My Eagle's ViewMy Dad, Danny Bel-Tempo, loved eagles. He loved how majestic they were and appreciated their beauty. So much so, that back in 1989, I did a pen and ink stippled rendering of one for him for a Christmas Gift. He was thrilled when he received it. His remark was "Excellent." I recently came upon this photo as I was going through some older snapshots I took in my early years. This one was the year I married.
My father appreciated the effort I put in to creating such a piece of work that would touch his heart. I could feel how much it meant to him upon the receiving. He always told me how proud he was of me; it still rings true even with his passing over a year ago. I'm glad I have these images to remember such profound moments from our past together. Well, an Eagle's View comes in handy when we need it most. Sometimes life gets complicated, and an eagle's view can help us see the bigger picture; maybe that's why Dad loved eagles so much, so he wouldn't get mired in the details. Although he was very detail oriented, from the way he dressed to how his surroundings worked for him. He liked everything "just so." I feel that way about my art. I want what I create to be "just so." And sometimes it takes change to make that happen, especially when I've been doing something the same way for a long period of time. And when I get that Eagle's View, I can see and feel where an internal shift is taking place. And I usually have an idea of where I want to go; most times, it involves a challenge of sorts, growing my skill set to get to this new place I see and desire to reach, so I can get that strong sense of satisfaction with what I create. I must remind myself to Go Gentle, and take it one step at a time. I'm not looking for perfection but an up-leveling of sorts. I'm always looking to improve my craft, knowing it's time for a change, when what I've been doing is no longer satisfying me. As an artist, I must trust my instincts, knowing that where I want to go will open up to me; it's just a matter of crossing the threshold with confidence, the same confidence my father instilled in me by being so supportive and affirming in my journey as a young artist, only now, with many more decades of experience to support my growth as a creative. So here I am ready to embrace change and see where it takes me and enjoy the eagle's view every step of the way. Journaling Prompt: When was the last time you needed to have a birds'e eye view of your current circumstances in order to solve a problem? How did it help you determine your next steps? Is there a situation where a higher perspective might help you see things more clearly so you know what to do going forward? Be patient and gentle with yourself as you go. Thank you for being on this journey with me; I appreciate your interest and your desire to know what I have to share. It makes a difference to have you on life's path as we journey together as the creative people we are in community! You're welcome to share below when an Eagle's View has helped you in your next steps! I wish you the very Best of Beginnings!
When Something (or Someone) Comes to an End |
I had an idea for this spread before I even started, which is not usually the way I go about things in my art journal. And even with an idea or a simple plan, it often doesn't go as expected.
Although I have shared a list of materials below, I will give you a brief overview of the process. I started with india ink as first layer, pulled out some leave stamps and planned out what I would use where. I used 2 of those stamps to create "blooms" which ended up with many layers of pencil, pastel, gouache paint, plus collage elements of magazine paper and fabric, along with some embellishments. This whole process was very slow going, but it began to pick of speed during the holidays and now it is complete. I didn't know what the message would be until the very end, which is unusual for me. I often receive its meaning within a short time of beginning. But alas, 2023 was a complicated year for me, to put it mildly. So it doesn't surprise me that the message came in the last few sessions in January of 2024. Once I did, it all made sense to me: Falling Apart in Order to Bloom. |
I am grateful to have experienced what I have as an individual, as a woman, a family member, an artist, a creative. This is why I say that my creative practices, are a necessity, rather than a nicety. (You can view and listen to that topic here.) My art is my way of processing deep, life changing events that impact all of me in one way or another.
My love of this process is what keeps me coming back to the page again and again, to see what my heart and Spirit is speaking to me that words might not capture initially. Image, color, texture, raw expression, the whole intuitive process is foundation to Deep Listening. It keeps me wide open to receive what I need in my core. So I can Bloom. **** |
India ink
Gouache paint
oil pastel
water soluble pastel
colored pencil, both water soluble and non water soluble
fabric in various prints
leaf stamps in various types and sizes
letter stamps
gel medium
matte medium
magazine clippings
Journaling Prompt:
Have you experienced a "falling apart" in order to bloom in a new place? What was that like for you? What did you learn from it? What new undrstanding do you have of yourself now that you didn't have before as a result? How did you take care of yourself in the process?
