Live Music for the First Time!
Hello and Welcome Back to Beginnings, where we talk about fresh starts, new cycles, experimentation, exploration and creativity! And I am excited to share with you a video that was originally recorded as a Facebook Live, where I shared all the new updates to my new website, plus new videos to celebrate the One Year Anniversary of Beginnings blog. And I played several songs on the piano which was a first for me, having never played LIVE before! So exciting! One of the songs I played has never been released before, titled It's Possible. I read the lyrics in the video. I also played the very first song I composed for the piano when I first got my piano keyboard almost 3 years ago. Of course, the melody has been upgraded so to speak, so I'm excited to share that with you today.
Videos mentioned are my new Welcome Message which you can view here on the home page, A Re-recording of the Beginnings theme song which is at the bottom of the home page. Plus a In Real Time video of creating the new logo for Beginnings blog which you can viewhere. You're welcome to check out this Live Video (which has been edited) in celebration with me! Thank you so much for your support and interest in my content here at Refresh with Dawn Herring. It means a lot to me. Thanks for giving my videos a thumbs up and for subscribing to my channel. My goal is always to be a source of inspiration and encouragement to your own creativity. I wish you the very Best of Beginnings!
My Song: I Believe
Hello and Welcome Back to Beginnings, where we talk about fresh starts, new cycles, exploration, experimentation and creativity.
In this post, I will be sharing with you some Music I’ve released, including lyrics and my reflections on what the song means to me, as well as some journaling prompts for further reflection. I always get excited when I’m ready to release new music so I can share my joy with you, with the intention and hope of your spirit being lifted in some meaningful way as we traverse this world at the same time in history. The new song I’ve recorded is titled, I Believe. I wrote this song several years ago (I’m not exactly certain when, but it was within the past 4 years since I’ve been writing music for about 5 years, just to give you an idea.) I’ve had this song in my piano book for a long time, but recently it has really been speaking to me, and I’ve been playing it with a new cadence that is deeply meditative, with a supplications vibe toward Spirit, and for me, it is a deeply empowering message. Here are the lyrics below: I Believe by Dawn Herring HIDE ME SHELTER ME KEEP ME SAFE I BELIEVE LOVE ME PROTECT ME I BELIEVE I AM SET FREE IT IS ALL DONE FOR ME I BELIEVE I CAN SEE WHEN YOU SEE THE TRUTH IN ME YOU WILL BE TRULY FREE (Words and music copyrighted to Dawn Herring 2023) When I wrote this song, it was in response to my scripture study and prayers in connection to my song writing, which is a natural outpouring of what Spirit speaks to me in the moment. In the process of writing the words, stanza by stanza, I sensed a supplicating essence that I could feel within myself. My desire to feel safe, secure, loved and heard was deeply resonant. And as I made my requests, I could feel my faith rising up, knowing I was heard and was not alone. Then a deep realization of what I actually truly have in Spirit came upon me, I felt more awake to what was alive inside. Then, in response to my faith and supplication, I sensed a reply and directive coming from a deeply loving essence of Spirit that shared the importance of vision, clarity and truth and how Waking UP to this reality brings Freedom. Yes! What a victorious response that lifts my spirit, bringing me hope that I AM FREE. In this world filled with so much uncertainty, we all feel the need to be protected and loved; we need that assurance that we will be ok. That we are not alone. That we can see. And with what we can see, we are Free. Free to be Who We Are. Not bound by societal standards but only the boundaries we set for ourselves, for protection and care. Spirit is there for us when we need Spirit most, during those moments of the deepest fears, doubts, insecurities, overwhelm, and uncertainty. As we reach out for what we need, as we seek, we will find. And when we seek together, we can support each other through the toughest of times. And experience freedom in community! Sounds like the Best of Beginnings to me! How about you? Below I provide some journaling prompts for further reflection. I trust they will help bring clarity, focus and freedom to your life in this moment. ❤️
Make a list of the times when you have felt most free, whether in childhood or whatever time comes to mind naturally. What is the common thread that you can see on this list? People? Places? Activities? Pick one from the list and detail it as much as possible, reliving that sense of freedom you felt. Do you feel that way now? What has changed or what is different? When have you felt the most protected? Was there someone who came to your aid, such as a good friend or mentor or a family member who really gets you? List times when you felt the most heard. What was the conversation about? Who was listening? How did this impact and change you for the better? What is your truth right now? What can you come back to again and again that grounds and centers you no matter what you’re facing? Write this down on an index card and keep it in a place where you can be reminded of this central truth. ❤️?
Disclaimer: journaling prompts are to be used at your own risk. If you feel overwhelmed or emotionally distressed, please seek out a counselor or therapist or call 911.
My Choice: It is, Isn’t It?
Hello and welcome back to Beginnings, a place where we talk about Fresh Starts, New Cycles, Experimentation, Exploration and Creativity. For this post, I am sharing some new music I’ve released, a song titled, My Choice, along with Lyrics and Reflections on what this song means to me. If you choose to watch the video on YouTube and enjoy, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel, if you haven’t already. And if you have, thank you!
