Are You Getting Stuck in Indecision?
Welcome back to Going Gentle, where we talk about every day strategies to decrease our stress and increase our peace! Have you ever found yourself stuck in the decision making process and you're just not sure which way to go with something? We've all been there, right? But how frequently does this happen? Every day? It can help to have reliable strategies to help ourselves get UNSTUCK while in the process of deciding what to do in any given situation. For more complex issues, it can help to compare the Pros with the Cons. Writing down the details of what you are deciding and making it visual can sometimes make all the difference. (I talk about this more in the video.) One of the issues and keys to making an informed decision is to GET Clarity on the issue you're addressing. Sometimes writing down and/or keeping track of your decisions and why you made them and then looking back on how it turned out can turn out to be a learning process so you can get more strategic next time! I talk about other ways to make decision making easier in the video, so you're welcome to check it out! Nothing is more challenging than feeling STUCK, because we want to get UNstuck ASAP but we're often uncertain as to how. It can help to trust ourselves more by looking back on where we went right with decisions in the past; so take the time to reflect! It might just give you the clue you're looking for! ![]()
Journaling Prompt:
What was your most recent success with making a decision. Detail the ins and outs of the context, any relationship impacted, and why it went right. Now contrast that with a decision that went inevitably wrong and where you got derailed in the process of that decision. What didn't you see coming? What did you learn from that decision so you can avoid that same trajectory next time? Don't beat yourself up when your decision doesn't work out. Just Learn and Live! And remember that Gentle is Magic!
A Friendly Surprise!Welcome back to Going Gentle and my new Surprise! Series, where I have fun sharing something that inspires, comforts or makes me laugh! I'm loving sharing memories associated with some of my Surprises and this surprise will be no different. This one is a fun Surprise that you could associate with friendliness. Allow me to introduce the Surprise for this week. Ready? OK, you know how they always say that a dog is man's best friend? Well, I don't know if I would say that I'm necessarily a "dog person," but I did grow up with a dog named Taffy who we had for many years, who was a cocker spaniel/poodle mix--a cocka-poo. Then there was the dog my husband Bill and I had; I named her Shannon and she was a pure bred Golden Retriever. Sweet and loving. BUT there was a type of dog that I absolutely ADORED starting in my childhood, and that was the Miniature Schnauzer. Every time I would encountered one of these adorable dogs in my path, I just wanted to scoop it up and take it home with me. SUPER FRIENDLY. ALWAYS EXCITED TO MEET ME. Well, since MOM knew how much I adored these dogs, she decided to make me one! As a Surprise of course! It was a Christmas gift when I was in my teen years (mid-1980's to date myself.) Mom used to go a ceramics class in someone's home basement and pick out different things to make for gifts. And this Schnauzer dog has stood the test of time! Decades of time! I call him my little mascot in my office. I keep my friendly ceramic pup in my office where I manage Bill's Quality Electric, LLC doings. He sits between my filing cabinet and my desk for safe keeping. I put him on my desk for the image on the right so you could have a good look from the other side. Yes, Mom put a actual dog collar on him, which just adds to the cuteness! So this representation of a mini Schnauzer is actual size, at least that's what Mom told me when she gave it to me. I thought that was just delightful, to have my own ceramic pup in my space. He makes me smile. I love his stance with him looking off to the right as if something has his attention. Mom did such a great job with the painting of the details. I appreciated her creative bend and her desire to give me something that really meant a lot: honoring my love of mini Schnauzer dogs. I especially love their adorable faces, especially when they have a really nice hair cut! Isn't he cute? Do you have a ceramic based animal that you were given as a gift? Is it based on something you really love? You're welcome to share below! I'd love to hear about it! I do hope you enjoyed my Surprise this week and I wish you a delightful day full of fun surprises! Remember that Gentle is Magic! JUST BE YOU!