Thank you so much for being a part of my journey as artist and creative.
Your presence is greatly appreciated. <3
I wish you the Happiest of New Years in 2024 and the very Best of Beginnings!
Let's Celebrate 2023 Together!
I will be sharing from the categories I talk about here at Beginnings which include music, journaling, art, illustration, and anything else that has inspired! Do join me as I review 2023, since, without you, there would be no blog! Right? Your readership, support and interest are an inspiration to me, and for that, I am grateful.
So let's do this, shall we? Get comfortable with a snack or beverage and read on...
This year, my JOURNALING PRACTICE took center stage. Although I do journal daily in multiple journals for multiple purposes, I found some ways to stay connected to the inner parts of me, focusing on my Higher Self and my Inner Child, as I navigated Loss and understood myself on a whole new level. Dialoguing became a Power Tool essential to my wellness and resilience during this time. The wisdom and direction I received as a result really showed me ways to take care of myself, listening to the deepest of wisdom within. It continues to be a moment by moment process, breaking patterns that no longer serve me, and creating pathways that strengthen my faith and my determination to Keep Self Care at the top of my list, making it even more primary than ever.
This can look like taking frequent breaks during the day due to fatigue, adding new foods to my diet that enhance my well being, and taking time to be quiet and induce more calm.
I continued playing in my Art Journal, using mixed media such as inks, gouache, fabric, pastel and stamping. I have found myself spending more time on each spread, many months sometimes, taking my time and enjoying each layer of creativity it gives me. Even if it's just 5 minutes at a time. Those incremental steps build upon one another for the greater whole. Sometimes all you need is 5 minutes for yourself!
I continue to keep a bullet journal with many trackers that are helpful for easy reference, whether dreams, food and sleep patterns, music, what I watch and read, along with family updates (so important!). I also use it for business for my office work.
Speaking of journaling, This past year, I've recorded quite a few short videos for my YouTube Channel (which you can view here) for those of you who follow me for journaling purposes, (Think #JournalChat!). I've answered a lot of questions and given some fun and insightful tips you can use to get yourself going and stay journaling because it's fun and relevant for you. You're welcome to drop any questions you may have in the comments below!
Well that concludes my Year in Review. I trust you enjoyed this perusal down memory lane with me for 2023; I appreciate your being here and for being a part of my life journey as I share my Beginnings with you. Your comments are always welcome.
I look forward to what 2024 will hold for me. And for you too! Remember that every day is a new Beginning and worth celebrating. And I will be here to cheer you on as always.
Wishing you the Very BEST of Beginnings in the New Year!
Going Gentle: What Is Working for Me Now
For this post, I will share with you, my dear reader, about Gentleness and why it is the Centerpiece for me in my life right now. But first, a bit of back story.
About 10 years ago, I wrote a scripture down on an index card that contained the Fruits of the Spirit:
Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control.
These are obviously character qualities we all desire to have and be in life. And when we emulate them, we are aligned with Spirit.
When I first wrote them down, I decided that I would choose one that I was most drawn to and focus on that quality in my life, both in giving and receiving.
My first choice was LOVE. I had remembered another scripture that says, Love your neighbor as yourself.
Now the part of that I hadn’t really discovered was the Love Yourself part. I was never taught how to do that in my religious upbringing in school or church. (A life time of teaching, really). But through my own study and discovery, I came to understand what it really meant, looked and felt like to truly love myself. And it changed my life in many ways, and it was noticeable.
The next fruit focus I chose was JOY. I took a deep dive into everything that brought me JOY. And I brought it and shared it with you, my dear reader, from newsletter to blog posts to videos. so much JOY!
Life goes on and I dealt with lots of changes on the home-front, attempting to choose Peace from the fruit list awhile in the midst of dealing with losses and responsibilities and moves and business and so much going on. It was a step by step, moment by moment process.
But in the past year or so, especially since the passing of my Dad in January, I realize now that I have HAD to choose GENTLENESS. I have always tried to be a gentle person and have even been told by some that I am gentle, which I always appreciate hearing. But being GENTLE with myself has become a key factor for me these past months.
How have I chose to be Gentle with myself? Let me count the ways:
Giving myself margin between tasks.
Resting when I’m tired. (And that includes naps!)
Realizing my limitations and not pushing myself too hard (still working on that one!)