Now on the the music.
First I’ll share the lyrics to the song, MY CHOICE, and then I will share my reflections on how I first perceived its message and how I see it now in my current life experience. MY CHOICE by Dawn Herring What looks good to me May not always be Deception often plays into my mind What I think I should do And where I should go May not always be from the Divine I must choose carefully Knowing it will always be My Choice It’s really up to me How I choose to go I realize I need your Grace To know the choice that reveals your face Help me choose to follow you No matter where I turn I must choose carefully Knowing it will always be My Choice It’s really up to me How I choose to go Repeat Upon the initial writing of this song, my first impression was the possibility of temptation to go down a road that might not be best for me or might not align with my values or might be a distraction from where I really need to put my energy for my greatest well being. It’s easy to get distracted by things that can steer you off course and waste your energy, even if it might look like a good idea at the time. I realize it’s always best to listen to your Higher Self and Spirit when it comes to making choices like these. In the past few months as I’ve played and sang this song to Spirit, it has taken on a more layered meaning for me. And when I discovered what that was, it really gave me food for thought. Sometimes, when we feel like we should do something, even if it feels heavy or off or misaligned, and even influenced by outside sources that are not aligned with our values, or if we feel obligation that is not the best for our well being, it can be easy to assume that we should or ought to do that something even if it upsets us or we feel disrespected by this action we are expected to take. When I came to realize this with some really important subject matter in my life, even coinciding with my father’s recent passing in January of this year, it really had me thinking about how important my life choices are for me, more than ever. I must take care of myself first; self care is essential, especially when I’m in the midst of mourning my father’s loss of form in this world. Gentleness, compassion, love, comfort and slowing down are leading sources of what is needed, and if the choice I make doesn’t give me that kind of energy, then it’s essential and necessary to say no. I must choose carefully knowing it will always be My Choice. And I don’t take that choice lightly. When I make the choices I do, I must come from a place of Love and personal power to move forward with my day full of confidence and assurance that I am taking care of myself as I need to. No questions asked. No second guessing. No matter how tempting it might be to do otherwise. We all have choices to make in life. And we should feel Good about those choices—always. Because it creates the right energy for the Best of Beginnings, which is what I wish for you! Journaling prompt: Are you faced with a difficult decision and you’re not quite sure what to do about it? Detail this decision laying out all the pros and cons for each side of the coin you’re dealing with. Once you have it visible to yourself, ask this question: Is doing this thing taking care of YOU? If so, how? Really choose honesty with your answer. Be careful not to allow outside influences to determine what is right for you as you answer these questions in your journal. Try dialogue with your Higher Self and ask the questions that have been eating at you concerning this decision. Let the dialogue flow and see what naturally comes to mind. Don’t censor or second guess. Feel gratitude for any clarity or insights you experience or recieve as a result. And when you make that decision based on taking care of you, move forward with confidence. Copyright 2023 Music and Illustration by Dawn Herring Dawn shares new art and music
Hello and Welcome Back to Beginnings where we talk about Fresh Starts, New Cycles, Exploration, Experimentation and Creativity. In this post and video, I share a new illustration, talk about specific art supplies and how I've been using them. I also discuss new music I'm working on.
I'm all about experimentation with new supplies and with new approaches with different substrates. With my new illustration, I share my art supplies from CaranD'Ache and Prismacolor and when I use the water soluable qualities of the colored pencils and pastels. In my previous illustration that I shared in this video/post, I did not use water. I just used the art supplies dry. But I desire to stretch myself as an artist and try new things and see what works and what doesn't. Yes, this requires some risk taking! But it's essential to explore with my art tools to see what they can do and the effects I can create with them. Some I love and some I don't. I take note mentally of what works and what doesn't. I use scratch paper to test supplies and wet them to see what they will look like before applying them to my illustration. Sometimes even after application, I have to learn how well the pencil or pastel works. And I also note how the paper holds up with repeated application. Strathmore is my go to substrate of choice; in this video I show the size pad I used and how that worked out for the size of the illustration. I show the actual result of my work in the video. You can also view the illustration on the website for Bill's Quality Electric, LLC on our electrical safety blog here. I have really enjoyed writing scene based posts for electrical safety which I talk about in the video as well. I also share the two new songs I've been working on plus my most recent song I've composed for piano and what that experience has been like. I trust you will be inspired watching and reading and I wish you the Best of Beginnings! Journaling Prompt: If you work with art supplies, what are your favorites and why? What are you go to tools to create what you love? If you work in other contexts creatively, what is your favorite aspect of this activity? How often do you engage in this activity? Do you want to make more time for it? If so, what time would work best for you? How do you feel after a session in your creative space? Note this in detail in your journal. Thank you & Good to See You
Hello and welcome back to Beginnings, where we focus on Fresh Starts, New Cycles, Exploration, Experimentation and Creativity. This is a special post since I am sharing a new video where I've come back to say hello and share my new Life Cycle, New Art Studio and some art I've made in the past few months that you may not have seen already.
