Going Gentle: What Is Working for Me NowHello and Welcome back to Beginnings where we talk about fresh starts, new cycles, exploration, experimentation and creativity.
For this post, I will share with you, my dear reader, about Gentleness and why it is the Centerpiece for me in my life right now. But first, a bit of back story. About 10 years ago, I wrote a scripture down on an index card that contained the Fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control. These are obviously character qualities we all desire to have and be in life. And when we emulate them, we are aligned with Spirit. When I first wrote them down, I decided that I would choose one that I was most drawn to and focus on that quality in my life, both in giving and receiving. My first choice was LOVE. I had remembered another scripture that says, Love your neighbor as yourself. Now the part of that I hadn’t really discovered was the Love Yourself part. I was never taught how to do that in my religious upbringing in school or church. (A life time of teaching, really). But through my own study and discovery, I came to understand what it really meant, looked and felt like to truly love myself. And it changed my life in many ways, and it was noticeable. The next fruit focus I chose was JOY. I took a deep dive into everything that brought me JOY. And I brought it and shared it with you, my dear reader, from newsletter to blog posts to videos. so much JOY! Life goes on and I dealt with lots of changes on the home-front, attempting to choose Peace from the fruit list awhile in the midst of dealing with losses and responsibilities and moves and business and so much going on. It was a step by step, moment by moment process. But in the past year or so, especially since the passing of my Dad in January, I realize now that I have HAD to choose GENTLENESS. I have always tried to be a gentle person and have even been told by some that I am gentle, which I always appreciate hearing. But being GENTLE with myself has become a key factor for me these past months. How have I chose to be Gentle with myself? Let me count the ways: Giving myself margin between tasks. Resting when I’m tired. (And that includes naps!) Realizing my limitations and not pushing myself too hard (still working on that one!) Taking one small step at a time. Not apologizing when I have to say no. And No is a complete sentence. Setting boundaries where necessary, especially when I feel disrespected. Doing more of what I love, like playing my piano and really enjoying the process. Being careful with what I eat and listening to what my body needs and wants. Seeing my need to cry when necessary as I continue to mourn my father’s passing (and it comes up when least expected.) Going Gentle is Key to my Well Being, my connection with Spirit (who is oh, so gentle), and with my mind set. Slowing down. Not rushing. Taking it easy. and not feeling guilty when I don’t get it all done or when I disappoint another’s expectations of me. Going Gentle means taking care of myself first. Because I know that everyone else has to take care of themselves first too. I know I am not responsible for anyone else’s happiness but my own. (This was a deep realization I’ve had in the midst of Going Gentle.) My prayer for all those who I love and care about is that they will have their own Gentleness Breakthrough that will change their life like it has done for mine. And I pray that prayer for you, my dear reader and friend. Remember to Go Gentle with yourself. We all need to learn to take care of ourselves in the best way possible. With no apology needed. And Gentleness is key. May it unlock all the JOY you can experience and LOVE for yourself. Every Day. Journaling Prompt: What does Gentle mean for you? Make a list of ways you can Go Gentle with yourself. Choose one from the list that you’re not already doing and do it today. Create a mind map with Gentle as the Centerpiece and see what associations come up for you. Don’t censor. Just associate. Have fun with it. Then Go Gentle! Copyright Image 2023 by Dawn Herring
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AuthorDawn Herrings is an Artist, Illustrator, Aspiring Musician, and Avid Journal Keeper. She enjoys spending time writing songs, composing for the piano, playing with all kinds of art media, including colored pencils for illustrating, exploring design and textures, having fun creating spreads in her art journal and writing about her day, her dreams and her vision in her journals. Dawn is also Office Manager and partner in business with her husband, Bill, of 33 years. Archives
May 2024