Prepping Fabric for an Art Journal Spread
Welcome back to Beginnings, where we talk about Fresh Starts, New Cycles, Exploration, Experimentation and Creativity! This particular post is in two parts. The first part is focused on my Illustration Pic of the Week. The Second part is focused on the video content above and what I am sharing with you from my studio space. If you're interested in my illustrations from my personal journal and/or you would enjoy an inside look at my art journal process, then this post is for you!
Now on to the Illustration Pic of the Week. I create an illustration in my personal journal each evening as part of my daily journaling practice. So that's 7 illustrations to choose from for the Pic of the Week. This week I'm sharing "Prepping," an illustration to highlights the time I spent in my art journal, using a new tool for cutting fabric! I'm excited to experiment with using something other than a regular scissor to create a new design in my art journal. In the Studio with Dawn: Art Tools of the Trade
For this Part 2 segment, I am sharing a video of my behind-the-scenes activity in my Art Studio space, and I am showing some new cutting tools, my experience with each one, and I demonstrate how I am building a design for a new art journal spread. I'm excited to try new tools that might make my work with fabric easier, since I love using fabric as collage material, which I discuss in detail and show in the video.
I decided since the Illustration and the video cover the same topic, I thought it would work well together to put them in the same post, so you can see the process of my art journaling and how it translates into something worth remembering from my day! My goal and my delight is for you to be inspired by what you see that will lead to your own creative pursuits! It can be exciting to find a tool that really works to make creating easier and more fulfilling. I wish the same for you in whatever creative activity you enjoy engaging in. If you have recently found a tool in your creative trade that has made a difference for you, you are welcome to share in the comments below! I love celebrating with you in community! Journaling Prompt: What makes keeping your journaling practice easier? Is there a particular tool such as type of pen, journal or other accessory that you especially enjoy using? Why? Is there something you would like to experiment with that you have yet to try? How do you think it will enhance your experience? Thank you for being a part of my artistic journey. I appreciate your presence here. And I wish you the Very Best of Beginnings!
Party Chat: Illustration Pic of the WeekHello and welcome back to Beginnings! I'm having so much fun sharing with you my choice for Pic of the Week from my daily personal illustrations I create in my sketchbook journal when I do my evening practice. It gives me such JOY to create these "spot illustrations" inspired by moments I want to highlight from my day.
This week's Pic features me in the kitchen cooking lunch (having just sliced some carrots for my veggie to be boiled), while doing a video chat with my daughter, Sarah, the day after she turned 32! Yes, it was party time! We had such an enjoyable conversation, especially focused on her poetry, which is her most natural way to express herself (for many years!). I enjoyed telling her what I was making for my meal, what my ingredients were for my customized "coleslaw" I make for myself, which she thought sounded delish. We did a lot of laughing and enjoyed one another's company. I enjoyed celebrating with my daughter as she turns another number, with her being my winter lady. (I don't call her a Baby anymore!) It was so good to see her mega-watt Julia Robert's smile. And in our house, birthdays are celebrated all month day 2, we're just getting started! Ha! Why not, right? Art supplies: I used fine line pen for the figure and objects along with colored pencil and pastel for the garments. The lettering is pencil and pastel combined. I absolutely LOVE the texture the pastel adds to the mix. Texture is one of my favorite elements of making art. What is yours? Journaling prompt: Do you have a special way you make birthdays last longer? What is your favorite way to celebrate your own birthday? If you could ask for something as a gift, what would it be and why? Thanks for being a part of my artistic and family journey; I enjoy celebrating with you! Wishing you the very Best of Beginnings! Come with me into my Studio as We Declutter
Welcome back to Beginnings! We are having fun in the Studio making some decisions about Art Supplies; I have recorded a Behind-the-Scenes video showing you some of my art supplies and discussing what I have determined to remove from my art supply collection and why I'm choosing to. Get a peek at some of my rubber stamp collection and Alpha stamps, and a bit of history about my Art Journalig Journey (I reveal how long I've been keeping an art journal!).
I also want to give a shout out to my daughter, Sarah, who's birthday is today, 1/23/24! I filmed this on her birthday so I want to wish her a Happy Birthday! May all your wishes come true! Do you have any supplies that you have accumulated, whether art or otherwise, that you can declutter, that you aren't using anymore? Let's declutter together! It's perfect time with this being a New Year of 2024. Out with the Old, right? I'm cheering you on! Thank you for being on this artist journey with me; and for your interest in my Studio life! (And if you give me a thumbs up on my video and subscribe if you haven't already, I will be delighted!!) Journaling Prompt: What do your art supplies say about you? What are your favorite go-tos in your studio and why? What have you been meaning to remove but haven't yet and why? Make a list and take action to make your space as inviting and relevant as possible. Happy Creating! And I wish you the very Best of Beginnings! In Remembrance of my Dad: One YearHello and Welcome Back to Beginnings. For this post, I am sharing my Illustration Pick of the Week from the week of 1/8/24. I so enjoy creating an evening illustration in my journal to highlight something I want to remember from the day's experience. I chose to illustrate and emphasize the One Year Anniversary of my beloved father's passing. My Dad "Danny" Bel-Tempo was the best dad I could have asked for as a child; he was fun loving, enjoyed seeing me happy and had the greatest chuckle to highlight his sense of humor.
