When Inspiration Strikes, Seize the Moment!
Hello and Welcome Back to Going Gentle, where we talk about being in the moment, taking it slow and paying attention to detail, all with a gentle approach!
I'm excited to share with you an In the Studio "moment" When Inspiration Struck Me and I ended up doing something fun and spontaneous just to see "what would happen." In other words, EXPERIMENT! I absolutely love it when inspiration strikes, especially when it's spontaneous, in the moment, not over thinking, but just PLAYING, really...do you ever have moments like that? When you least expect it? Well, I did have something that got the whole thing started. I was watching Day 1, Session 2 of Sketchbook Revival with Janine Vangool sharing an inventory of art supplies. After a watching for a bit, I decided to bring the recording in to my studio space and use that active inspiration to do something with my current art journal spread... So I did! And I show you clearly in the video what I experimented with! I used several items: Packing paper with cutouts Roller Black Gouache paint Scissors Matte medium for gluing I show you what I was attempting to do and when I ended up doing instead. And you know what? I took a very gentle approach with the whole process. No expectation, just experimentation and the joy that comes from trying things! Yes! And then I decided to record it in the moment (with messy hair and all!) and share it with you! I trust you will be inspired to get going on something that has been waiting in the wings or starting something altogether knew that you've been thinking about... What did I learn? When Inspiration Strikes, Seize the Moment! Yes! And enjoy the process to the full. You deserve to take the time to get creative. You just never know what you'll discover! Journaling Prompt: Describe in detail the last time you felt Inspiration in the moment and what you did about it. How did the process impact you? Were you encouraged? Happy? Energized? I have also included videos from previous segments of this art journal spread I've been working on in case you want to review up until this new one I'm sharing. I hope you get seriously inspired and seize the moment...today! Remember that Gentle is Magic!
When It's All One Big Experiment!
Welcome Back to Going Gentle, where we focus on what really matters to our heart of hearts! In this post, I am sharing an unconventional sketchbook flip through starting back about 6 years ago (2018?) This sketchbook covers a LOT of ground and with changes in media over time.
In the video, I share a non linear approach since it involved many projects, from pen and marker illustration to making colored pencil and pastel art for my Podcast, The Way I See It, to doing pen illustration combining cartooning and fashion. It's all in there and I share the visual and talk about each project in depth. Some are super special, like family member pencil or marker and pen sketches; others are more for visuals that I used on my website. Coming up with visual art for content I was creating was deeply satisfying and fun. Some use sketchbooks for urban sketching with buildings and people out in public spaces. Some use it for sketching wildlife and nature. In this sketchbook, it was more about illustrating (whether faces or fashion) and some cartooning since those subjects have always been of interest to me. I love being able to change up my media to keep things fresh so I don't fall into an artistic rut which can lead to boredom. I am blessed to have various tools of the trade in my studio practice, which, of course, has taken years to acquire and use with skill. I dove into drawing with pencil as a child and dabbled with pen and ink later in my youth, so there's that history I have experienced over time. I still love trying out new tools and learning how they work best for the effects I am looking to create, that are the most visually appealing and satisfying to my eye. To me, that's all that matters. If I'm happy, then I know I'm on the right track. Oh, and FUN. I say that word frequently as I share different projects from my sketchbook in the video. I'm always looking and enquiring about how I can inject fun in to my sketchbook, whether this one where I'm showing drawings and illustrations or the sketchbook I use for my daily journaling, where I use hand lettering to illustrate what I did in my day as well as my wardrobe pieces, which you can see on my fashion page here. If you desire to start a sketchbook, don't worry about what others are doing and compare what you're doing. Of course there is a place to be Inspired by other artists (I follow many!) but I always come back to what makes me happy. Faces, fashion, and hand lettering. Always go with subject matter that you are drawn to, no matter what it is. And look for inspiration in varying places. Not just online. But what's right in front of you. Follow your curiosity and see where it leads. Follow your artistic heart! And let me know if you keep a sketchbook practice for any reason; I'd love to hear about it in the comments! Do enjoy the video of my sketchbook flip through and remember that Gentle is Magic! Let's Have Some Fashion Fun with a Scarf Extravaganza!
Hello and Welcome Back to Going Gentle, where we find ways to get more present and make life easier for ourselves! For this post, I am sharing with you a video I've titled A Scarf Extravaganza, where I share my in-real-time process of sorting and organizing my growing collection of scarves.
