to our September #JournalChat Live OPEN HOUSE where we are sharing Life Lessons we have learned as a direct result of our journal keeping practice. Always remember that Your Journaling Voice Matters! Copyright 2015 by Dawn Herring Copyright 2015 Graphic Header by Dawn Herring Here is my new installment of my Refresh Daily Rewind Video Series with a focus on Generosity...toward your Creativity!! I address the issue of being restrictive with ourselves and how we can open things up more for better creative flow. Journaling and Art Journaling prompts included.
The purpose of this installment of my Refresh Daily Rewind video series is to encourage the enjoyment of the creative process without the feeling of overwhelm due to our concern about how much we are producing. Gentleness and Relishment are key to creativity.
Welcome, Art Journal Enthusiasts! I have a new Art Journal Spread to share with you; I've titled it, The Dividing Line. This particular spread features Modeling Paste, home-made by me. I used a mix of gesso and baking soda, which can be really crumbly and messy if you don't use enough gesso to make it look like cement. This takes practice, messy practice. *wink*
My goal with this spread was to test out this home made-modeling paste to see how well it would work with a stencil, and this time I made a stencil of my own with long dividing lines. I knew pretty quickly I was going to use them across the top of the page, but I also decided ahead of time that I wanted to put some color down first since when I used modeling paste before without color on the background, I didn't like it as much. I used a brayer to lay down watercolor paint; this is the FIRST time I've used a brayer to lay down color. I have used brushes, sponges and even my fingers, but not a brayer.
First tip with a brayer: always make sure it's clean before you use it! I had to put down many layers of watercolor before I was satisfied with the coverage. Plus the color was very washy, not thick and dry. (This is not acrylic paint, so there's a bit more effort put in since watercolor isn't opaque and takes more applications for good coverage.) But once I used the brayer, I found that I LOVED the textured look I got from using it, versus laying down color with a brush. Once I had the color down, then I applied the modeling paste with my hand-made stencil. Very messy procedure but I loved the result. That's when the name of this spread came to me, since the lines were creating divided space. So I decided to tear some good 'ole colored construction paper into pieces and stamped out the letters individually, then adhered them with matte medium. I later edged them with more watercolor; love that look.
As I filled in more of the space, It almost felt like a cliff with a dam of water both visually and viscerally, so I decided to emphasize a separation between the top of the page and the bottom. I tore some gold colored magazine pages into pieces and used those to create a division. I also used a small round sponge on a wooden stick to add more watercolor after I used the brayer and created lines of "water" coming down in a circular motion; as I did this, the idea of a turning came to mind. Then I realized the connection: The Dividing Line Becomes a Turning Point! Wow.
I absolutely love it when this happens; do you know why? Because when I play in my art journal, I gain understanding of myself and my life experiences, bringing the subconscious to the fore. The realization with this spread is a perfect example of what I mean. Once I had this idea solidly in mind, the rest of the spread just fell into place. From the application of the words "Becomes a" to the words, "Turning Point." For "becomes a", I used a white Uniball pen on stamps for the letters, reinforcing the letters with pen directly on the page for solid coverage. I LOVE the contrast of white on the darker bluish hue. It really POPS.
For the "turning" word, I wanted it to express itself with its meaning, so I stamped it out in a turning manner. And for "Point," I wanted it to have a directness to it, so I included an arrow pointing at the end and highlighted the letters with my white Uniball pen. I also painted the dividing lines with a gold color. I love the contrast of the gold with the bluish hue.
I really enjoyed the process of creating this spread, the realization of learning more about myself, about making decisions and how those decisions can become turning points toward authenticity. We all want to be authentic, don't we? Each decision we make can help us be more authentic than ever.
Sometimes when we face a life challenge, it can feel like a dividing line, especially when we determine to say NO to something we were once saying Yes to. But once we make that decision, knowing it brings us into our authentic path when we do, it becomes a turning point of truth in our lives. When we know the truth and live it, we are free, aren't we? Journaling Prompt: Have you recently experienced something that felt like a division or a change of direction for you? If so, detail it in your journal, including how you felt and responded to the realization that you needed to make a change of direction toward authenticity. Affirm your choice to Stay Aligned with Who You Are.