Taking one small step at a time.
Not apologizing when I have to say no. And No is a complete sentence.
Setting boundaries where necessary, especially when I feel disrespected.
Doing more of what I love, like playing my piano and really enjoying the process.
Being careful with what I eat and listening to what my body needs and wants.
Seeing my need to cry when necessary as I continue to mourn my father’s passing (and it comes up when least expected.)
Going Gentle is Key to my Well Being, my connection with Spirit (who is oh, so gentle), and with my mind set. Slowing down. Not rushing. Taking it easy. and not feeling guilty when I don’t get it all done or when I disappoint another’s expectations of me.
Going Gentle means taking care of myself first. Because I know that everyone else has to take care of themselves first too.
I know I am not responsible for anyone else’s happiness but my own. (This was a deep realization I’ve had in the midst of Going Gentle.)
My prayer for all those who I love and care about is that they will have their own Gentleness Breakthrough that will change their life like it has done for mine.
And I pray that prayer for you, my dear reader and friend. Remember to Go Gentle with yourself.
We all need to learn to take care of ourselves in the best way possible. With no apology needed.
And Gentleness is key. May it unlock all the JOY you can experience and LOVE for yourself. Every Day.
Journaling Prompt:
What does Gentle mean for you? Make a list of ways you can Go Gentle with yourself. Choose one from the list that you’re not already doing and do it today. Create a mind map with Gentle as the Centerpiece and see what associations come up for you. Don’t censor. Just associate. Have fun with it. Then Go Gentle!
Copyright Image 2023 by Dawn Herring
My Choice: It is, Isn’t It?
First I’ll share the lyrics to the song, MY CHOICE, and then I will share my reflections on how I first perceived its message and how I see it now in my current life experience.
by Dawn Herring
What looks good to me
May not always be
Deception often plays into my mind
What I think I should do
And where I should go
May not always be from the Divine
I must choose carefully
Knowing it will always be
My Choice
It’s really up to me
How I choose to go
I realize I need your Grace
To know the choice that reveals your face
Help me choose to follow you
No matter where I turn
I must choose carefully
Knowing it will always be
My Choice
It’s really up to me
How I choose to go
Upon the initial writing of this song, my first impression was the possibility of temptation to go down a road that might not be best for me or might not align with my values or might be a distraction from where I really need to put my energy for my greatest well being. It’s easy to get distracted by things that can steer you off course and waste your energy, even if it might look like a good idea at the time. I realize it’s always best to listen to your Higher Self and Spirit when it comes to making choices like these.
In the past few months as I’ve played and sang this song to Spirit, it has taken on a more layered meaning for me. And when I discovered what that was, it really gave me food for thought. Sometimes, when we feel like we should do something, even if it feels heavy or off or misaligned, and even influenced by outside sources that are not aligned with our values, or if we feel obligation that is not the best for our well being, it can be easy to assume that we should or ought to do that something even if it upsets us or we feel disrespected by this action we are expected to take.
When I came to realize this with some really important subject matter in my life, even coinciding with my father’s recent passing in January of this year, it really had me thinking about how important my life choices are for me, more than ever. I must take care of myself first; self care is essential, especially when I’m in the midst of mourning my father’s loss of form in this world.
Gentleness, compassion, love, comfort and slowing down are leading sources of what is needed, and if the choice I make doesn’t give me that kind of energy, then it’s essential and necessary to say no.
I must choose carefully knowing it will always be My Choice. And I don’t take that choice lightly. When I make the choices I do, I must come from a place of Love and personal power to move forward with my day full of confidence and assurance that I am taking care of myself as I need to. No questions asked. No second guessing. No matter how tempting it might be to do otherwise.
We all have choices to make in life. And we should feel Good about those choices—always.
Because it creates the right energy for the Best of Beginnings, which is what I wish for you!
Journaling prompt:
Are you faced with a difficult decision and you’re not quite sure what to do about it? Detail this decision laying out all the pros and cons for each side of the coin you’re dealing with. Once you have it visible to yourself, ask this question: Is doing this thing taking care of YOU? If so, how? Really choose honesty with your answer. Be careful not to allow outside influences to determine what is right for you as you answer these questions in your journal.
