I rememberAs I have been experiencing the sights and sounds of the Holiday Season, I have been encountering memories of old from Christmases past and other childhood moments.
First I will share one in honor of my Dad. I was exiting one storefront and could hear very old fashioned Christmas music, Big Band style, wafting from the speakers across the street from where I stood. Hubby was with me and I recalled to him how Dad would have loved this music. So I began doing a little jig down the sidewalk, which immediately brought me back to a moment in the Mom's kitchen and Dad wanting to dance, so I said, I'll dance with you, Dad! So we did, down the hallway and back. It was sweet and poignant. After we would dance, he would kiss me on the head and say, "I love you, kid!" with a warm smile on his face. "I love you too, Dad." Gosh I can hear him chuckle like it was yesterday. With his wide smile and gentle way with me. One day, Dad, we will dance together again; in the meanwhile, I know you're watching and dancing too! Now I will share one in honor of my Mom. I was recently shopping at one of my favorite stores where I live (a 2 story antique shop filled with all kinds of treasures!). As I went from booth to booth, I saw so many little Christmas trees, of all sizes, and colors, and in fun containers of sorts. I was wondering if I would find one that would be perfect for my art studio space. As I was looking at one in one of my favorite vendors, I heard Mom say to me, Mit-mas Tree. She would always have ways to shape the English language to her own liking. When she said this word, it was always with a feeling of fun and sensory joy. I then said aloud, I hear you, Mom, I hear you. I felt like she was looking at those little trees through my eyes, as if we were shopping together for the holiday. It was a sweet poignant moment, with a tinge of sadness mixed in. But I was glad of this experience. I didn't find a small tree to take home with me but I brought home that moment in my heart. I love how her love of decorating for the holidays was the connection we made in spirit together. I don't decorate like she once did, turning the whole house into a Christmas treasure, but I remember the fun of seeing the space come to life. The joy it brought her may not have been visible to me as a child, but I could feel it in my heart as I shopped that day. I did end up bringing home other treasure, which I am grateful for. But the treasure of family cannot be bought. This is the first Christmas where both of my parents are in the same place in spirit. I am grateful for my memories of Christmases past and of my childhood joys. And staying "in touch" with them in ways that touch my heart are what I will carry with me always. Enjoy your Christmas, Mom and Dad, as you are together again. You will always be remembered.
AuthorHi. I'm Dawn Herring, Artist, Creative, Journal Keeper and I'm here to share with you ways to Uplevel Your Creativity with a Gentle Vibe so you can experience and recognize your own aesthetic, like a breath of fresh air, walking in confidence in every area of life! So let's Go Gentle Together because Gentle is Magic! Archives
December 2024