What Will You Resurrect Today?
I'm Having FUN creating my new video series, Walk & Chat with Dawn, where I share behind the scenes what I've been up to and share reflections on what I'm learning in the process of my creativity while walking outdoors enjoying the weather while you come along with me!
Topics: Happy Easter, my bullet journal prep for April, our stray cat delight, watching an inspiring video, and I share a journaling prompt for your further reflection! Do join me and if you have as much fun as I do, please like the video and leave a comment! I appreciate your being part of my creative community here at Refresh with Dawn Herring. Have yourself a delightful day and the Very Best of Beginnings!
You're My Inspiration: Art Journal Update
Hello my friends and welcome back to Beginnings! I've been doing something that I haven't done in a long time. I'm going for walks and taking you with me! Yep! I've started a new series called Walk & Chat with Dawn, and I'm sharing one of these videos in this post in case you haven't seen this one already and/or if you aren't subsctibed to my YouTube Channel....
Today I start with a chat about the weather and then I share about how you, my viewers, are inspiring me and I share some video of my art journal spread progress plus more! So, do join me! And you're welcome to share either on YouTube or here in the comments what is inspiring you and what Small Step you're taking toward the things you want to be doing! I'd love to hear from you and Celebrate with You! Thanks for watching, subscribing and giving my video a thumbs up and leaving a comment if you're thus inclined! I appreciate your support and interest in what I have to share as an artist and creative; having you in community just makes it more fun, satisfying and meaningful to me. Journaling Prompt: Make a list of what is inspiring you right now. What small step can you take to make a move in the direction where your heart is calling you? How can you support yourself in that way? I wish you a delightful day and the very Best of Beginnings! When Something (or Someone) Comes to an End |
I had an idea for this spread before I even started, which is not usually the way I go about things in my art journal. And even with an idea or a simple plan, it often doesn't go as expected.
Although I have shared a list of materials below, I will give you a brief overview of the process. I started with india ink as first layer, pulled out some leave stamps and planned out what I would use where. I used 2 of those stamps to create "blooms" which ended up with many layers of pencil, pastel, gouache paint, plus collage elements of magazine paper and fabric, along with some embellishments. This whole process was very slow going, but it began to pick of speed during the holidays and now it is complete. I didn't know what the message would be until the very end, which is unusual for me. I often receive its meaning within a short time of beginning. But alas, 2023 was a complicated year for me, to put it mildly. So it doesn't surprise me that the message came in the last few sessions in January of 2024. Once I did, it all made sense to me: Falling Apart in Order to Bloom. |
I am grateful to have experienced what I have as an individual, as a woman, a family member, an artist, a creative. This is why I say that my creative practices, are a necessity, rather than a nicety. (You can view and listen to that topic here.) My art is my way of processing deep, life changing events that impact all of me in one way or another.
My love of this process is what keeps me coming back to the page again and again, to see what my heart and Spirit is speaking to me that words might not capture initially. Image, color, texture, raw expression, the whole intuitive process is foundation to Deep Listening. It keeps me wide open to receive what I need in my core. So I can Bloom. **** |
India ink
Gouache paint
oil pastel
water soluble pastel
colored pencil, both water soluble and non water soluble
fabric in various prints
leaf stamps in various types and sizes
letter stamps
gel medium
matte medium
magazine clippings
Journaling Prompt:
Have you experienced a "falling apart" in order to bloom in a new place? What was that like for you? What did you learn from it? What new undrstanding do you have of yourself now that you didn't have before as a result? How did you take care of yourself in the process?
Thank you so much for being a part of my journey as artist and creative.
Your presence is greatly appreciated. <3
I wish you the Happiest of New Years in 2024 and the very Best of Beginnings!
Dawn Herrings is an Artist, Illustrator, Aspiring Musician, and Avid Journal Keeper. She enjoys spending time writing songs, composing for the piano, playing with all kinds of art media, including colored pencils for illustrating, exploring design and textures, having fun creating spreads in her art journal and writing about her day, her dreams and her vision in her journals. Dawn is also Office Manager and partner in business with her husband, Bill, of 33 years.
May 2024
April 2024
March 2024
February 2024
January 2024
December 2023
November 2023
October 2023
September 2023
August 2023
July 2023
June 2023
May 2023
January 2023
December 2022
November 2022
October 2022
September 2022
Art Demo Video
Art Supplies
Creative Process
Decision Making
Fathers Day
Fruit Of The Spirit
Illustration Pic Of The Week
Journaling Process
Journaling Prompt
Lessons To Learn
Life Cycle
Making Melody With Dawn
Mental Health
Self Care
Song Writing
Spiritual Life
Time Management
Visiion Board
Walk And Chat