You'll see two illustration and an art journal spread that I shared in a previous post. I also share what's going on with my music and my new art studio space and how I'm processing some major life changes that I've shared in previous blog posts. I'm not referring to this video as a vlog. It simply an update so I can say hi and share from my heart to yours. I hope this video is an inspiration to you in your own creativity! You're welcome to leave a comment either on YouTube or here on this post sharing your life update or a new life cycle you are currently experiencing. I am here to support you just like you have supported me and have been part of my journey. I also would appreciate it if you enjoy the video to please give it a thumbs up and if you haven't already subscribed, to subscribe if it is beneficial to you. This helps my channel get more visibility. I so appreciate your support. Thank you for watching and reading and I wish you the best of Beginnings. He Will Always Be My Father
This is my first Father's Day with my Dad, P. Daniel Bel-Tempo, in Spirit. I felt I must celebrate his life and honor him in this way since he passed back in January. The last time I saw him in person was back in 2019 on January 1 (he was in New Jersey; I live in Texas); we had only a few hours visit we shared together. I can almost feel his arm around me as we sat together on a hotel couch.
On that day, before he left, he sat in a hotel chair waiting to leave in a wheelchair, as he looked at me and said, "We couldn't love each other more than we do right now, could we?" And I said, "No, we couldn't, Dad." Then he stood up in his black leather jacket and gloves, and we hugged and kissed goodbye. I knew that would be the last time I would see him in person. And it was. I love him so; I always will.
Below I am sharing a poem I wrote my DAD for his birthday in 2022; it is titled, "ALWAYS," which encapsulates his essence as human, Father and musician.
ALWAYS BY DAWN HERRING YOUR SMILE YOUR CHUCKLE YOUR HUMOR PERVADES THERE ARE PARTS OF YOU THAT NEVER FADE YOUR RHYTHM YOUR TIMING MUSIC IN YOUR BONES IN THIS ESPECIALLY I AM NOT ALONE YOUR DESIRE TO ASPIRE TO CREATIVELY EXPRESS TO FIND SATISFACTION NOT JUST TO IMPRESS EXAMPLE TO ME YOU WILL ALWAYS BE YOU'RE FOREVER ALWAYS MY FATHER I have also shared a music video of the last song I played for DAD on my piano titled, "The Evidence." This song will always have a special place in my heart since it brought comfort to both me and my Dad. Thank you for reading and watching and being a part of my Honoring my DAD on Father's day, the first I will experience since his passing in January. I appreciate your being a part of my journey. Copyright 2023 Music and poetry by Dawn Herring Coming Full Circle: |
I also wanted to add here that I got back to sketching with just fine black pen this year, getting Back to the Basics, as I like to put it. If you would like to see my pen sketches, I show them inVlog 1 and Vlog 2.
Well, that wraps up my 2022 Year in Review! It’s been a fun ride, an interesting journey and I look forward to what is in store in 2023. I do hope you will join me as we continue our creative journeys together; that makes it so much more fun, doesn’t it?
I am always here to cheer you on, to encourage and inspire you and even empower you to take those first steps, choosing courage as you determine where you will express yourself as only you can do!
Thank you for being a part of this journey with me!
Here’s to 2023!
And I wish you the very Best of Beginnings!
Dawn’s Vlog #2 has Come to You!
In this post, I am sharing my 2nd Vlog, a new venture here at Refresh with Dawn Herring, giving you a peek behind the scenes, where I share my thoughts on what I’m up to, topics that are of interest to me, plus wardrobe selections. And I’m having fun!
The topics I cover in Vlog 2 are an inside view of my new theme song, Beginnings, which you can watch on my home page here on the website. I also chat about my take on social media, why I choose to be present in various outlets, especially in connection with you, my friend! I also share a sketch update and do some “show and tell” with art supplies.
I also chat about decluttering and what a difference it has made for me. (If you want to read and watch about my decluttering process, please click here.)
And another topic is about my 2 decks of cards I use for insight and connection with Spirit and where they come from. (Not tarot related.)
And of course, my wardrobe picks!
If that is of interest to you, then you’re welcome to watch the video! I have chosen to create a time stamp so you can choose your topic of interest if you’re thus inclined unless you just want to watch from start to finish!
Vlog 2 encompasses 4 days, 2 in late November and 2 in early December.
I hope you enjoy, are inspired and leave a comment about your favorite subject matter that I chat about. I’d love to hear from you. Your feedback is highly appreciated. And you're welcome to share what Your Beginning is right now. I'd love to support and celebrate with you!
And I wish you the very BEST of Beginnings!
Dawn Herrings is an Artist, Illustrator, Aspiring Musician, and Avid Journal Keeper. She enjoys spending time writing songs, composing for the piano, playing with all kinds of art media, including colored pencils for illustrating, exploring design and textures, having fun creating spreads in her art journal and writing about her day, her dreams and her vision in her journals. Dawn is also Office Manager and partner in business with her husband, Bill, of 33 years.
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Fathers Day
Fruit Of The Spirit
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Making Melody With Dawn
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