One this Day of Remembrance, I chose to focus on all the things I loved about my Dad and what made him, him. I always loved his choice of grammar and how he would point it out if you weren't accurate with yours. (He did write 3 novels!, one of which was called Foxes. So the fox is the animal that always reminds me of my dad.) In my illustration, I aimed to use facial expression to emphasize how I felt that day, still hearing his voice in my head, which is often accentuated with humor. I sometimes find myself laughing out loud at what I hear in my mind's ear. Well, Dad, I remembered you and do daily. And now I know you and Mom are reunited, so enjoy! With love always, your daughter Dawn Art supplies: I used a combination of colored pencil and pastel crayon for the letters: ONE YEAR. I used fine line pen for the figure and words, colored pencil and pastel for the wardrobe. I so appreciate the blessing illustration is to me especially when I want to express my love for my Dad. Art supplies are the gift to create from the heart, as I intuitively choose what will best help me make visual what is inside. Journaling Prompt: How do you best choose to express yourself when remembering someone you love who has passed? Do you find it satisfying? Are there ways you can create a context to support yourself and focus on self care during a time that may be difficult? I wish you well in discovering what that is. And I wish you the very Best of Beginnings! Time Management with Family Updates
Hello and Welcome Back to Beginnings! For this post, I am sharing a longer form video answering a Question from Carrie, a viewer of my short video on how I do Family Updates in my journals. She wanted to know how I manage my time with these updates, especially with the various approaches I take.
Thank you, Carrie, for this question and I am delighted to answer it! I did a short version of this video that you can view here on my Art of Journaling page. In the longer form video, I share more detail about my process with recording family updates as well as my overall approach to my evening journaling practice. One key takeaway: Brevity helps. And abbreviating makes it easier. I also discuss my illustration process in connection with Family Updates. My whole desire is to make Family a Priority, making time a non-issue since I see it as an investment in what matters most to me rather than an obligation. It’s my choice to record family happenings and why they matter. I also address the issue of being too busy to make a journaling practice a front runner in your daily activity. I trust this Q & A will inspire you to get started or to keep up with your journaling practice in a way that is relevant, meaningful and manageable for you. Questions and comments about journaling are always welcome; I am delighted to share my journaling experience with you! If you watch the video, please give it a thumbs up for the value it brings to you. And subscribe to my channel if you haven’t already. Your support helps more people find my content to help them in their journaling practice in 2024! Thank you so much! And I wish you the Very Best of Beginnings! Journaling Prompt: How do you manage your time with journaling? Have you found a time, place and purpose for your journaling practice? How you found a way to keep it brief so you can engage with your journal that is comfortable and meaningful? You’re welcome to share below! My Illustration Pick of the WeekHello and Welcome back to Beginnings! For this post, I am sharing my Illustration Pick of the Week! This is a drawing I did in my personal journal, highlighting the office work I did for meeting a deadline! I used a fine pen for the notebooks and calculator as well as the figure. I used colored pencils and pastel for the wardrobe, hair and skin. I think it’s important to recognize a job well done instead of just rushing on to the next task. My illustration practice gives me space to do just that. Very validating! What have you recognized lately? Journaling prompt: How do you handle deadlines? Do you give yourself margin so you don’t feel rushed? Office tip: Breaking down the task into small steps can help with reducing overwhelm and getting the job done with satisfaction! Blooming in 2024: My First Art Journal Spread
Hello and Welcome Back to Beginnings, where we talk about Fresh Starts, New Cycles, Experimentation, Exploration and Creativity. And this is my first blog post for the New Year of 2024, and I'm excited to bring you my first completed art journal spread, which I have titled: Falling Apart in Order to Bloom. I did the majority of this spread in 2023, starting back in July, when I was in the throws of grieving my father's passing in January (1/8/23 will be a year).
Now, what does that mean exactly? As of this writing, (1/5/24), I'm still contemplating. But in reflection, I think it speaks to the "falling apart," or breaking down phase when you are reckoning with a life changing event that correlates with some very deep rooted parts of your life experience that are foundational to who you are. And my father's passing certainly contributed to that experience. Somewhat of a metamorphosis, which entails a breaking in order to re-build and bloom. And this takes courage! And discernment of how to get from the beginning of this process to the beauty of transformation.
So here is my art journal tool and supply list used in this spread:
India ink Gouache paint oil pastel water soluble pastel colored pencil, both water soluble and non water soluble fabric in various prints buttons sequins leaf stamps in various types and sizes letter stamps gel medium matte medium magazine clippings Journaling Prompt: Have you experienced a "falling apart" in order to bloom in a new place? What was that like for you? What did you learn from it? What new undrstanding do you have of yourself now that you didn't have before as a result? How did you take care of yourself in the process? Thank you so much for being a part of my journey as artist and creative. Your presence is greatly appreciated. <3 I wish you the Happiest of New Years in 2024 and the very Best of Beginnings! |
AuthorDawn Herrings is an Artist, Illustrator, Aspiring Musician, and Avid Journal Keeper. She enjoys spending time writing songs, composing for the piano, playing with all kinds of art media, including colored pencils for illustrating, exploring design and textures, having fun creating spreads in her art journal and writing about her day, her dreams and her vision in her journals. Dawn is also Office Manager and partner in business with her husband, Bill, of 33 years. Archives
May 2024