If you know me, or if you have watched any of my fashion styling videos, you will see that I wear scarves pretty much every day. They have become an essential part of my wardrobe. I'm sorta, kinda obsessed with them. Ha! I always find myself scouting about looking for new colors, designs and fun fashionable looks with scarves whether from retails stores (often on clearance!) to estate sales and even antique shops! You just never know when I'll come up with one that simply suits my aesthetic and is a color I've been searching for for a while! Yes! In recent months, I've found myself struggling to keep it all organized. I came upon some great options for creating more ease with my colorful collection and decided it was time to sort and organize what I've got. So I decided to film the whole process (it took about 30 mins from start to finish) and share it with you; perhaps it will inspire you with getting your own collections of accessories in better shape if it's been a while since you've done so. At this writing, we are heading into autumn, but this can work any time of the year! So if you're interested in watching my behind-the-scenes scarf extravaganza, I'd love for you to join me. Even organizing can be FUN when it's all about FASHIION, Right?? My process was to start sorting by type, not necessarily by weight. And it seemed to move rather logically as I worked through the process, And then deciding where each scarf would go was the fun part too! Would you like to see where we started and where we ended up? Well, watch the video and see what it's all about! I'm having so much fun sharing my FASHION experiences with you! And if you're a scarf fan, leave a comment below! Let me know which scarf I show is your favorite or one from your own wardrobe. Yes, one of the perks of watching the video is you get to see most if not all of the scarves in my collection, from animal print to florals, to plaids and beyond! Yay! So without further ado, Enjoy watching A Scarf Extravaganza! See you on the other side (wearing a scarf, of course)! And Remember to have FUN WITH FASHION! It’s Time to Make Some Musical Magic!
Hello friends and welcome back to Going Gentle, a place where we celebrate the ways that we tune in to what helps us slow down, get in the moment and appreciate what brings great satisfaction. In this post, I am sharing with you some new MUSIC, which I am super excited about! Music is such an integral part of who I am as an artist, song writer and composer of melody given to me through my spiritual practice.
Here’s a bit of context: when I have my spiritual practice, I mix prayer, meditation, study and song writing, and I record those melodies for future reference. So a few months ago, I went back to those recordings and found one I wrote in September of 2023 called The Magic. I love the word Magic since it encompasses so many aspects of life, from creative expression to listening to your heart, hearing from your Higher Self, and seeing that Magic is the Divine Spark in each of us. Making this melody really opened my eyes to recognizing where the Magic resides, such as in the twinkle is someone’s eye as they look on you with love, or the creative hand that makes magic happen through many avenues that make a difference and bring satisfaction. The more I pay attention to where I see and experience Magic as the Divine Spark, the more I see and feel it rise up in my heart and flow out to others and it flows back to me. It’s a wonderful circle I want to live in all the time! Don’t you? I have offered the lyrics to The Magic below so when you watch/listen to the music, you can follow/sing along if you like! The Magic Written & Composed by Dawn Herring The Magic in Your Eyes Always takes me by surprise It twinkles and it shows the Love I’ve come to know The Magic in Your Hands That moves at your command Bringing Goodness my way I am grateful today Chorus: Magic in Your Eyes Magic in Your Hands I see your love arise The sweetness is Alive Magic in Your Heart Magic You impart Bringing Joy and Gladness to my heart Vs 2 The Magic in Your Heart Never Departs Always Ready to Show And My heart knows The Magic You impart Is a Gift from the start Ready to Deliver Right now Bridge: I feel it right now It amazes me Filling me up Consistently I love the magic in my way That you gift to me Thank you for the magic that you give You’re the Joy and Gladness in my heart I’ve included in the video some footage of some very important people who bring me JOY and Gladness…in my Grandma Heart! (Yes, that includes my new grandson born on the 4th of July…so I get to share my birthday with him!) Also included are clips of my sketching the eye of each of my grandsons using 6B pencil, which is like Magic for me as an artist! (The eyes are the window to the soul, as they say!) Please enjoy the music from my heart to yours. May the Magic of the Divine Spark touch your heart today! ![]()
Journaling Prompt:
Where have you see/noticed the Magic of the Divine Spark in yourself? In someone else? What did it feel like? Look Like? Describe it in detail. What emotion did you feel as you experienced it? What activity that you enjoy most brings out that Gentle Divine Spark in you? Remember that Gentle is Magic! Making Impactful Marks
Welcome back to Going Gentle! In today's post, I'm sharing an In The Studio video where I feature the many tools of my art trade as I work through subsequent layers of the making of an art journal spread with collage, gesso, and mark making.
I love the whole intuitive process of creating an art journal spread, and this particular spread has been many months in the making. With a combination of collage elements (paper and fabric), plus stamping, and mark making with various tools, it continues to give me a satisfying place to express my emotions and build a history of how I'm feeling each time I come to it. I'm never in a hurry or wonder why it's taking me so long to complete. It's not about the final "product", so to speak; it's all about listening. To my heart, to my soul, to those intuitive nudges, to the colors and textures I'm drawn to use and make. In the video, I share specific tools from my art studio stash that come in handy with the visual interest I am building with my current spread. As you watch, it is my delight for you to be inspired to follow your own heart with your creative expression no matter what media you choose! Enjoy and you're welcome to share below in the comments about what tool you liked the most and how I used it in my art journal spread. My goal and aim with art journaling is not to be rushed but to Go Gently and intuitively, honoring my heart's message and what it has to say. I want to be always listening. I wish you the same. And remember that Gentle is Magic! |
AuthorHi. I'm Dawn Herring, Artist, Creative, Journal Keeper and I'm here to share with you ways to Uplevel Your Creativity with a Gentle Vibe so you can experience and recognize your own aesthetic, like a breath of fresh air, walking in confidence in every area of life! So let's Go Gentle Together because Gentle is Magic! Archives
December 2024