Hello and Welcome Back to Going Gentle, where we share every day strategies to decrease our stress and increase our peace! And this week, we're talking about COMPARISON and how it can create unnecessary stress in your life and what you can do instead! In the video I share about how falling into comparison that undermine your confidence, leaving you feeling inadequate. That is not a fun place to be, is it? It is easy to look around at what others are doing, perceiving that they have it all together, while you feel like you're just not measuring up. Well, I propose a radical idea of Just Being Yourself, no holds bar! Unapologetic. Being YOU means all the parts of you, even your quirks! Or maybe especially your quirks? (I'm all for quirks; that is part of what makes us unique!) So, when was the last time you took a good look within at Who You Are, what your skill sets are, what your POV is? Your thoughts, ideas, strategies, problem solving skills, what you know that no one else knows? If it's been a while, perhaps it's time! Celebrate Yourself with no apology. Wear those crazy clothes if that makes you happy. Dance like no one is watching. Make that art you're been itching to make. Write that song and sing! Go for your dreams. But Do not fall for comparison. It will only steal your joy. So. Not. Worth. It. Just BE YOU. You're the only one who can be YOU. And if you don't, we'll be missing out! And we don't want that to happen, do we? ![]()
Journaling Prompt:
When was the last time you compared yourself to someone else? What was it about that person that got your attention? Detail that in your entry. Now look within at your skill set, what sets you apart. What are you naturally good at? Detail that in your entry. Is there any overlap? Is there something about your own POV that feels familiar to what you're seeing in that other person. What we see in others is often a reflection of our own hearts. Celebate who you are today! And remember that Gentle is Magic! A JOYFUL Surprise!Hello and Welcome Back to Going Gentle and my Surprise Series that I am having so much fun sharing with you! I feature something that either comforts, inspires or makes me laugh, bringing some lighthearted energy into our day! I just love that! You do too? Great! Let's get started on this week's Surprise! Ready? So, this week's surprise has a very JOYFUL and inspiring connotation for me and I'll explain why. First, it is a gift I received from my dearest friend, Carrie Aulenbacher. She SURPRISED me with it for Christmas this past year (2023)! I had No Idea it was coming. And when I saw it, I was Deeply Touched. It is a necklace that features two girls on a swing under a tree. Oh my goodness, I just LOVED it. For so many reasons. The second reason it is JOYFUL for me is it reminds me of my friendship with Carrie, who is kind and caring, insightful and humorous, and she supports me in all facets of my life! Thank you, Caring Carrie! The third reason it is JOYFUL for me is because it brings back delightful memories of my swinging on swings as a child, both in my own back yard and in one of my favorite places I enjoyed in the summer called Terrace Lake. The freedom and joy experienced on the swing as a child is so sweet and fun to recall, so this necklace inspires me to recollect those time with JOY. The fourth reason it is JOYFUL for me is because it reminds me of a local outdoor billboard that has an image of a little girl on a swing and it says, Live Life JOYfully! Every time I see the billboard, it reminds me of this necklace and dearest Carrie who gave it to me, and the joyful feeling of being on a swing. So, this beautiful necklace that brings me such joy has a very special place where I keep it, so it is visible every time I put on my jewelry. (of course I wear it as well!) It is on a mini dress form that I keep on my dresser, right next to my jewelry box where my some of my jewelry collection is located. I love the context of the collage style design on the dress form juxtaposed with the JOYful necklace that sits atop it. So that is my SURPRISE for you today! Do you happen to have a piece of jewelry that was gifted to you by a dear friend that brings you joy? You're welcome to share it below. I'd love to celebrate with you!
I wish you a fun surprising day full of things that are meaningful to you. Remember that Gentle is Magic! What if We Could Choose Just One Thing?
Welcome back to Going Gentle where we talk about strategies we can use every day to decrease our stress and increase our peace! This week we're talking about a way we can set the tone for our day and feel the most accomplished and relaxed by Choosing Just One Thing! I talk about the benefits of following the strategy of One Thing so we don't feel so overwhelmed with the Many Things on our To Do list. We all have them, don't we? Sometimes it can be helpful to take a closer look at what we want to accomplish and determine what we think would have the most impact, leaving us feeling confident and more relaxed. And who doesn't want to feel that way every day? The more relaxed we can feel, the more we can do with ease and flow, rather that stress and constriction. What would be your ONE Thing to choose today that would set your day in the right direction? Perhaps it would be helpful to take it to your journal for some clarity on the subject! ![]()
Journaling Prompt:
Make a list or reference the one you already have and ask yourself the question: What would ONE Thing on this list accomplished make the most difference in my day today? Is it something I'm putting off? Something time consuming? Consider your list and choose one thing to do. When you're finished, record a follow up entry describing if it made a difference in how you felt afterwards. Did you get more done? Were you more at ease with yourself? Yay if so! It's all about being aware of what creates stress and choosing ways to increase our peace! Remember that Gentle is Magic! When Your Inner Child Heart Is Inspired!Welcome back to Going Gentle and my new Surprise Series, where I share something in my surrounds that comforts, inspires or makes me laugh and that I desire to share with you! Perhaps a Surprise will inspire you to appreciate afresh what you love in your surrounds! Today' Surprise features a musical clown figure that sits on my dresser in my bedroom. I originally found this delightful clown at an estate sale several years back. I recall how, when I saw her, my inner child heart made me feel like Awwwww! So let me tell you why I responded that way and why I chose to take her home with me! When I was a child, I was especially drawn to the faces of porcelain dolls that had somewhat of a sad facial expression. There was something in that expression that drew me, where I felt it deep down in the recesses of my soul. I was touched when I viewed them, and wanted to take them home with me. Perhaps as a child, I thought I could cheer them up! When I would go to the mall with my mother, we would always visit this one store that carried these porcelain doll figures. Oh, there were so many! I would gaze at each one with somewhat of a melancholy appreciation for the beauty of their expressions. I could just stand there for hours to view them, but alas, it was always time to leave at one point. But I always left with a feeling of anticipation for the next time, almost like they were my porcelain friends I wanted to visit. What child doesn't experience their dolls with such devotion, right? <3 So, on the day I saw this beautiful clown doll who sits on a beautifully decorated music box, I was taken back to those times in the mall when I would view them in the store with Mom. It touched my inner child heart and I knew I just had to have her!
