Let's Celebrate 2023 Together!Welcome back to Beginnings, where we talk about fresh starts, new cycles, exploration, experimentation and creativity! And this, my friend, is my final post for 2023, which is a look back on the year with what I've accomplished and how my Beginnings highlighted my life's experiences. In the process of my sharing my story, my delight is for you to look back on yours as well, celebrating your wins, seeing what you've accomplished, and what you have learned in the process. I will be sharing from the categories I talk about here at Beginnings which include music, journaling, art, illustration, and anything else that has inspired! Do join me as I review 2023, since, without you, there would be no blog! Right? Your readership, support and interest are an inspiration to me, and for that, I am grateful. So let's do this, shall we? Get comfortable with a snack or beverage and read on... This year has been quite the journey for me...it started with the passing of my father, my DAD, Daniel Bel-Tempo. You can read about that experience here. Although it was expected, it still had a strong impact on my creativity and output. So I took some time off from content creation and returned in the spring. You can view my comeback story here. This year, my JOURNALING PRACTICE took center stage. Although I do journal daily in multiple journals for multiple purposes, I found some ways to stay connected to the inner parts of me, focusing on my Higher Self and my Inner Child, as I navigated Loss and understood myself on a whole new level. Dialoguing became a Power Tool essential to my wellness and resilience during this time. The wisdom and direction I received as a result really showed me ways to take care of myself, listening to the deepest of wisdom within. It continues to be a moment by moment process, breaking patterns that no longer serve me, and creating pathways that strengthen my faith and my determination to Keep Self Care at the top of my list, making it even more primary than ever. This can look like taking frequent breaks during the day due to fatigue, adding new foods to my diet that enhance my well being, and taking time to be quiet and induce more calm. I continued playing in my Art Journal, using mixed media such as inks, gouache, fabric, pastel and stamping. I have found myself spending more time on each spread, many months sometimes, taking my time and enjoying each layer of creativity it gives me. Even if it's just 5 minutes at a time. Those incremental steps build upon one another for the greater whole. Sometimes all you need is 5 minutes for yourself! I continue to keep a bullet journal with many trackers that are helpful for easy reference, whether dreams, food and sleep patterns, music, what I watch and read, along with family updates (so important!). I also use it for business for my office work. Speaking of journaling, This past year, I've recorded quite a few short videos for my YouTube Channel (which you can view here) for those of you who follow me for journaling purposes, (Think #JournalChat!). I've answered a lot of questions and given some fun and insightful tips you can use to get yourself going and stay journaling because it's fun and relevant for you. You're welcome to drop any questions you may have in the comments below! In addition to journaling tips, I've also released some new MUSIC which you can view here, which includes my spiritual songs, My Choice and I Believe, plus I re-recorded the Beginnings Theme song to celebrate One Year of Beginnings Blog (which you can view here; just scroll to the bottom.) and my newly launched website. I also went Live on Facebook and Played my Piano for the first time, sharing three songs, My first recording (with updated melody) titled, Because You, and an unreleased song, It's Possible and I Believe. I had so much fun playing for you all! If you haven't already watched it, click here for that post. I anticipate composing more music for my piano in 2024 (as I enter my 4th year of playing piano in March) with over 400 songs to choose from that I've written in 2023. As an artist, I continue to illustrate moments from my day in my sketchbook journal (you can view several here). I continue to enjoy colored pencil and pastel (some water soluable!). I've also enjoyed some pen and pencil sketching and plan to continue that experimentation in 2024. I've also enjoyed creating illustrations for our electrical safety blog at Bill's Quality Electric, LLC, which you can view here and read here. I also greatly enjoyed recording the creation of the new logo for Beginnings which I shared in Real Time, which you can view here. That was a fun experimentation. Leave a comment below if you'd like to see more In Real Time art demo videos. One of the pleasures I have had this year has been engaging with the Stray Cats in our neighborhood, and there have been many, some who have come and gone, and some who are regulars here at The Cat's Meow (we like to call it that here when we feed them!). You can read a detailed version of our Parade of Cats here. We simply love Despi and Shadow, (the Boys as we call them) plus the Mama cats who have shared their kittens with us! So absolutely adorable!
Well that concludes my Year in Review. I trust you enjoyed this perusal down memory lane with me for 2023; I appreciate your being here and for being a part of my life journey as I share my Beginnings with you. Your comments are always welcome. I look forward to what 2024 will hold for me. And for you too! Remember that every day is a new Beginning and worth celebrating. And I will be here to cheer you on as always. Wishing you the Very BEST of Beginnings in the New Year!
Live Music for the First Time!
Hello and Welcome Back to Beginnings, where we talk about fresh starts, new cycles, experimentation, exploration and creativity! And I am excited to share with you a video that was originally recorded as a Facebook Live, where I shared all the new updates to my new website, plus new videos to celebrate the One Year Anniversary of Beginnings blog. And I played several songs on the piano which was a first for me, having never played LIVE before! So exciting! One of the songs I played has never been released before, titled It's Possible. I read the lyrics in the video. I also played the very first song I composed for the piano when I first got my piano keyboard almost 3 years ago. Of course, the melody has been upgraded so to speak, so I'm excited to share that with you today.
Videos mentioned are my new Welcome Message which you can view here on the home page, A Re-recording of the Beginnings theme song which is at the bottom of the home page. Plus a In Real Time video of creating the new logo for Beginnings blog which you can viewhere. You're welcome to check out this Live Video (which has been edited) in celebration with me! Thank you so much for your support and interest in my content here at Refresh with Dawn Herring. It means a lot to me. Thanks for giving my videos a thumbs up and for subscribing to my channel. My goal is always to be a source of inspiration and encouragement to your own creativity. I wish you the very Best of Beginnings! |
AuthorDawn Herrings is an Artist, Illustrator, Aspiring Musician, and Avid Journal Keeper. She enjoys spending time writing songs, composing for the piano, playing with all kinds of art media, including colored pencils for illustrating, exploring design and textures, having fun creating spreads in her art journal and writing about her day, her dreams and her vision in her journals. Dawn is also Office Manager and partner in business with her husband, Bill, of 33 years. Archives
May 2024