Are You Getting Stuck in Indecision?
Welcome back to Going Gentle, where we talk about every day strategies to decrease our stress and increase our peace! Have you ever found yourself stuck in the decision making process and you're just not sure which way to go with something? We've all been there, right? But how frequently does this happen? Every day? It can help to have reliable strategies to help ourselves get UNSTUCK while in the process of deciding what to do in any given situation. For more complex issues, it can help to compare the Pros with the Cons. Writing down the details of what you are deciding and making it visual can sometimes make all the difference. (I talk about this more in the video.) One of the issues and keys to making an informed decision is to GET Clarity on the issue you're addressing. Sometimes writing down and/or keeping track of your decisions and why you made them and then looking back on how it turned out can turn out to be a learning process so you can get more strategic next time! I talk about other ways to make decision making easier in the video, so you're welcome to check it out! Nothing is more challenging than feeling STUCK, because we want to get UNstuck ASAP but we're often uncertain as to how. It can help to trust ourselves more by looking back on where we went right with decisions in the past; so take the time to reflect! It might just give you the clue you're looking for! ![]()
Journaling Prompt:
What was your most recent success with making a decision. Detail the ins and outs of the context, any relationship impacted, and why it went right. Now contrast that with a decision that went inevitably wrong and where you got derailed in the process of that decision. What didn't you see coming? What did you learn from that decision so you can avoid that same trajectory next time? Don't beat yourself up when your decision doesn't work out. Just Learn and Live! And remember that Gentle is Magic!
Hello and Welcome Back to Going Gentle, where we share every day strategies to decrease our stress and increase our peace! And this week, we're talking about COMPARISON and how it can create unnecessary stress in your life and what you can do instead! In the video I share about how falling into comparison that undermine your confidence, leaving you feeling inadequate. That is not a fun place to be, is it? It is easy to look around at what others are doing, perceiving that they have it all together, while you feel like you're just not measuring up. Well, I propose a radical idea of Just Being Yourself, no holds bar! Unapologetic. Being YOU means all the parts of you, even your quirks! Or maybe especially your quirks? (I'm all for quirks; that is part of what makes us unique!) So, when was the last time you took a good look within at Who You Are, what your skill sets are, what your POV is? Your thoughts, ideas, strategies, problem solving skills, what you know that no one else knows? If it's been a while, perhaps it's time! Celebrate Yourself with no apology. Wear those crazy clothes if that makes you happy. Dance like no one is watching. Make that art you're been itching to make. Write that song and sing! Go for your dreams. But Do not fall for comparison. It will only steal your joy. So. Not. Worth. It. Just BE YOU. You're the only one who can be YOU. And if you don't, we'll be missing out! And we don't want that to happen, do we? ![]()
Journaling Prompt:
When was the last time you compared yourself to someone else? What was it about that person that got your attention? Detail that in your entry. Now look within at your skill set, what sets you apart. What are you naturally good at? Detail that in your entry. Is there any overlap? Is there something about your own POV that feels familiar to what you're seeing in that other person. What we see in others is often a reflection of our own hearts. Celebate who you are today! And remember that Gentle is Magic! What if We Could Choose Just One Thing?