She is featured with clown face markings, a clown style head covering, beautiful lacing on the upper portion of her garment, plus a beautiful shimmery clown dress. What's not to love?? She sits prominently on my dresser, where I can see her and appreciate her beauty. And of course, recall the sweet memories of looking at those doll figures as a child. It almost gives me a wistful feeling looking back on those times. My mother has since passed this year of 2024; so I am grateful to have this sweet repeating memory of her taking me to that store just so I could gaze upon my favorite figures. Thank you, Mom, for honoring my joy in such a way. I will always remember. So what do you have in your surrounds that brings back sentimental memories that remain in your heart and what do they mean to you? You're welcome to share below. I would love to celebrate those memories with you! You have yourself a delightful day and remember that Gentle is Magic! There's No Place LIke Home!
Welcome back to Going Gentle where we talk about daily strategies to decrease our stress and increase our Peace! This week, we're talking about what makes us feel most at home and when to determine it is time for a Homecoming of sorts! (I'm not referring here to a family reunion or school reunion but those are fun too!) We often put off the things that bring us the most joy in the busyness of life, but what happens when we put it off for too long? Do we forget the benefits of engaging in things that speak to and feed our souls? What about the satisfaction we can experience after doing something that feels most like home to us? These things are vitally important for our well being. As we choose to Go Gentle with ourselves, that includes not only reducing what stresses us (or eliminating it all together), but also Enhancing our Lives with what brings us the most JOY and ENERGY! So, let's not put off what we love; let's make it a priority! I give some ideas on what brings me great satisfaction in the recesses of my own soul and why you would benefit doing the same. Of course, this is never to guilt you but to inspire you toward what makes you feel the most At Home. Because Home is Where the Heart Is, and how you feel in your heart matters! So let's have a Homecoming together! Share in the comments what feels most like HOME to you. I want to cheer you on! ![]()
Journaling Prompt:
Make a list of the places or activities that give you that feeling of HOME. What is it about that place or activity that lifts your spirit and gives you energy? Put one of those things on your daily calendar and start today with a Homecoming of your own. And remember that Gentle is Magic! Do You Believe in Magic?Hello friends! Welcome back to my new Surprise Series here at tbe Going Gentle blog, where I feature what brings me comfort, inspiration or laughter, mostly in my personal space. This week I'm excited to share a MAGICAL Surprise! Do you believe in Magic? I feel magic in the sense of the divine but it doesn't hurt to have a fun inspiring visual to remind me of the Magic that is deep inside my soul in the form of the Spark of Divinity and how it plays into the life I create for myself. So, may I introduce you to my little Magician! I found this magical treasure of a figure at a yard sale. I remember distinctly going into the back yard and seeing this magician sitting on one of the tables just waiting to meet me and as soon as I saw him, I couldn't believe he hadn't been grabbed already! So I made him mine. He's been in a variety of places and spaces of the past 7 or 8 ish years (I seriously lose track of when I find such treasures...that's why I keep a journal! Ha! My age is showing...) but right now, I recently gave him a prominent place on my journaling/study desk in my bedroom. I missed him before I placed him there so I knew it was time for him to be where he is now: front and center! He reminds me of Dumbledore of Harry Potter, especially when he was in the war with Lord Voldemort. I remember the water and the fire. It was an incredible scene. Incredible magic taking place. It reminds me of the power of the Divine that is within each human being, giving us the power to create, to live, to love, to have an impact on others around us, whether family, friends or neighbors (or the wide world with the internet at our fingertips!) It's also an incredible reminder of the importance of our intention when we use that power within us. It is meant to be used for the benefit and not the detriment of ourselves and others. So be careful how you use it!
Do you believe in Magic? Do you have a reminder in your space of the magic that lies within you and the power you hold to create every day? You're welcome to share below what your magical muse is! I'd love to hear about it! And remember that Gentle is Magic! |
AuthorHi. I'm Dawn Herring, Artist, Creative, Journal Keeper and I'm here to share with you ways to Uplevel Your Creativity with a Gentle Vibe so you can experience and recognize your own aesthetic, like a breath of fresh air, walking in confidence in every area of life! So let's Go Gentle Together because Gentle is Magic! Archives
December 2024