Art Journal Prompt:
Dedicate a page or spread to a recent decision you made, changing from YES to NO or from NO to YES; you may want to use the NO or YES as your starting point and stamp out the meaning behind the decision. Copyright 2015 by Dawn Herring Copyright 2015 Art Journal Images by Dawn Herring This Refresh Daily Rewind video focuses on dealing with False Starts and what we can learn about our creative process with the decision on where to go from a place of uncertainty and finding the value in every courageous step we take in our creative lives.
Here is a new installation from my Refresh Daily Rewind video Series with the topic, Inner Expectations, where I share what mine are and how we can appreciate our current creative output and still challenge ourselves at the same time, all with the goal of Getting Back to the Basics of Activating Our Creative Centers!
I'm excited to share with you an interesting story that took place right in my neighborhood. I was on my way back home on my walk, when I noticed several birds on the sidewalk and lots of bird noise. Note the use of the word NOISE. Mocking birds don't just sing; they also have a warning sound they use when they are defending their territory; and that's the kind of noise I heard. So I was thinking I was running into a bird fight of sorts. But as I approached the area very slowly and started taking the photos you see below, I realized this wasn't a bird fight at all. As I saw the birds up close, I noticed how TINY they were; they were BABIES! I was absolutely delighted to realize that what I had the honor, really, to see, was a Mama Mocking Bird teaching her babies to fly! What a thrill! I've never seen baby bird flying lessons before and to see them up-close and in person was a sight to see. The babies were so adorable with their short, fluffy wings and their chirps as they answered their Mom who was flying about, restless, and yet purposeful, landing on one side of the house where they were located and then on the other side, as you can see in the photos above. And you know what? That flying lesson was very short in duration, thus, when I took the video below, the babies were no longer visible and I just caught the Mama bird as she was flying above, perhaps looking for them to see where they went. What I learned from this experience, dear readers, is that what you think might be a danger or trouble up ahead, like what I thought was a possible bird fight, may not be that at all; it may be disguised as a Life Opportunity to learn and grow right where you are so you can become Who You Are Meant To Be. Life can sometimes look intimidating, even a little scary, like stepping outside our comfort zone. And it does take courage to step into something that has, perhaps, a lot of variables you're not too sure about; but once you start, things will start falling into place as they are meant to. And you can learn so much about yourself when you enter new territory, being gentle with yourself as you go, not pushing so hard, that you become overwhelmed. Always remember to pace yourself. And as you do, you will be amazed as to how far you come and find the whole process rewarding.
I was so delighted to have seen these unexpected Flying Lessons as I learn a few of my own along the way. Journaling Prompt: Is there a circumstance or opportunity you are hesitant to step into because it looks too intimidating? Record what you are afraid of; it's important to know for sure whether it's an actual danger or if it's simply so new, that you're feeling unsure. See what intuitive nudges might present themselves and do a pro and con with it to see what shows up. If you feel better from this fresh perspective, perhaps it's a Flying Lesson you can really learn from as you grow creatively. Art Journal Prompt: Using the word prompt, Flying Lesson, express yourself visually to honor a time when you felt like you were flying after feeling unsure of something new you were delving into; or simply explore your feelings from the journaling prompt above. Perhaps use an image of your favorite bird as a starting off point. Copyright 2015 by Dawn Herring Image Copyright 2015 by Dawn Herring |
![]() Dawn HerringDawn engages in many roles: As Writer/Blogger and Artist/Creative and Founder of Refresh with Dawn Herring: Where Art and JOY Align, She enjoys sharing from her vast experience as award-winning, life-long artist and leader in the field of written journaling, offering encouragement and proven tips to other journal keepers. Dawn's focus is on written journal keeping, artistic expression and finding your Creative Voice, and positive change that leads personal empowerment, encouraging you to leave your authentic and positive mark in the world. Dawn is a Commercial artist, hand letterer/illustrator and writer/blogger and enjoys sharing insights, humor, and encouragement as she shares from her life experiences as a woman, wife, mother of two grown daughters and as a Grandparent to a special needs grandson. She enjoys keeping a journal and reading spiritual texts to help keep the light on. May JOY Align with Your Creative Heart. Archives
August 2019