Welcome back to Going Gentle where we talk about strategies we can use every day to decrease our stress and increase our peace! This week we're talking about a way we can set the tone for our day and feel the most accomplished and relaxed by Choosing Just One Thing! I talk about the benefits of following the strategy of One Thing so we don't feel so overwhelmed with the Many Things on our To Do list. We all have them, don't we? Sometimes it can be helpful to take a closer look at what we want to accomplish and determine what we think would have the most impact, leaving us feeling confident and more relaxed. And who doesn't want to feel that way every day? The more relaxed we can feel, the more we can do with ease and flow, rather that stress and constriction. What would be your ONE Thing to choose today that would set your day in the right direction? Perhaps it would be helpful to take it to your journal for some clarity on the subject! ![]()
Journaling Prompt:
Make a list or reference the one you already have and ask yourself the question: What would ONE Thing on this list accomplished make the most difference in my day today? Is it something I'm putting off? Something time consuming? Consider your list and choose one thing to do. When you're finished, record a follow up entry describing if it made a difference in how you felt afterwards. Did you get more done? Were you more at ease with yourself? Yay if so! It's all about being aware of what creates stress and choosing ways to increase our peace! Remember that Gentle is Magic! How A Challenge Can Teach You About Yourself
Hello and welcome back to Going Gentle, a place where we strategize to decrease our stress and increase our peace! For today’s post, we are focusing on challenge and what our challenges can tell us about ourselves. How can we do that? By paying closer attention to the details! I share in the above video how our challenges can show us things about ourselves that can enable us to learn the way we think and what stresses us the most in the challenges we face. We all want to approach challenge with strategic confidence, don’t we? But how often does that happen? Do we find ourselves met with trepidation, frustration and even anger and resentment? It’s time to take a challenge and break it down into the tiniest bits like we’re going on an excavation to learn about what lies beneath. We can determine what our trigger points are and why they are there. We can recognize patterns in the way we respond to challenge, and learn from what we can do next time, to be Gentler with ourselves and come out strategically successful on the other side. So, watch the video for some inspiration and prepare to meet your next challenge with strategic confidence! ![]()
Journaling Prompt:
Detail the last challenge you met up with and how you handled it. What was the greatest stressor point in the challenge and why? What was the context of the challenge? Where would you have wanted to change how you responded to that challenge? Always remember to recognize any effort you made in meeting that challenge, especially if it was unexpected. We’re definitely going for GENTLE here. No space for beating yourself up, ok? Nope. We all handle challenge differently; so give yourself space for that as you reflect. Remember that Gentle is Magic! Are You PinPointing What You Want with Power?
Welcome back to Going Gentle where we focus on slowing down the pace to decrease stress and increase peace! In today's post, I'm sharing another Walk and Chat with Dawn video where I share strategies I use for Pinpointing what it is you really want to powerfully attract what you need to get there! (No guarantees, of course, just some ideas you can run with!) We all have desires, but do we get specific enough to know what steps to take moving forward? Watch the video to find out what I recommend! ![]()
Journaling Prompt: Take a moment to consider the specifics of what it is you desire. You might want to specify certain areas of life that are the most important to you right now. But it's ok to just focus on YOU with this prompt. Do you have any wishes or dreams you can elaborate on (without guilt!) and perhaps determine one small step you can take to get there? Be as specific as possible.
Remember that Your Dreams Matter. So, give them space to grow and flourish in whatever way works for you right now. Pinpoint with Power! And also remember that Gentle is Magic! Do You Expect the Unexpected?
Well, here is a Big Unexpected Surprise! Welcome to my new blog, Going Gentle! It's been something on my heart for about 18 months and I decided to follow through with where my heart was leading me. So here we are! What is Going Gentle about? Essentially, really recognizing what your own aesthetic is and gently implementing the smallest of steps to uplevel your creativity in every area of your life and do so with confidence! I will continue to share the content you have come to expect: journaling, creative tips for your Gentle Journey and some fashion inspiration to Gently break out of the box to inspire Freedom in the way you dress. I love feeling confident with every decision I make and every step I take, and I want you to feel the same way. And Going Gentle means slowing down enough to know what decision is right for you in any situation. When you Go Gentle, it's Magical. So, without further ado, Here we go with our Walk & Chat with Dawn video, where I share a word about The Unexpected and what that Gentle approach could look like for you going forward. Sometimes the Unexpected is a Delight and sometimes, not so much. We may find ourselves getting derailed. So, watch the video for my take on self care during difficult times that we didn't see coming. (and thank you for subscribing, liking and commenting on my videos; it means a lot to me to have your support!) ![]() Journaling Prompt: How can you Go Gentle with yourself when met with an unexpected life event? Detail ways that you can uplevel your self care and how you can Get Creative with Taking Care of Yourself when you need it most. Make a list of those activities that nourish your soul and support you when you're stressed. And remember to breathe! Nice deep breathes, inhale, exhale. Inhale Gentleness, Exhale stress. Wishing you well with whatever is unexpected in your life right now. And always remember that Gentle is Magic! |
AuthorHi. I'm Dawn Herring, Artist, Creative, Journal Keeper and I'm here to share with you ways to Uplevel Your Creativity with a Gentle Vibe so you can experience and recognize your own aesthetic, like a breath of fresh air, walking in confidence in every area of life! So let's Go Gentle Together because Gentle is Magic! Archives
December 2024