Try dialogue with your Higher Self and ask the questions that have been eating at you concerning this decision. Let the dialogue flow and see what naturally comes to mind. Don’t censor or second guess.
Feel gratitude for any clarity or insights you experience or recieve as a result.
And when you make that decision based on taking care of you, move forward with confidence.
Copyright 2023 Music and Illustration by Dawn Herring
Thank you & Good to See You
You'll see two illustration and an art journal spread that I shared in a previous post. I also share what's going on with my music and my new art studio space and how I'm processing some major life changes that I've shared in previous blog posts.
I'm not referring to this video as a vlog. It simply an update so I can say hi and share from my heart to yours.
I hope this video is an inspiration to you in your own creativity!
You're welcome to leave a comment either on YouTube or here on this post sharing your life update or a new life cycle you are currently experiencing. I am here to support you just like you have supported me and have been part of my journey.
I also would appreciate it if you enjoy the video to please give it a thumbs up and if you haven't already subscribed, to subscribe if it is beneficial to you. This helps my channel get more visibility. I so appreciate your support.
Thank you for watching and reading and I wish you the best of Beginnings.
He Will Always Be My Father
On that day, before he left, he sat in a hotel chair waiting to leave in a wheelchair, as he looked at me and said, "We couldn't love each other more than we do right now, could we?"
And I said, "No, we couldn't, Dad."
Then he stood up in his black leather jacket and gloves, and we hugged and kissed goodbye. I knew that would be the last time I would see him in person. And it was.
I love him so; I always will.
I have also shared a music video of the last song I played for DAD on my piano titled, "The Evidence." This song will always have a special place in my heart since it brought comfort to both me and my Dad.
Thank you for reading and watching and being a part of my Honoring my DAD on Father's day, the first I will experience since his passing in January. I appreciate your being a part of my journey.
Copyright 2023 Music and poetry by Dawn Herring
My Creative Process with Eclipse Illustration
In my previous post which you can read here, I shared about why I’ve been absent for the past few months. I also share images from my last completed art journal spread and what it meant to me.
In this post, I’ll be sharing about the process of creating the illustration, Coming Full Circle: Eclipse.
There are several things I wanted to point out with the technical process of experimentation with this illustration:
First, I used a new mixed media pad by Master’s Touch, which description says can be used with wet and dry media. I experimented with this paper before and it went well. But I only used minimal water application to activate the colored pencil I was using.
With this illustration, I applied more water and more layers, and while doing so, the paper did not hold up well. As a result, I decided to acquire my go-to brand, Strathmore, for a mixed media pad for my next illustration. I have yet to activate water soluable tools with this paper, but I’ll let you know when I do.
Secondly, when I require water solubility with a larger area, a pencil tip is not the best way to go. It ends up looking uneven in coverage. Pastel was better but since the pencil was applied initially, it was difficult to eliminate the unevenness. I ended up using a charcoal pencil to fill in the areas that needed more coverage. Then I was reasonably satisfied.
Thirdly, I did enjoy the water solubility of the colored pencil and layering color for the hair giving it more texture. And it also gave the solid black of her garment more density.
In this illustration, I used Prismacolor Premiere soft core pencils. I love the smoothness of application and the density of color. I also used Caran’Dache Supracolor Aquarelle water soluable colored pencils and Neo Color ll water soluble pastels for the areas where I applied water.
Again, this was fully experimental and I’m always learning about what each supply can do and what paper works well with them. I have supplied an art demo video which you can view above where I share most of my process in creating this illustration, Coming Full Circle: Eclipse.
I also include the theme song to this blog, Beginnings, to inspire you in your own creativity.
Journaling prompt:
Where are you giving yourself space to experiment, whether creatively or simply in life? Where do you experience the most resistance when considering the possibilities? You can ask yourself the question: What am I afraid of, to help unpack that resistance and see what you discover.
Thank you for being a part of my creative and life journey.
May you have blessed Beginnings!
Dawn Herrings is an Artist, Illustrator, Aspiring Musician, and Avid Journal Keeper. She enjoys spending time writing songs, composing for the piano, playing with all kinds of art media, including colored pencils for illustrating, exploring design and textures, having fun creating spreads in her art journal and writing about her day, her dreams and her vision in her journals. Dawn is also Office Manager and partner in business with her husband, Bill, of 33 years.
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